
What do y’all do to stay consistent with your meal plans? (I hate the word diet because it usually implies a negative connotation. I believe a lot of times these “diets” are the way we should be eating to begin with)

Consistency! 10 votes

Eat the same meals daily
QbaimeeJthanmyfitnesspalRunawayCurvesDreamAchiever33JaysFan82sugarfreesquirreljyoti_0 7 votes
Count macros
BigMech 1 vote
Have scheduled “cheat days”
All of the above 💪🏼
corinasue1143I_AM_ISRAEL 2 votes


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    edited December 2022
    Yeah. What COGypsy said.

    None of the above.

    I eat a rotating menu of multiple fruits and vegetables per week. Multiple sources of protein. Grains. Nuts. Mostly healthy fats, with a little cheese and butter thrown in there. Eggnog this month. Some days I'm way over my calories. Occasionally I'm under. Meh, it all works out. I step on the body weight scale several times a week and adjust according to long-term trends.

    I do track my foods and I do glance at macros, but I tend to eat intuitively enough of everything. Like COGypsy, protein is the only one I need to keep an eye on.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    None of above.

    For the same reasons the others have stated. Consistency in calorie goals and exercise are what interests me--I make habits. "Cheat days" are just a packaged way to say "over eating".
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,985 Member
    None of the above.
    I eat what I like within a calorie goal.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,204 Member
    Eat the same meals daily? Just shoot me now, that ain't happening. I can eat the same breakfast for months at a time and I do have have some meals and snacks that I have on a regular basis, but overall variety is important for me.

    Count macros: I count calories and keep an eye on my protein intake.

    Have scheduled cheat days: cheat days can mean many things - higher calorie intake, eating foods that are usually 'off limits', not tracking,... I don't use the word cheat - I have higher calorie days and lower calorie days, some days eating mostly whole foods, some days more processed foods. I aim for balance overall. All without a 'meal plan' - to be honest just that word makes me want to run away (although I recognise that some people need and like to plan their meals).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    Another none of the above. I put a premium on quality nutrition...lots of whole foods and home cooking, healthy fats, lean protein, veg, fruit, whole grains and legumes, etc as well as regular exercise and active recreation. I don't count calories and don't really care about macros...I just look at overall quality nutrition.

    I also schedule in things like pizza and movie night with the family...Wednesdays are my go out or get take out for lunch days...Sundays are also usually a go out for brunch or lunch day...I make special desert dishes a couple times per month, etc. In regards to the whole of my diet (noun) and nutrition, these things are pretty immaterial. IMO, quality nutrition and keeping healthy are pretty common sense and don't need to be particularly difficult to achieve.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    All of the above 💪🏼
    Eat the same meals daily? No. But my favorites stay the same, and I eat them over and over.
    Count macros? Try to keep protein up today so I won’t be too hungry tomorrow. Try to keep fat as low as possible. Still too high for my health. It also helps me keep total calories down when I keep fat calories down.
    Cheat days? There are days—like Thanksgiving—that I just don’t want to try to analyze my food. Is this made with skim milk or full fat milk? How much butter do you think they added to this? I allow myself a meal now and then when I just ENJOY the food.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,583 Member
    edited December 2022
    Um, why do I need to be consistent with my meal plan? For me, "meal plan" isn't even a thing, honestly. I grocery shop, get things I like, make foods for meals quite spontaneously.

    So, none of the above.

    Like others, if I had to eat the same meals daily, I'd have given up in despair literal years ago. I do roughly count calories (most of the time now that I'm in maintenance, but not always), and I think overall nutrition is important (macros are part of that) . . . but all of that is fine to be "close enough, on average, over reasonably short periods of time". It absolutely doesn't need to be consistent every day, and that would drive me nuts. If it works for you, great. For you.

    I have good eating habits, have been at a healthy weight for 7+ years now (after previous decades of obesity), my Garmin fitness tracker (even though I think this is laughable on a literal level) thinks my "fitness age" is half my chronological age (so I think I can conclude I'm doing OK-ish), my blood tests and other medical metrics are good, I get overall good nutrition on average eating things that make me happy (they vary lots from one day to the next).

    Consistency? Not much, really.

    "Cheat days"? Please. That's like believing in Santa Claus as an adult. It's a charming myth. Who or what would I be cheating?

    Sometimes I eat lots of calories - way over maintenance, even; sometimes I eat fewer. Most of the time I eat nutrient-dense foods (that I enjoy, BTW - life is to short to eat non-tasty things, especially at my age!); other times I eat things with more calories than nutritional value. It's just food, and as a grown-up, I can make reasonable decisions about it.

    Your mileage apparently varies, and that's fine, too.
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    Yep, none of the above.

    I don’t meal plan (sometimes wish I were the sort of person who does), I’m way too fickle to stick to any sort of plan!

    I buy as many different vegetables as the supermarket has to offer and always have multiple different whole grains, pulses and dried beans in the store cupboard. Along with tinned plum tomatoes and a huge selection of herbs, spices and various culinaries (miso, ponzu, hoisin, harissa, gochujang etc etc…

    Then I just ‘make stuff’ - I pretty much instinctively hit my macros and adjust quantities as I go along to keep the calories where I want them. I can have a vague idea of what I’m about to cook and log before I cook using fictional weights for each item then adjust each ingredient weight when I’m actually cooking and come out pretty much spot on to the 500 cals I allow for dinner.
  • Rockmama1111
    Rockmama1111 Posts: 262 Member
    I have a bunch of lower calorie go-to meals and recipes in rotation that balance out my week so I don’t have to think about it too much. It’s all stuff I really like. I don’t log much anymore as long as my favorite jeans fit. (And, yes, here I am, they feel a little snug!)

