30 Day Shred HELL



  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
    STRETCH. Make sure you stretch properly before and after - yes you do a 'warm up' in the DVD but if walking down the stairs after hurts you haven't warmed up and stretched well enough!
  • mel_2
    I'm about to level up to level 3 and I found that if I took a relatively relaxed paced walk before and added in additional stretching afterwards, the soreness was not nearly there. Anyone else who is doing this, please add me. Would love to have the additional encouragement of those doing the 30DS. Good luck...and don't be surprised if the scale doesn't change right away. I lost inches before any weight came off.
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    Try stretching a few minutes longer afterward
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    Day 3 will be much better... it sucks at first, no lies... but 3-4 days you will be ok... I am on D8 L2... WE CAN DO THIS!
  • Mrswheels01
    Mrswheels01 Posts: 201 Member
    Yesterday was my first day of Level 2 and it kicked my butt. But I'm not very sore today. I'm wondering if I am not doing the moves correctly.
    As far as the soreness when I first began it subsided after about day 3. Good luck!
  • dianer75935
    dianer75935 Posts: 186 Member
    I started 30 Day Shred yesterday also. I am sore but I am ready to try day 2.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Keep going. It does get better. And that $#!* works!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    it will get easier with time :) i agree with walking it off! lol you have to keep going b/c if you don't, you'll be back in the same boat when you start up again! just keep pushing through that's the best thing to do. best of luck to you!

    This!! Keep pushing through - I promise it will be easier by day 5.
  • LaMaMiK77
    Keep doing it... it will get better!!! I'm on level 3 day 2 and I love it!!! I can't wait to see my results when I'm done.. I will post pictures!!! :)
  • gingermelv
    I really liked it seeing as it is only 20 mins. The first 3 days were sore but I made sure I walked it off and drank protein shakes to recover and I saw results within 14 days. It really got my weight loss off to a fab start. Going to start it again soon as weight loss has slowed down again.
  • mdfeller
    My opinion, if you push through it today, tomorrow and the next day will be so much better. It's an adjustment. I started bootcamp about 3 weeks ago, and dreaded getting off of the toilet when I sat down each and every time. It hurt so bad, but I pushed through, drank lots of water, took some potassium, and went and did it all again the next day. That evening was so much better. And dedication truly pays off. Good luck!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I was the same way! Could barely walk, grunted and groaned with every step (hubby thought it was hilarious!). Sitting down on anything, the smallest bit of stairs, climbing in and out of our truck - BRUTAL! I went to the movies with friends the day after - took me forever to climb up to my seat. Then I thought to myself - if the theater catches fire I am going to die here because there's no way I could move fast enough to get out! LOL

    I skipped the workout for two days, did some walks about the block to help stretch my poor, protesting muscles, and got back at it after that (and bought lighter weights and took the workout a little easier for the rest of the week). Don't despair - stick with it, it's worth it!
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    Yes, it is very painful at first! I had been running 2-2.5 miles a day long before beginning the shred in May so I wasn't completely out of shape. However, I could not walk properly for over a week. I could not believe how hard it was! Now, after completing it and doing her Ripped in 30, I think the shred is too easy. It's so hard to believe how far I've come in just a few months. You will get there! Just stick with it!
  • Lotstoluv263
    Thanks everyone for you encouraging words. I am still hobbiling around, but I managed to walk last night but did not think I could do the Shred. BUT tonight I am going to force my way through it, taking some Advil 30 minutes prior. I am determined to get back into shape. So Day 2 here I come!! What is a good after workout protein drink??
  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    Did day one yesterday and took my 'before' pictures so I can compare in 30 days. Straight after my legs so wobbly. Not as sore as I thought I was going to be today though I did do LOTS of extra stretching because of what everyone was saying on here. I also made sure I had something protein heavy for dinner. Managed my cycle into work this morning with ease.

    Looking forward to day 2 today. Hope everyone is enjoying it so far and get through the pain of the first few days - do not be put off - it's your body getting stronger!
  • nettie1969
    Oh dear ... i think I have died and ended up in hell and i haven't even started 30DS yet! I watched the first workout while doing my "airwalker" and even that hurt... I really think I have bit off more that i can chew - especially now I have read most of this thread...

    Oh well, day 1 is tomorrow. If I don't come back please send an ambulance (or wheelchair at least so I can go to work).

    Keep at it - I am so proud of all of you who have already started. Deep down inside I just know I have to do it - the results sound awesome and well worth a day or two of discomfort (well - that is what i am calling it).

    My biggest worry - and does anyone know the answer - is what effect will it have on someone with compartment syndrome? Off I go to start a new thread to see.

    Good luck all
  • gingermelv
    Sorry taken so long to reply! I use the promax diet chocolate shake and bars - you can get a good deal on these on amazon.... or, just make sure you are eating lots of lean protein in your diet. How's it going?