Ok I have to share this storie cause it is really funny. I had a girls night out with my BFF and we went out to Chilis had lots of fun than when it was time to go back home my Boyfriend was really hungry and he and I went down to Taco Bell to get his dinner and he was like what do you want to eat uuummmm hunny I just ate well arent you still hungry lol NO not at all as he knows I am doing MFP. I dont think he wants me skinny LMAO.....


  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Longest run on sentence ever.
  • KEN1013
    KEN1013 Posts: 182 Member
    men...they have no clue,,,i have on of those at my house
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Yeah. Unfortunately our significant others can drag us down with them if they live an unhealthy lifestyle and we wish to not. This isn't something that affects one gender or the other either by the by.
  • Latai
    Latai Posts: 17 Member
    Hopefully your steady progress will encourage him to make better choices as well! :)
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Your bar for humor is set very low.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    This isn't something that affects one gender or the other either by the by.

  • Incunabulum
    It's challenging at best when you are trying to shift gears on your eating and exercising habits if your partner is stuck on neutral or park. Good for you for sticking to your guns.

    Ok I have to share this storie cause it is really funny. I had a girls night out with my BFF and we went out to Chilis had lots of fun than when it was time to go back home my Boyfriend was really hungry and he and I went down to Taco Bell to get his dinner and he was like what do you want to eat uuummmm hunny I just ate well arent you still hungry lol NO not at all as he knows I am doing MFP. I dont think he wants me skinny LMAO.....
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    punctuation is your friend...
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Longest run on sentence ever.
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    My bet is he wasn't thinking and wanted to be nice. but it is funny that you just got back from eating and he wanted to go out to eat with you.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I agree with Yukonjoy. However:

    I have a similar issue. I've been dating a guy for a month, this past weekend we discussed where things could go with us and he saw he saw a huge red flag and that was things we have in common. The only thing we DONT have in common is liking horror movies and our eating/exercise habits. I'm hoping my weightloss isn't a deal breaker or that he is insecure about me being like this. He is a big guy and he knows I don't care about his size but I can't help but wonder.... I think your guy was just trying to be polite.
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    Guess you had to be there
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    I agree with auticus - that these things are not bound by gender. In MY case it IS my boyfriend that is like that. Sunday afternoon he came home and took a nap. (understandable since he'd worked something like 20+ hours with only an hour nap in between). He slept until 8...i woke him once to ask what he wanted to do for dinner, and he just zonked. I didn't have the heart to keep waking him, so i just ate without him. THEN of course he wakes up 20 min later and wants to go to dinner. I said "sorry i ate". He said "oh...OK. So do you want to go to dinner?" I said "do you want to have me just stare at you while you eat?" LOL

    He needs to gain weight; i want to lose it. So we just have to learn that we can't both have the same eating habits and have to adjust. It's hard, but doable. Had he insisted on going out, i'd have either just sat and watched him eat or ordered somethig healthy then a take home box for the next day's dinner. That way i could have joined him without compromising my diet.

  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    tearin' up ova here.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Your bar for humor is set very low.

    This made me laugh.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    I have noticed that some men get a little more defensive and possessive if the woman is losing weight. I just chalk it up to their insecurities and self-confidence. Seems they think the better looking the girl gets the more work they have to do to keep her. (And it goes the same with females) When people realize it is not looks but confidence and self-esteem that play more the part then maybe they can let it go.
  • Incunabulum
    This isn't something that affects one gender or the other either by the by.


    Yep yep.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Longest run on sentence ever.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    That's hilarious. I love your stories.
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