"Who wants to be a hot mom?!" Group 1 (closed group)



  • Glamazon90
    Glamazon90 Posts: 23 Member
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    @missmya90, good job!
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Good morning everybody! Today is day 4 of 13. I have my meals all planned out for the day, and there is no bread, pasta, potatoes, or sweets involved. My days are definitely getting better, not so many cravings. I have also decided to take off sodium and sugar off my food diary due to not wanting to eat the above foods, I've substituted more fruits into my diet which make the sugar go over, I also have started using other substitutes that don't have as much sugar in them, which I've learned add more sodium. So I know I am eating healthier, so for the time being I am leaving them off. If I notice I'm not losing or gaining again, I will add them back. Hope everybody has a wonderful hump day!
  • helena98

    Hello, Hot Moms!! Check out the weekly stats below.


    Here's a quick summary of the past 9 weeks.


    Hmmm..…we still can’t find that “inner fire” that we had at the beginning or at Week 6. Don’t sweat it! We’ve all had our off-days, our gains, our plateaus, you name it! Now it’s time to re-commit to your weight loss goals. As of tomorrow, there are 100 days left in this challenge. 100 days left until December 31. Let’s make these last 100 days count!

    Need some motivation? Check out these sisters from the Biggest Loser last season. They are the PICTURE of discipline and hard work.


    OLIVIA -- SW 261. Now 142. / HANNAH -- SW 248. Now 138.

    100 days left! Let’s go, Hot Moms!!!

    GROUP 1:

    GROUP 2:

    GROUP 3:

    GROUP 4:

    GROUPS 5 & 6 – Discontinued. Active members of Group 5 moved to Group 7.

    GROUP 7:

    GROUP 8:

    GROUP 9:

    GROUP 10:
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Well I'm starting day 6 of 13 today of not eating any bread, pasta, potatoes, or sugary sweets. I weighed in today for another challenge that I'm in am down to 243.2 again. I have lost 8.8 pounds of the weight I had gained. I will weigh in again monday to see if I've had further loss for our challenge. I hope everybody is doing well. I know Med79 is on vacation, but I haven't heard from anybody else in group 1. Is everybody doing well and keeping on track? If you need some support, please feel free to message me. I've definitely been through a lot of ups and downs, but I am now very psyched that I may finally have things under control and the weight may be finally coming off. I have hired a personal trainer and begin working with her on monday, and I am working out again. We'll see what happens. Hope everybody has a good weekend!
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    You are doing soooo great! I need to detox from all my Rum and Tequila when I get home tomorrow :drinker: water, water, water will be on the menu.... Let us know how it goes with the personal trainer. You rock!
    :heart: Marie
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256

    I would be proud if that is what I had to detox from,because it sounds by your posts, that you had one hell of a vacation. You should be proud of that, you'll always get back on track once you arrive at home. Mine is needing to detox from normal daily life! I didn't make it through the whole 13 days. I made it 6 days. Then my husband's birthday arrived. So I had a pretty good loss from those six days, my weigh in is now 243.2 pounds. not all the way back down, but down from last week anyway! Hopefully next week will be even better!
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Thanks Alicia! You are doing amazing, hubby's b-day definitely deserves a piece of cake :)

    Yes, my vacation was awesome and now I'm back on track :) Day one bites the dust!
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Here is our weigh in results for the week...
    I'm sorry for the gain this week and I promise I'll post an awesome loss next week!
  • rkoontz
    Where did all our Hot Mama's go? Proud of the three of us for logging our weight in.

    I am so excited. I only have 11 more pounds to go to get to my Oct. 22 goal. Fingeres crossed that all goes well on getting there. I am loving this 17 Day Diet. The daily workouts and all the water I am drinking are all helping with also eating the right things. LOL

    Good luck to all of you and see less of you next Monday.
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    rkoontz, you are doing awesome? You have lost a lot of weight on this challenge. I am 1.2 pounds up from my starting weight, but I gained alot while out of commission.

    I am having some serious issues with my eating, doing good with exercising. I'm not sure what to do, but I need to get my head out of my a** and get moving or i'm never going to change. not sure exactly what to do, I did start with a personal trainer yesterday, but like I said I'm not having problems with the workouts, I just can't get control of my eating. Part of the problem is this week I"m dealing with TOM. I was doing a 13 day carb cleanse, by not eating any bread, pasta, potatoes, sweets, then on day 6 we were celebrating my hubby's birthday so I decided I should be able to eat the meal and cake. Well guess what, that was the end of the cleanse for me. I lost 9 pounds in 5 days too. I guess the only thing that really works for me is to give that stuff up, but my problem with that is, I usually make it a couple weeks then crack and binge! So does anybody have any ideas for me?
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    How's all my beautiful hot moms doing? I've missed some of you :cry: and hope that you're doing ok :smooched:
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327

    Hi Ladies!

    I decided to create a new "Hot Moms" group thread that will include all moms in all groups. I'll start posting weekly charts there instead of posting them in each individual group thread. Hope you'll join us!

  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Where o where are all my beautiful hot momma from group 1? Come on ladies, lets finish out the year strong :)
  • rkoontz
    rkoontz Posts: 75
    WTG Marie on your weight loss. I am coming down since I weighed in on Monday. So I am seriously hoping for less of me on Monday. Keep up the good work
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Thanks! I was super excited to have lost all the vacation weight plus a little extra sooo quickly :):):)
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    New weekly chart posted! Come see which Hot Mom has already reached her goal weight!!
