Longest time Logging in?

yogavegan Posts: 116 Member
Just curious to know who has the highest # of days logged in to MFP.
Post your #s here?


  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I think my last one said 130 days..
  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member
    90 today! The longest I have ever stuck with a diet/life style change.
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    335 so far. I have a 480 on my friends list though.
  • Brunhilde_69
    Brunhilde_69 Posts: 12 Member
    989 days heading for the 1000. got to 800 before that then missed a day in hospital.
  • willboywonder
    willboywonder Posts: 135 Member
    Today makes 1373. I'm still at it. I've seen a few people around the site with more than me.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    10 years in February. Lost 40 lbs and kept it off. Well 1 hiccup 4 years ago and gained 25 back but lost it again by tracking.
  • JoshIsRunning
    JoshIsRunning Posts: 22 Member
    Under my old account I had over a year. Today, I am sitting at 19 days lol.
  • GinLee61
    GinLee61 Posts: 1,212 Member
    I joined back in 2012 and tracked off and on but never really stuck with it regularly until this year.
    I started logging again on January 3rd and have 239 days so far.
  • renaedar
    renaedar Posts: 626 Member
    As for me today I am at 532 which is a record for me. I have been a member since 2011 but really started this time checking in on my diary each day to keep accountable.
    I have friends on my site that are at 2200 plus days and some over 1000. So I am a light weight on logging in compared to them.
  • Qbaimee
    Qbaimee Posts: 157 Member
    1674 for me as of today. been here since 2011 though
    ALIMAOB Posts: 3 Member
    I am on day 5 woo hoo
  • azalea4175
    azalea4175 Posts: 290 Member
    575 for me!
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,365 Member
    4504. The day we returned from Disney World Resorts where they didn't have free wifi.
  • A_New_Creation
    A_New_Creation Posts: 169 Member
    I'm at 2630!
  • Littlepeeper
    Littlepeeper Posts: 56 Member
    I think today is 726 days for me but like a few above I broke a streak because lack of internet. The streak I broke was only around 98 days but they were still days that I was actually living a new way so in my personal count I include them. I have been a member since around 2012 and I do believe I have seen a few time that you can contact myfitnesspal if you lose your streak to something and you want it revived that they will do that for you. I would love to have more active friends if anyone would like to send a request.
  • mjglantz
    mjglantz Posts: 501 Member
    Today is 3,141 days
  • Ketch_22
    Ketch_22 Posts: 12,711 Member
    Today is day 1,308 I joined Jan 2019
  • benczean
    benczean Posts: 97 Member
    I'm at 1345 days today!
  • MadSoupChef
    MadSoupChef Posts: 7 Member
    As of today 3,636 day logged in.
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