

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    jam0525 wrote: »
    Happy November!

    I am going to to my best to stay on course and see a “3” as the second digit this month. I have been hanging around 142-144 the past month.

    A few of my friends, who like me, have no family left or nearby are going camping for Thanksgiving. Our plan is to cook the entire meal outside over either charcoal or wood fires. It will keep us busy if nothing else.

    We got our first snow at lower elevations last night, just enough to make mud later today if the sun comes out.

    Good luck to all with meeting our goals this month.


    No snow here yet in the Southeast. Getting into high 30’s at night and air conditioning in the day! Lol.

    My DH does most of the cooking and he does smoked turkey outside every year. He was doing that before we ever went full time RVing. I love the turkey that way.

    On caterpillars and the weather: https://www.almanac.com/woolly-bear-caterpillars-and-weather-prediction

    I’ve alway picked them up but never have been stung. Never thought they would sting.

    RvRita in NM
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,012 Member
    edited November 2022
    Kelly- have you ever asked the produce person if you could try something? I know the store my dh works at, they will cut it and let you try it.
    That trip with your son sounds amazing- I am sure you will both have a great time and enjoy every minute of it.

    Lisa- most of our clocks changed like they are supposed to- a few dont. like my computer. For some reason, when the time change comes, it changes TWO hours instead of one. Does it each time.
    Right now I think it needs a new Cmoss battery- It shows the right time when I turn it on but still says the same time hours later unless I click on the time and then it fixes it and stays fixed.

    Annie- party sounds sweet- just long enough.

    Michele- You inspire me- I need to pull out some exercise dvd's and try them. With rain coming, I won't be able to walk the wetlands as much(unless I get a good rain coat/pants(or see if I can fit into the ones mom gave me years ago,) I need to change it up anyways. See if that helps get these numbers down.

    Has anyone heard from Julie(sorry, can't remember her other name)- miss her and a few others like Kayla(I think that is how she spelled it )

    Tracey- Thanks- The cats are a bit annoying some times but also a nice comfort too.
    Hope you have fun at the craft fair. I miss selling at them. Not sure when we will start them again.
    Yes, dh is rude and I have talked to him about it and other things(having his tv too loud when I am trying to sleep- I get a oh, sorry as I close his door but still continues to do it)
    This morning he was up early to go to his mom's. He didn't set her clocks back so she would be expecting him when she thought it was 9. Of course, woke me up. I don't think he is doing it on purpose, he just doesn't think. He truly doesn't know how to be quiet- he gets upset with me when I ask him to talk a little softer when he is talking to me because he is too loud. It is the worst in the car.
    No word on mom's room mate moving. I told mom that she may not want to but she may have to just tell her she has a month to move out. I was hoping to have her out by Dec. 1st but unless she goes on her own, won't be happening.

    Heather and Rori- Thank you for taking time to share your pictures. They all look amazing. We are looking forward to taking a trip, any trip but the way it is, won't be until MIL dies or we put her in a home-DH is over there twice a day, even though he doesn't really need to, once is plenty. One day we will take another cruise or a road trip.

    really was looking forward to sleeping in but of course, that didn't happen(because of dh). The master bath light/fan are on one switch and the fan is supposed to be a quiet one but it isn't! because of that, he turns the radio up in the shower so he can hear it. He can't hear well in my opinion(or maybe it is just a lot of selective hearing) then leaves the door open with fan/light on while he gets ready. No way to sleep through that. If he had changed the clocks at his mom's(I reminded him before he went over yesterday evening) we could have both slept an hour longer- Instead, up at 7. Got up and cleaned up the messes from the cats- fed the cats and now having my tea.
    I thought it was supposed to rain today so decided to just stay home and watch church- well, no rain but just not feeling like going- I will watch here, while I have more tea.

    Have oatmeal cookies to bake later. Dough chilled over night- added a mix of dried apples/cranberries/raisins/walnuts to it. Didn't have plain raisins last time and had bags of the fruit/nuts from food program to use up. MIL loved them- only gave dh one of the dozen I sent over.

    Cooked a big salmon filet for all of us last night- Lucky's had it on sale this weekend. 4 lbs and there is a small piece left- MIL actually said it was "very good"- a comment I rarely get from her.

