Women 200lb+, Let's Be Sensational This September!!!



  • 15822
    15822 Posts: 269 Member
    @KeriA rooting for you. Job search mode is an awful feeling. Just as I was typing this I got a notification I got added to the 2022/23 teaching assistants Teams channel, which means my application went through. I wasn't sure since they never got back to me after I applied back in June.
  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    I weigh in on Mondays.

    Started 2/5/22
    SW: 288.8
    CW: 249.8 (-39)
    GW for September: 243

    8/29: 249.8
    9/5: 247.4 (-2.4)

    Goals for September:

    🍎 Keep eating 4-5 fruits and veggie servings per day, at least 5 days a week
    🧘🏼‍♀️ Work up to 4-5 minutes at a time doing Leslie Sansone workouts by the end of the month if able to
    👩‍⚕️ Have my rheumatologist and dentist appointments
    🛋 Keep up with therapy and going in person as much as possible
    ⬇️ Lose 5 pounds (I’ll be happy with any loss though)

    Finally broke my plateau I hope. I’m down a pound from my low weight when I was mostly 248.4-250 for weeks. All of august was bouncing around. Then two weeks ago I increased my calories and I think that helped.

    It feels like my life is insane lately. I have an appointment with the new rheumatologist in 5 hours and I’m super nervous. I’m really hopeful that this one will help me more than the previous ones.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Good morning!

    SW: 300
    CW: 232.4
    Recent low: 230.6

    We had 2 parties (3 year old birthday and community pool party) on Saturday and a bunch of running around after church on Sunday. Therefore, yesterday we ended up staying in for a pajama wearing, movie watching, family day. It was pretty wet out yesterday too so it was nice to curl on the sofa and be a slug for a day.

    Today I need to make up for not hitting any of the weekend exercise classes, or even fitting in a quick gym time, by walking this morning and going to Zumba this evening. I didn't track very well over the weekend between all the stuff and I didn't track at all yesterday either. I don't think I did too badly though.

    I need to swing thru the library today and pick up the September book for my book club. Has anyone read The Dead Romantics???? I was able to get the October book first (just the way the library had it available) and I can't get into that one at all. I feel like it's so hard to read for me. The October pick is The Hacienda by Isabel Canas. At least I have a whole other month to get through it.

    Tag Party:
    @KeriA Doing the auqafit sounds like a great plan. I really love our local Y. You’ll have to share the recipe you used for the chili and chicken chorizo. That sounds delicious.

    @swimmom_1 The wedding sounds fun! Our wedding ended up being a pot luck style because of our shoe string budget but I think we ended up with so many great things we wouldn’t have even thought to pick. Some of those church ladies can seriously cook.

    @roz0810 Sounds like you’re going thru stuff. Feel better.

    @musicalgiraffe2 Welcome!

    @Making_Impossible_Possible You have had a lot going on lately. I hope everyone will be doing great very soon.

    @bonniemcc4 I hope the new doctor is fabulous!
  • ktilton70130
    ktilton70130 Posts: 211 Member
    have a great week ladies..my focus this week is just to get moving ,water intake and stay under my calories for the remainder of the week. Keeping it simple.
  • Goodfelines
    Goodfelines Posts: 25 Member
    Happy September! Can you believe Halloween is just around the corner?!

    I didn't weigh in or track food/water for over a month because my baby had Covid, then my toddler and I had Covid, then my toddler had surgery, then my toddler and I had bronchitis. Things are finally getting back to normal and I weighed in and started tracking again this morning.

    Highest weight: 319
    SW: 281
    Re-SW: 275.6
    CW: 275.6
    UGW: 175

    My goal this month is to get back on track with my eating and water habits. I fell off the wagon with the craziness of everyone being sick and my toddler's surgery, so I need to be more careful now.

    I want to:
    ☐ track food and water M-F and as often on Sat-Sun as I can
    ☐ aim for 100oz of water a day
    ☐ keep my carbs low
    ☐ try to exercise at least 3 days a week

    September GW: 269
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I started the weekdays with aquafit this morning. I went on my own this time. There were less people since I went early and I think I can use the locker room a bit since so few people were there. Usually I sometimes have a hard time filling in an hour and forget exercises but haven’t been having this issue now. I plan to go Thursday morning too. Tomorrow I plan to have a walk finally. I want to have a healthy day today to start the week right. I want to focus on health for my last weeks of not working although there are some preparations to do as well. 1st I have to decide on which job after I get the 2nd offer today. After this I will get into my bullet journal and plan the week. I have groceries for a few meals like Mulligatawny soup and a bunch of veggies. No appointments or interviews this week. I do have a webinar.

    @15822 Yes sometimes it is hard to know where you are in the application process. Still waiting to hear on the one job but he promised to send offer today.

