Pregnancy - September 2011



  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome to everyone new! This week has been stressful. I had contractions Monday and Tuesday and have been very uncomfortable. None today so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I am home today with no school and work. My daughter had an in home nurse and physical therapy appointment today. I am hoping to get a lot done around the house today even though I don't have much energy. Hopefully my 21 month old allows it. How are you all doing? I am getting excited for fall but not to excited for snow to come. I suppose the closer to snow we get the closer I get to meeting my little girl so I will accept the snow : )
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Pinkprincess!

    I'm in my first trimester and am struggling with sickness and lack of energy too so I haven't been nearly as active as I used to be either. What someone here reminded me is that my body is working hard right now and to listen to it. If you're feeling better now, don't sweat the past, just put together some sort of physical activity that you can do and focus on that.
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome Pinkprincess! I definitely recommend logging your food, but I wouldn't stress too much about a little extra weight gain. My weight has gone up in spurts. I only gained a couple the first trimester, I gained about 18 in the second trimester, and then my weight has been steady for the last four weeks (even though I've been hitting or exceeding my calorie goals each day). I'm glad the bleeding wasn't anything serious!

    Elizabeth - I'm glad your contractions have stopped. How did your scan go the other week?

    Julz - Any more signs of labor?

    AFM - I had my 1 hour glucose test today and Rhogham shot (I'm O- blood type and DH is O+). Even though I haven't gained any weight since my last appointment, my fundal measurements were right on track and the doctor isn't concerned. I'm sure I'll have another growth spurt soon.
  • StaceG1986
    I went for a walk this afternoon but had to come back earlier than I would have liked as I needed a pee :laugh: My bladder was weak enough before being pregnant! :laugh:

    Going to start going for at least a half hour walk every day and maybe try some yoga or something, as long as I do a little of something every day :happy:
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    The scan went great thanks! Fortunatelyl and Unfortunately the heart condition hubby has is not commonly detected in utero. They will still monitor baby closely after birth which is good. They also suggested some tests for my daughter that is 21 months old to keep an eye on her. He has the heart condition that causes athletes to suddenly die unexpectedly that you hear about in the news. Overall it went well and I am glad they are keeping an eye on things. Few contractions today trying to decide if I should go in or not.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Dr appointment went fine yesterday. Except that I'm still at 1.5 and "soft" ... so all these contractions have been doing nothing. It could happen tonight, it could wait 2 more weeks or more. YNK...
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    I hope you all don't mind me jumping in. I was on MFP daily early this year, lost 20 pounds and then realized I was 4 months pregnant!! I have gained about 10-15 pounds since finding out and making this pregnancy much healthier than my first one! I'm also looking forward to getting healthy and finally losing weight after the baby is born and finally be a healthy weight again.
  • ladydeee
    ladydeee Posts: 29 Member
    Which week did everyone add an additional 300 calories?
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Which week did everyone add an additional 300 calories?

    I'm using and will add in those calories 50 or 100 per week a few weeks before/after each trimester start date.
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Dr appointment went fine yesterday. Except that I'm still at 1.5 and "soft" ... so all these contractions have been doing nothing. It could happen tonight, it could wait 2 more weeks or more. YNK...

    Hope you go into active labor soon! You are so close! Oh and by the way you look so adorable in your new pic! I love that shirt wish I could find cute tops like that!
  • Caperfae
    I had my first BPP (Bio Physical Profile) test this morning.
    It was great seeing her on the ultrasound again and she's looking adorable. Hair floating around and her estimated weight is between 6 and 7 lbs.
    Then I went to the maternity floor and was hooked up to the NST monitor and all is well in that department as well. I even had one contraction that was picked up, lol

    I get to do it again next week and if I make it .. the week after that. We shall see :)

    Totally off topic: I am watching Dr.Oz right now and it's about a 32 year old woman who WANTS to be 1800 lbs!!! Holy hell I am shocked.
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    caperfae- thats so good that your feeling awsome, hopefully it'll last right to the end :smile:

    pinkprincess-welcome :flowerforyou:

    Elizabeth- I hope the contractions stop for you, did your doc have anything much to say about them?