    This after noon I will cook steak for her and DH- need to see if they need more rice or if they have some left from last night. Will pull out my big meat tenderizer machine and do some chicken breasts and a few little pork chops I picked up yesterday. The machine is a bit of a pain to wash so will do both meats so two meals worth prepped. I really want to try some of the beef steaks and make cube steak out of them. Ds and I both aren't fans of most beef because we hate tough meat, like not tough at all. (he also will not eat anything if it has bones- no fried chicken except tenders.
    Will bake brownies for ds and his girlfriend.

    Scale is back up a bit again. Down three ounces, down another three last week then up 6 this morning. Stuck at 145.2
    Another almost two weeks until my phone appointment with the dietician

    Ok, rambled long enough
    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

    Napa Valley,CA

    looks like I need to get the weed eater out- one of the cats just threw up grass which means it is growing too close to the catio and he got some. I am cleaning up enough hairballs/throw up without them getting the grass too.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    1 smell. Onions frying
    2 technology. All. I love tech stuff
    3 color. Sky blue and lavender
    4 food. Yogurt
    5 sound. Soft music
    6 nature. Birds
    7 memory.
    8 book.
    9 place.
    10 taste.
    11 holiday.
    12 texture.
    13 abilities.
    14 sight.
    15 season.
    16 about your body.
    17 knowledge.
    18 piece of art.
    19 touch.
    20 who.
    21 song.
    22 story.
    23 tradition.
    24 challenge.
    25 moment this week.
    26 form of expression.
    27 daily use item.
    28 what happen today.
    29 friend/family member.
    30 talent or skill

    Noises annoying knuckle cracking!
    cleaning I’ve never had a cleaner did it all myself with my first DH. Current DH helps.

    alone time I do most of my cleaning and reading when o am alone. Camper is tight so hard to clean with both of us in here and too noisy for me to read when DH is here.

    I think I missed 2 days. Just getting caught up!

    RvRita in NM
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Lisa - so happy you had an energized day, hope you get many more soon.

    Rebecca - your surgery is scheduled on what was my grandfather’s birthday.
    I’m with your son, I would love to have trains around a room. The funeral director in the town I grew up in had trains going all through their basement. They went through walls had mountains and tunnels it was great fun.

    Machka - I hope that your nose cancer is very minor. My cousin had a terrible time with hers.
    Heather - I’m enjoying your cruise with you. Beautiful watercolour.

    Debbie - your cats are well treated, I would never make myself uncomfortable for a pet in that manner.

    Lanette - we are having terrible staffing shortages here as well.

    Barbie - I love the heat from a good fire in the wood stove, but I will never have one again. I grew up cold and refuse to ever do it again. DH told me several times early in our marriage that I needed to have a big fancy house. I told him all I needed was a full bathroom, hot running water and heat and I would be very happy.

    Mary - I hope that she eventually has charges laid against her, I’m sure you’re not the first victim.
    Is the TENS machine like the Dr. Ho? How do you know where to place the pads?

    Rosemarie - have you read any Nora Roberts? She has cafes, bookstores and such in her storylines. If you are not familiar I can recommend a few of hers that the settings alone make you want to read over and over.

    Barbara - why does Joe hate those noises so much? I’m just curious. It’s something that needs to happen you should be able to do it when you need to not just when he is away.
    My hair has tangled at different stages in life. I’ve used leave in conditioners to help. I also used “No More Tangles” at times. I don’t know if they even make that anymore. I only wash my hair about every three days unless I have done some dirty work.

    Debbie - that is just rude for your husband to vacuum while you sleep. I can’t imagine.

    Katla - I’m so incredibly sorry you are separated from your husband except for Tuesday’s. Can you take a cab or have your daughter drop you off?

    Allie - Miles is a cutie. Neither of my Grands like Mac and Cheese, it’s surprising to me.

    Lanette - my daughter moved “outside of town” in 2020, she grew up in a city and it didn’t take her long to learn she needed to plan her trips. She is 35 minutes at minimum from a store. The cheaper stores are almost an hour. She keeps an ongoing list on her phone now. Her DH also works in a town so always checks in before coming home to make sure there is nothing required.

    Kelly - how exciting that your daughter’s family may move to Michigan. So happy for you and I hope it happens very soon!

    Debbie - Has there been any news in your Mom’s roommate moving out? She just needs to go.

    My eldest daughter who was just diagnosed with ADHD had sound sensory issues. There are special earplugs that help with it. I forget what they are called.

