im always under my target! so why have i put weight on?



  • Fattyman25
    your attack on someone seems like you do not want advice.....
    going through your log is very hard to tell what your doing wrong or right, if the days you logged you entered everything you are eating way to little and your body is in starvation mode especially if your not exercising.
    if the fact is that you only logged dinner and not breakfast and lunch then its an incomplete log and we can not help.
    try to eat at least 1200 a day and to limit your redbull to one can a day
    and for excercise take your two year old for a walk around a couple blocks and push the 20wk old in the stroller thats will be better than nothing
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    Maybe you've been slacking in measuring. Start measuring your serving sizes on everything to keep your log accurate.

    ur profile pic looks yummy...
  • sammyj321123
    grokette: i was after advice and pretty much everyone gave very helpful advise including you, but im gonna defend myself if someone starts giving me agro about not logging on the occasional days, when i do log food it's for the whole day i dont not finish it and for the days that are not logged are the days iv not been on, iv only been on here 5wk and still getting to know everything and i dont take kindly to ppl having a go at me, especially basically calling me lazy and how much better they are doing things after all her kids are alot older than mine and she has had more time and experience with her kids mine are 2 year old and 20wk old and think im doing a damn good job for starting up a new business as well as looking after my kids and home
  • sammyj321123
    thank you jennor8or :)
  • lildoggielover
    lildoggielover Posts: 72 Member
    Maybe you're not eating all of your calories?

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • sammyj321123
    sorry that msg was for fattyman nto korket
  • sammyj321123
    sorry grokette
  • sammyj321123
    thanks for everyones advice i shall try to eat more and build my appetite up more
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You're already quite small. Your body might not want to lose any more weight.

    Consider that during pregnancy, while you were carrying around extra weight, your body very likely gained muscle mass. With more muscle mass, you'll weigh more than if you didn't have it, but you'll be smaller. In my case, I'm wearing clothes now, at 39 5'5 and 127#, that I last wore in my teens at about 110#. I'm more fit and have more muscle now, so I weight more.
  • sandi228
    sandi228 Posts: 72 Member
    personally I'd love to be 109, but I'm 150, it's just a number and I feel great. If you feel ok then don't worry about the "106" number. Eating less than 1200 isn't going to help you lose anything, you have to be pretty active in a day with 2 little ones, therefore more food to fuel that body. Good luck.
  • Fattyman25
    in regards to someone saying your body might not want to lose weight they are right if you want to be anorexic then keep loosing
    but your bmi is in the range of normal which is good and healthy also your ideal weight (109lbs for first 5 ft and 5 lbs for every in. after) your already under
    so there is a chance your body is going to fight you
    your profile says you want to tone thats not losing weight thats losing fat which will be replaced by muscle ( 2x's heavier than fat 1lb=2lb muscle ) and only way to tone is cardio low or high intensity
  • sammyj321123
    im not after loosing im after maintaining 106lb im far from anorexic and dont wish to be skin on bone which im not and wont ever be if you had read all my other msgs on this post you may know that iv bin ILL SINCE HAVING MY BABY and only now recovered from it
  • tattooedtwiin
    Perhaps it's time to seek medical advice.
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Firstly, I just want to say this is my opinion as you asked for it, so please don't take this as an attack nor anyone elses' comments.

    Secondly, when MFP says "If every day were like today... You'd weigh XXX lbs in 5 weeks" it is simply an estimation and rarely completely accurate. If you finish your log on the iPhone app it actually states "Your projected weight loss is an estimate based on your total net calories for today. Actual results may vary."

    Thirdly, you have probably heard the term "starvation mode" going around. I'm not sure how often people actually go into starvation mode or the specifics about it, but if you search the forums you can get more information about it. I would say it's highly likely that someone eating a diet like yours is dangerously playing with starvation mode. Your body is probably clinging to every last calorie you eat and storing it as fat.

    Okay okay, I understand that you are a light eater and that you are busy with a new born and a two year old, but the way you're eating is why you are putting on weight. It's just not a healthy life style and you really need to make time to take care of yourself or you are going to make yourself seriously ill and everything will just be harder. If eating big meals is hard for you, that's fine. But you need to eat more.

    How can you eat more? Eat high calorie foods that are healthy for you that contain healthy fats! You should be munching on nuts throughout the day. Avocados would be a great addition to your diet as well as many other food options. Whether you are hungry or not, with your hunger issues you need to remember to eat! Set alarms to have snacks if you have to! It's not hard to eat a handful of nuts while you're working! I know you drink Red bull for energy, but that is not a meal and you would feel much better if you got your energy from food. If you insist on a Red bull for breakfast, eat a banana or another piece of fruit or a piece of wholegrain toast with it!

    If you can't manage to make these changes on your own, you really should consider seeking professional help in the form of a doctor or a nutritionist. You need to be healthy for yourself and your family!

    Best of luck!
  • crazyeaCHANGED
    im sorry but try saying that to a 20wk old baby that wants attention and a 2yr old that also wants attention, an i dont have to justify myself it's not a competition on who can do the most you know, i add my food when i can and if iv not had the time i dont it aint a crime last i checked we were all here to support each other and give advice not criticism. sorry to be blunt but i dont like the fact your giving me jip for not logging last i checked i wasn't in school and it aint an exam. sorry i dont live up to your expectations

    I'm not sure if this was directed at me, but I will respond anyway.

    You want to know why you arent seeing the results you are expecting. You opened your diary, and in my opinion you either dont eat enough or log enough. How can we help you if we dont know the full story? How can we help you if you are unwilling to log what you eat on a regular basis? This is necessary to show the full story.

    What I stated was not to show you how great I am, but that being in a similar situation myself, it can be done. You just have to want to do it.

    Either way, good luck.
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Oy Vey. I'd have TONS of nuts, carrots, cheese sticks and pieces of cheese, Ensure shakes (better, nutritionally than a Red Bull), yogurts, whole-grain crackers, etc. constantly on-hand. I'd try to see if I could build my appetite back up (I don't know whether this is feasible for you), but, if nothing else, I'd make a habit of grabbing FREQUENT healthy snacks (note, since you have SMALL children, I didn't recommend having peanut-butter around until you know what their allergies are) whenever I got a 45-second break from the needs of the children. You are really starving. Nuts, in particular, will give a big boost in your calories and healthy fat-intake.

    Good luck!
  • LisaLove240786
    LisaLove240786 Posts: 22 Member
    Looks to me as your having too many sugary drinks, i saw a programme on tele last night and it said that just one sugary/energy drink is equal to one and a half cheesecakes... Maybe this is the reason your gaining
  • sammyj321123
    thanks your probly right their lol, gonna have to sort out a healthy diet plan