    Julz- what did the doctor mean by "soft"?

    wow did i have a crappy food day yesterday! It started with a big mac combo for lunch, steak for dinner and then ice cream for dessert! I'm feeling physically ****ty today as a result but oh well. my appetite has just been so huge lately! I've been reasonably refrained most days but its getting harder to be :ohwell:

    I ordered some gorgeous clothes of amazon yesterday (for a reasonable price) and also recieved a package from a relative full of sheep-skin goodies for baby. It feels like Christmas when they arrive in the mail! :laugh: I went to my breastfeeding class yesterday and it was great. It was good to see videos of woman feeding their babies and studying the different types of holds that they had, I was proud of my fiance' for coming with me (he turned out to be the only male there). They also gave us freebies which included gel pads, lanolin etc. score!

    I was having trouble expressing my colostrum like my doctor has asked me to do (she wants me to get out at least 10 drops per nipple per day). To my surprise my fiance' wanted to give it a go (he had seen the doctor do it) and he was amazing at it!! he had it literally shooting out of both breasts with the first squeeze. he then proceeded to teach me what to feel for, feeling very pleased with himself :laugh: I am now able to do it by myself and am finding that the breast that used to have my nipple piercing is producing alot, do u think this is a coincidence??
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Sorry ladies, I’ve been seriously slacking. I don’t think they’re anyway for me to get caught up so I’m just going to start over from here. I had a doctor appointment today, the check didn’t hurt at bad as I thought it would but it wasn’t exactly pleasant either. 2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. I know that really means nothing and I could stay like that for weeks, but any progress makes me happy. Plus I only gained half a pound this week, I have no idea how that happened since I ate like crap all week but I’ll take it.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Just a quick post to let you all know Soren came into the world at 10 am today. I'm doing well, but he's so sleepy it's hard to get him to breastfeed.
    Will post more later
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Just a quick post to let you all know Soren came into the world at 10 am today. I'm doing well, but he's so sleepy it's hard to get him to breastfeed.
    Will post more later

    Oh my goodness that is so exciting!!! Congratulations! Hope you two are getting plenty of rest.
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    Hey ladies! Just to keep everyone posted I had my first US this past Monday and they were thinking I'd be further along that I am (based on my LMP).... but I'm currently dating to about 6 wk and 1 day. They couldn't see a heartbeat at the 5wk5day mark and are wondering if it's just because I was so early. I have a repeat US this next Thursday to hopefully find a heartbeat. Extremely nerve racking as you can imagine. Just hoping the little guy/girl is ok and healthy in there and that all will be ok with this next US. I'm just feeling really bloated and thick in the waist which is frustrating.... but I think it's from all the hormones (plus I have to take more progesterone on top of that). =/

    Hope everyone is doing well and congrats on little Soren's arrival!
  • FitMommyLuv
    :smile: Julz->Congrats on your baby...Cant wait to see pictures!!!!!

    LindsayChick->I'm having the same issues with bloating and a full waistline.Hope yuo see that pretty little heartbeat at your ultrasound appt!

    ***As for me.....I'm 6 weeks pregnant today "yay" :drinker:
    Being having that moring sickness "nausea" really kick into gear...:grumble:
    Hope everyone has a great weekend...:glasses:
  • Caperfae
    Just a quick post to let you all know Soren came into the world at 10 am today. I'm doing well, but he's so sleepy it's hard to get him to breastfeed.
    Will post more later
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    julz- CONGRATULATIONS!!! cant wait to hear about your labour story. Stick in there with the breastfeeding, im sure you will both get a hang of it:flowerforyou:
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    CONGRATS JULZ! That is so exciting. Some babies are hard to get going the first 24 hours and there is nothing wrong with that. With my son, I couldn't get him to latch on for more than a minute the first 24 hours. The hospital bullied me into giving him a bottle, which he only sucked on for about a minute as well. But it was the worst mistake I made. When he finally woke up hungry, all he wanted was that bottle. Keep at the breastfeeding, the baby will want it eventually