    Flea - I was going to talk about POA’s as well, it is a huge responsibility and not much gratitude shown. My brother is our Mom’s and before she was put in the nursing home she would call me and I knew how angry she was at his decisions. Every decision he made he discussed with me and I was in agreement so I would calm her and tell her he was only making decisions to keep her safe and healthy.
    Working in a nursing home I see a lot of POA’s in tears because they know they are doing what’s best, but their parents/loved ones don’t understand and is just angry with them.

    Michele - I worry for you being alone with Jerry driving him home. It seems to me he may be aggressive when angry, I worry you may so not sometime and he takes it out on you. Please be careful.

    Mary - we had a substitute teacher in grade 6 for a few days as our teacher needed surgery, boys in my class were horrendous. After one boy mouthed off at him he assigned the boy to teach the lesson the next day. It’s funny I still remember how proud that student was and it actually changed his demeanour to teachers.
    My Grandmother tried to substitute for a year but didn’t like the students behaviour so decided not to continue.
    Annie - happy that your mom had a great birthday.

    I am trying desperately to get stockings completed so I can get them mailed. It is hard to keep up and do that at the same time.

    I woke up early this morning 640, when I came out of the bedroom DH says you know it’s only 530 right? I said a foul word and went and brushed my teeth. I will regret being up so early later on today, but maybe I will sleep well tonight for a change.

    I am meeting my youngest daughter and two of her friends at a craft show today. I am looking forward to it. May get a baby snuggle in, but I have told the young mom that I know how important Mama time is and I understand if I don’t see the baby. She will just need to visit me soon.

    My eldest daughters Grandmother in Law is in hospital, she has been having a stomach issue they have been trying to nail down. Turns out she has a cancerous growth on her gallbladder. Due to her age they are not operating. She was on a see saw with her great grandchildren just two weeks ago, she is not frail.
    Michaela has been going to church and Sunday school with her for the last year or so, they then go to Wendy’s for lunch. This will be very confusing for Michaela. She has been praying for her Grandma. I have bought her a Precious Moments children’s Bible for Christmas, I think she’ll enjoy it.

    I am still unable to post pictures through the app on my iPhone. I’m still using the trick that Rita shared a few months ago. I’ll switch and post a picture of our yard.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I tried the substitute thing for a year too.! Quit for the same reason and because the full time teacher did not respect or help me. So now I teach adults how to use a computer at the adult center. I really enjoy doing that!

    I am glad that link helped you to post pictures!

    RvRita in NM
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    Another one done
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    Debbie ... what is a big meat tenderizer? All I've ever had to tenderize meat is a heavy meat mallet.

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,012 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Debbie ... what is a big meat tenderizer? All I've ever had to tenderize meat is a heavy meat mallet.

    Here are two pictures of it- got it at a garage sale-it is a commercial one I think. I paid $20 for it



    This is closest to mine- couldn't find a name on mine.

    I have only used it once. It had got misplaced in the garage so just found it.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,525 Member
    1. Smell - rain before the downpour
    2. Technology - using my tablet to text with my sons
    3. Colour - different tones of grey
    4. Food - to saute' onions, mushrooms and a pat of butter
    5. Sound -our nightly owls hooting go each other
    6. Nature - sun thru the trees, waves crashing, storms rolling thru

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,525 Member
    Lisa - so happy you had an energized day, hope you get many more soon.

    Rebecca - your surgery is scheduled on what was my grandfather’s birthday.
    I’m with your son, I would love to have trains around a room. The funeral director in the town I grew up in had trains going all through their basement. They went through walls had mountains and tunnels it was great fun.

    Machka - I hope that your nose cancer is very minor. My cousin had a terrible time with hers.

    Heather - I’m enjoying your cruise with you. Beautiful watercolour.

    Debbie - your cats are well treated, I would never make myself uncomfortable for a pet in that manner.

    Lanette - we are having terrible staffing shortages here as well.

    Barbie - I love the heat from a good fire in the wood stove, but I will never have one again. I grew up cold and refuse to ever do it again. DH told me several times early in our marriage that I needed to have a big fancy house. I told him all I needed was a full bathroom, hot running water and heat and I would be very happy.

    Mary - I hope that she eventually has charges laid against her, I’m sure you’re not the first victim.
    Is the TENS machine like the Dr. Ho? How do you know where to place the pads?