    I’ve also been competing in StepBet challenges back-to-back for a couple of years so I ALWAYS get my steps in. (I’m too cheap to lose my money.)

    I_AM_ISRAEL Posts: 160 Member
    All of the above 💪🏼
    Sorry if I wasn’t clear! I myself will eat the same meals everyday, but will typically rotate food groups (mainly fats and carbs) every week or two.
    Whilst, staying within my caloric and macro means. 😃
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,627 Member
    edited December 2022
    Ok, I don't really do meals (I eat weird) but I'm a creature of habit so pretty much eat the same things every day.

    Even when I'd go out to lunch every day at work, I'd go to the same fast food places (each had their own day) and order the same thing. It got to so the regular workers at some places started my order when they saw me walking in the door. :)

    I pay attention to calories and keep an eye on protein (which I fail at miserably). I've also been failing at paying attention to calories lately...been mindlessly eating.

    But, basically, my consistency is eating what I want within my calorie goal, exercising, and trying not to gain. :)
  • ghrmj
    ghrmj Posts: 86 Member
    I eat mostly the same things daily for breakfast and lunch. By that I mean I have 2-3 options that I alternate through and they are all counted out for protein, veggies, calories and fibre, so I know they fit within my plan and goals. Dinner changes up depending on the day. Because the rest of the day is pretty set I can be a little more flexible with my dinner.
    I_AM_ISRAEL Posts: 160 Member
    edited December 2022
    All of the above 💪🏼
    @Nossmf I like your approach. And yes, i noticed a lot of condescending vibes as well; however, I’m not gonna add fuel to the fire because at the end of the day, results will ALWAYS speak louder than words 💪🏼
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,204 Member
    edited December 2022
    I'm sorry you feel condescending vibes, i don't think it's meant like that. But consistency means something different for everyone. For me it's about averages, not single days.
    For others (but a minority on this thread, it would seem) it's about eating the same thing regularly.

    Sustainability is the key. I would give up if I had to follow a meal plan, others are unsettled by irregular or unplanned meals and that pushes them 'off the wagon' so they prefer plans. We should all aim to do what works for us, not what works for others.

    Being very restrictive (in quantity or type of foods) and then 'cheating' is often a strategy that leads to failure, because of precisely that sustainability factor. The regulars here have seen enough people come and go, so the word 'cheat' is a bit of a trigger word/red flag, even though it isn't always used in the same meaning.

    PS results speaking louder than words - several successful people have replied. I've lost 75lbs myself. But as I said, whatever works for each individual, I hope you find your own long-term success with whatever strategy works for you.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,583 Member
    edited December 2022
    The condescension was probably me, or I was one, anyway. I'll own that, and apologize. TBH, the OP seemed prescriptive and assumptions-based, to me. I probably over-reacted.

    I honestly think one need not necessarily do any of those things in order to manage weight. They're tactics that work for some people . . . and I very sincerely think that's great, for those people.

    They may be great tactics for other people - 3rd parties - or they may not.

    We do see people here thinking that they need to white-knuckle their way into regimented every-day consistency in order to lose weight, or maintain weight, and who are struggling with that. Consistency is one route, but it's not the only route. A strict-ish consistency helps some people, but it would genuinely make me crazy. If routine consistency were required, I would've failed, period, end of sentence. Posts that leave no room for anyone to succeed via anything other than what I'd see as rigidity . . . well, they kind of get my back up, I admit.

    I do have some preferred meals I eat often, especially breakfasts (since I'm nearly comatose until I've been awake for a few hours - autopilot is a good thing in the AM, for me). I've tweaked my routine eating habits via logging and reviewing logs to the point where calories and nutrition fall into place pretty automagically, the majority of days.

    I really don't meal plan, I don't pre-log, and nearly never have, either during weight loss or maintenance. (During loss, I'd sometimes pre-log my final meal of the day to stay within calorie goal.) The results have been fine, at least according to my standards of "fine". To me "fine" = healthy weight (BMI 21-point-something), same jeans still fit great, health markers excellent, good exercise performance for my demographic.

    OP, if I made you feel bad, I do apologize, very sincerely. While I want to push back on "one valid universal route" kind of thinking, I truly don't want to make anyone feel bad for coming in that way . . . and that may not have been your intention anyway.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I really don't see why truthful=condescension. The OP put out a poll. His key word is "Consistency!!!". People didn't fit into the categories and truthfully said why. I consider myself to be consistent, but not in his categories.

    I also hope the OP (and everyone else) is successful and hits their goals. Sorry I was truthful.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,992 Member
    edited December 2022
    I really don't see why truthful=condescension. The OP put out a poll. His key word is "Consistency!!!". People didn't fit into the categories and truthfully said why. I consider myself to be consistent, but not in his categories.

    I also hope the OP (and everyone else) is successful and hits their goals. Sorry I was truthful.

    Key words are fun to play with. cheers.