I've Lost 60 Pounds and FEEL GREAT!

BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
edited November 2022 in Success Stories
I'm so very happy. At age 75 I've lost 60 pounds (down from 270 to 210). It's taken 18 months, but it wasn't hard. I now have more energy and strength than I've ever had. I went from being almost bedbound to moving about freely. No more motorized scooters in the grocery stores, no more having to get help getting up off the floor, no more backpain, no more paying someone to clean my house, no more depression, no more diabetes (completely reversed), no more size 3X clothes.... I could go on-and-on but you get the picture. After 18 months, I'm a brand new me.

I learned about INTERMITTENT FASTING in March 2021 and began eating 2 meals a day with no snacking in-between. I didn't obsess about calories and didn't measure and write down every bite that went into my mouth. I just kept to my routine and went on about my life. Little-by-little, the weight came off and has stayed off. My appetite is normal. I sometimes get hungry, but I let it pass until it's time for the next meal. I've learned that it's not necessary to eat all the time and it's good to give your body a rest so it can use that time and energy towards detoxifying the body and repairing cells so when I feel the hunger, I know my body is in the repairing mode. The hunger passes away after about 15 minutes anyway. My goal is to weigh 170 so I have 40 more pounds to go. I have no doubt that it will happen. In the meantime, I'm enjoying my life.


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
  • Inkkli
    Inkkli Posts: 1 Member
    Congratulations everyone! Very inspiring.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Barb! That is amazing! Your posts are always so inspiring! I know you will reach your goal! I need to be more proactive, for sure. I'm getting to that point. No more excuses! Great job!!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    inrpc4u wrote: »
    I am so happy for you. Thank you for sharing this. You are my inspiration. After seeing your story, I know I can do this.

    Yes, you can!

  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    nsk1951 wrote: »
    Well, I think congratulations are in order here. That is a huge milestone to have lost enough weight to be where you are now. Congratulations! I hope you do reach the goal you have set for yourself.

    I have also lost 60 pounds. I am 77 years old now and my own journey has taken longer than yours. Intermittent Fasting is a great tool when used appropriately. (Meaning it's a way to have a caloric deficit, and not a 'free' card to eat whatever and however much during the time you do eat.)

    Congratulations to you too! The main thing is resting the digestive process for a while so the body can use the energy and time to do the important work of cleaning out old cells and making new ones. That's what we are... Just a bunch of cells. So improving cell manufacturing and repairing the old ones makes us healthier.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    I love this post!!! You’ve expressed it so well!

    Remember the time-lapse films we used to have to watch in elementary school (when the teacher could figure out how to thread the reel?!) they always had flowers in them.

    I wish I had a time lapse to show people. It really does feel like a bud blossoming and emerging!!!

    Thank you! The difference in me is incredible. It's like I'm not even the same person and I like the new me so much better!

    It's not a matter of the weight loss... It's how I feel. Because I have new healthy cells and the old ones get detoxified all the time, my body is healthier. I really don't think I could be any healthier at my age (76).
  • SteppingN2Life
    SteppingN2Life Posts: 5 Member
    Way to go!!!
  • metaphysicalstudio
    metaphysicalstudio Posts: 293 Member
    What a win! 🎉
  • newHampshirite
    newHampshirite Posts: 180 Member
    Way to go!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    Nova wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Please keep to the OP's message when replying.

    If you wish to debate about what Intermittent Fasting does, or does not do, you are welcome to start a discussion in the debate category about it. This discussion, however, is not a place to debate IF.

    And just a reminder... what does work for one person, may not work for everyone. Please keep the guidelines in mind when posting. https://www.myfitnesspal.com/community-guidelines

    MFP Staff

    Thank you. I was just sharing my story.
  • GSPsnBees
    GSPsnBees Posts: 649 Member
    Congrats on your success!!!
  • lboyleav
    lboyleav Posts: 7 Member
    I think IF makes a lot of sense and it agrees with me. It is how I can finally lose weight. Eating every two hours with all those carbs has always kept me hungry, frustrated and confused. Humans started out not eating every day our bodies were made to last long periods without food. Just because we now have grocery stores stocked with prepackaged GMO ready to fry foods doesn’t mean we should be gorging our self on this stuff. Learning how to eat well and choose higher quality protein foods keeps me from feeling hungry and I am free to think about other things. I find I am much happier with the I F eating style.
  • Nutmegstatemike
    Nutmegstatemike Posts: 7 Member
    JaysFan82 wrote: »
    It's such an amazing feeling. I'm down 116.2 since Feb 24 2022 and it's like I have a new life

    Congrats on the 116.2 lb weight loss, that is amazing. May I ask what you did to achieve that weight loss? Thank you
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