    Rosemarie - have you read any Nora Roberts? She has cafes, bookstores and such in her storylines. If you are not familiar I can recommend a few of hers that the settings alone make you want to read over and over.

    Barbara - why does Joe hate those noises so much? I’m just curious. It’s something that needs to happen you should be able to do it when you need to not just when he is away.
    My hair has tangled at different stages in life. I’ve used leave in conditioners to help. I also used “No More Tangles” at times. I don’t know if they even make that anymore. I only wash my hair about every three days unless I have done some dirty work.

    Debbie - that is just rude for your husband to vacuum while you sleep. I can’t imagine.

    Katla - I’m so incredibly sorry you are separated from your husband except for Tuesday’s. Can you take a cab or have your daughter drop you off?

    Allie - Miles is a cutie. Neither of my Grands like Mac and Cheese, it’s surprising to me.

    Lanette - my daughter moved “outside of town” in 2020, she grew up in a city and it didn’t take her long to learn she needed to plan her trips. She is 35 minutes at minimum from a store. The cheaper stores are almost an hour. She keeps an ongoing list on her phone now. Her DH also works in a town so always checks in before coming home to make sure there is nothing required.

    Kelly - how exciting that your daughter’s family may move to Michigan. So happy for you and I hope it happens very soon!

    Debbie - Has there been any news in your Mom’s roommate moving out? She just needs to go.

    My eldest daughter who was just diagnosed with ADHD had sound sensory issues. There are special earplugs that help with it. I forget what they are called.

    Flea - I was going to talk about POA’s as well, it is a huge responsibility and not much gratitude shown. My brother is our Mom’s and before she was put in the nursing home she would call me and I knew how angry she was at his decisions. Every decision he made he discussed with me and I was in agreement so I would calm her and tell her he was only making decisions to keep her safe and healthy.
    Working in a nursing home I see a lot of POA’s in tears because they know they are doing what’s best, but their parents/loved ones don’t understand and is just angry with them.

    Michele - I worry for you being alone with Jerry driving him home. It seems to me he may be aggressive when angry, I worry you may so not sometime and he takes it out on you. Please be careful.

    Mary - we had a substitute teacher in grade 6 for a few days as our teacher needed surgery, boys in my class were horrendous. After one boy mouthed off at him he assigned the boy to teach the lesson the next day. It’s funny I still remember how proud that student was and it actually changed his demeanour to teachers.
    My Grandmother tried to substitute for a year but didn’t like the students behaviour so decided not to continue.

    Annie - happy that your mom had a great birthday.

    I am trying desperately to get stockings completed so I can get them mailed. It is hard to keep up and do that at the same time.

    I woke up early this morning 640, when I came out of the bedroom DH says you know it’s only 530 right? I said a foul word and went and brushed my teeth. I will regret being up so early later on today, but maybe I will sleep well tonight for a change.

    I am meeting my youngest daughter and two of her friends at a craft show today. I am looking forward to it. May get a baby snuggle in, but I have told the young mom that I know how important Mama time is and I understand if I don’t see the baby. She will just need to visit me soon.

    My eldest daughters Grandmother in Law is in hospital, she has been having a stomach issue they have been trying to nail down. Turns out she has a cancerous growth on her gallbladder. Due to her age they are not operating. She was on a see saw with her great grandchildren just two weeks ago, she is not frail.
    Michaela has been going to church and Sunday school with her for the last year or so, they then go to Wendy’s for lunch. This will be very confusing for Michaela. She has been praying for her Grandma. I have bought her a Precious Moments children’s Bible for Christmas, I think she’ll enjoy it.

    I am still unable to post pictures through the app on my iPhone. I’m still using the trick that Rita shared a few months ago. I’ll switch and post a picture of our yard.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    The mortuary train, sounds kinda creepy. "Hey George, hand me the #3 scalpel, oh hey Mr. Train...."
    Have you ever seen people use LEGO in corner parts of a wall? Structurally you open up the wall and build hangers, or whatever, and the outside is like a LEGO door. I can see my eldest son doing that if ever we get a house that's ours.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,525 Member
    Tracy, when I go under, I will think upon your grandfather.💖👍🏻
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited November 2022
    Barbie ~ What a mess that tree made! I hope your insurance will pay for the roof fix. I tried subbing the year after I retired. I did a long term sub job when a teacher was out on maternity leave and that went well. Then after that was over, a teacher's aid corrected me for thinking that Vietnam should be two words and I decided that was enough. After that, I took up selling vintage/antique jewelry on eBay. Had fun checking out the outlets and sales to find it.