    @ericar_1993 glad you made it to the beach. I love beaches. Nice goals.

    @musicalgiraffe2 I am menopausal and that makes it super easy to gain and super hard to lose. This is a great support group.

    @Making_Impossible_Possible with all going on maintaining is a win.

    @bonnimcc4 glad you are making some progress again. Hope this Dr helps.

    @pamperdlinny I just spent time trying to fill in holes in my tracking for the last 2 days. I remember when reading was hard. Now my kids are grown so I read a lot.

    @ktilton70130 Keeping it simple is good. Not sure I can this week.

    @seltzer_lover Good job keeping it all going while on trips and having visitors. Best with the September goal too.

    @sbortnick glad you are all healthy now. I have been using my bullet journal which is a glorified calendar to track exercise, NEAT, water and other health items. I do log exercise on MFP too though. Love the NSV.
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'10"
    SW: 247
    CW: 186
    GW: 182
    UGW: 165

    9/1: 185.8
    9/7: 184.9 (-0.9 pounds)

    Weekly goals:
    1. Work out 4+ hours a week
    2. 1 strength training workout
    3. Incorporate sit ups and push ups
    4. Walk the dog every day she doesn't go to daycare
    5. Eat out 3 times a week or less (except on vacation)
    6. Do 1 social thing outside of church
    7. 2 hours per week on hobbies
    8. 2 hours per week on career development
    9. 20 minutes per day cleaning something beside dishes
    10. Be dressed by 7 AM each day

    Umm... yeah almost none of my goals happened. Did a social thing! Went to a college football watch party. I was dressed by 7 AM most days. It rained a lot this week, which got in the way of walking the dog. Prepping for vacation got in the way of everything else.

    Still! I am officially under 185 pounds in time for the concert, which is what I wanted. I probably won't be under 180 by my friend's wedding next month, but I'm happy where I'm at. I think, so long as I'm in the 170s by Christmas, I'll be golden.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    @tahitig Have a wonderful time! Maybe afterwards you can tell us whose wedding it was you were at?
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Well I accepted a job offer. Yay! No more interviews!

    I promised myself a walk today and I just completed that. So 2 aquafit sessions and a walk so far for the week. Tomorrow is aquafit again and then a walk Friday.

    This time around I need to not stop exercising and not stop logging and not start gaining weight with a new full-time job. I need to continue to make healthy meals at home, get exercise and log so I don’t gain weight. I don’t have to lose a lot but I am losing slow enough that I should be able to continue at my current pace. I would set up a schedule now but I don’t really know what my work schedule will be in terms of remote days and in office days. I am hoping to continue with 3 days of aquafit and 3 days of walks and then slip in a strength training day. However aquafit involves some strength training with the water weights etc. Anyway I plan to concentrate on exercise and meals for the next week and a half before I start. Also I know the YMCA schedule as well.

    @CupcakeCrusoe It may be busy but It seems you are doing it all gracefully.

    @pamperedlinney pretty cool you made your own pumpkin spice latte. I am glad that I like my lattes plain. I do not need anymore temptations.

    @kenziestabes glad you made it under 185 for the concert.

    @tahitig nice that you are in a new zone. I am a turtle too.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited September 2022
    I don’t comment much but do read the posts as often as I can. My thoughts are with all of you who are dealing with difficult issues. Prayers, too, for loved ones who need healing.

    @justanotherloser007 Your compare pictures are SO inspiring!! I love your cute skirt on the after pic. Thanks for giving me a visual for what is possible when you persist. It gives me hope that I can do it and I had just about run out of hope during the past two years.

    Also, I can’t even express how much everyone’s progress posts mean to me. I love seeing how your numbers go down almost every month. You are all rock ⭐️🌟 in my opinion! You make me want to be one too 💫

    Congrats on getting the job @KeriA !
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I am posting more now because I can. Just wait till I start working fulltime. I plan to check in regularly but not so much. I don’t have to look for a job and I am focusing on my health now.

    My husband came with me today to aquafit after taking our youngest to the transit station so it was later than we wanted. Next week we will go on the days they don’t go into the office to work and can go earlier. The Y was more crowded than before since it was later but still not bad. Today I dried off and took off my suit after my shower and before going home. Going to aquafit has its benefits beyond just it. I even look forward to my walk days since I get a break from them. I was really resisting my walks lately and now I look forward to them. We will have to go early once I start to work so we will have to go to bed early. Sleep is important.

    We are having friends over Saturday so I will be concentrating on straightening up and cleaning which I want to do anyway. Will probably go grocery shopping as well.

    @nebslp you are one too. Just set 1-2 small goals that you can achieve and go from there.