    Carol in GA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Kelly- have you ever asked the produce person if you could try something? I know the store my dh works at, they will cut it and let you try it.
    That trip with your son sounds amazing- I am sure you will both have a great time and enjoy every minute of it.

    Lisa- most of our clocks changed like they are supposed to- a few dont. like my computer. For some reason, when the time change comes, it changes TWO hours instead of one. Does it each time.
    Right now I think it needs a new Cmoss battery- It shows the right time when I turn it on but still says the same time hours later unless I click on the time and then it fixes it and stays fixed.

    Annie- party sounds sweet- just long enough.

    Michele- You inspire me- I need to pull out some exercise dvd's and try them. With rain coming, I won't be able to walk the wetlands as much(unless I get a good rain coat/pants(or see if I can fit into the ones mom gave me years ago,) I need to change it up anyways. See if that helps get these numbers down.

    Has anyone heard from Julie(sorry, can't remember her other name)- miss her and a few others like Kayla(I think that is how she spelled it )

    Tracey- Thanks- The cats are a bit annoying some times but also a nice comfort too.
    Hope you have fun at the craft fair. I miss selling at them. Not sure when we will start them again.
    Yes, dh is rude and I have talked to him about it and other things(having his tv too loud when I am trying to sleep- I get a oh, sorry as I close his door but still continues to do it)
    This morning he was up early to go to his mom's. He didn't set her clocks back so she would be expecting him when she thought it was 9. Of course, woke me up. I don't think he is doing it on purpose, he just doesn't think. He truly doesn't know how to be quiet- he gets upset with me when I ask him to talk a little softer when he is talking to me because he is too loud. It is the worst in the car.
    No word on mom's room mate moving. I told mom that she may not want to but she may have to just tell her she has a month to move out. I was hoping to have her out by Dec. 1st but unless she goes on her own, won't be happening.

    Heather and Rori- Thank you for taking time to share your pictures. They all look amazing. We are looking forward to taking a trip, any trip but the way it is, won't be until MIL dies or we put her in a home-DH is over there twice a day, even though he doesn't really need to, once is plenty. One day we will take another cruise or a road trip.

    really was looking forward to sleeping in but of course, that didn't happen(because of dh). The master bath light/fan are on one switch and the fan is supposed to be a quiet one but it isn't! because of that, he turns the radio up in the shower so he can hear it. He can't hear well in my opinion(or maybe it is just a lot of selective hearing) then leaves the door open with fan/light on while he gets ready. No way to sleep through that. If he had changed the clocks at his mom's(I reminded him before he went over yesterday evening) we could have both slept an hour longer- Instead, up at 7. Got up and cleaned up the messes from the cats- fed the cats and now having my tea.
    I thought it was supposed to rain today so decided to just stay home and watch church- well, no rain but just not feeling like going- I will watch here, while I have more tea.

    Have oatmeal cookies to bake later. Dough chilled over night- added a mix of dried apples/cranberries/raisins/walnuts to it. Didn't have plain raisins last time and had bags of the fruit/nuts from food program to use up. MIL loved them- only gave dh one of the dozen I sent over.

    Cooked a big salmon filet for all of us last night- Lucky's had it on sale this weekend. 4 lbs and there is a small piece left- MIL actually said it was "very good"- a comment I rarely get from her.

    This after noon I will cook steak for her and DH- need to see if they need more rice or if they have some left from last night. Will pull out my big meat tenderizer machine and do some chicken breasts and a few little pork chops I picked up yesterday. The machine is a bit of a pain to wash so will do both meats so two meals worth prepped. I really want to try some of the beef steaks and make cube steak out of them. Ds and I both aren't fans of most beef because we hate tough meat, like not tough at all. (he also will not eat anything if it has bones- no fried chicken except tenders.
    Will bake brownies for ds and his girlfriend.

    Scale is back up a bit again. Down three ounces, down another three last week then up 6 this morning. Stuck at 145.2
    Another almost two weeks until my phone appointment with the dietician

    Ok, rambled long enough
    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

    Napa Valley,CA

    looks like I need to get the weed eater out- one of the cats just threw up grass which means it is growing too close to the catio and he got some. I am cleaning up enough hairballs/throw up without them getting the grass too.

    Good earplugs and eye masks!