60 yrs and up



  • Pdc654
    Pdc654 Posts: 317 Member
    Thank you @BCLadybug888
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,969 Member
    @ridiculous59, thanks for the welcome! Sounds like we both love being out in nature. Your perfect retirement day and mine are very similar!

    It's so funny you mentioned "forest bathing." I read about it a while ago, and I find it amusing that it has become an "official thing," as if it were something new and earthshaking.

    How is everyone doing this weekend?
  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 106 Member
    Pdc654 wow. What an incredible achievement. Please tell more
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Congratulations PDC!!! Awesome accomplishment!!
  • Pdc654
    Pdc654 Posts: 317 Member
    I also have asthma and mild COPD which complicates any respiratory infection I get but otherwise is under control with medication.
  • karlschaeffer
    karlschaeffer Posts: 1,506 Member
    Pdc654 wrote: »
    I reached a milestone today. I have finally reached a healthy BMI of 24.9. It feels so good after being so heavy for so long. When I started my BMI was 41.8. That's into Obese level 3. While I know there are many issues around relying on BMI as a guide, to have finally reached a healthy weight means so much.

    Congratulations! That’s n awesome accomplishment!
  • karlschaeffer
    karlschaeffer Posts: 1,506 Member
    Well, now I feel like crap 🙃. I started Aug 13/21 and lost fairly good at the beginning but tapered off by Spring and have been fighting over the same 8 lbs or so ever since.

    I am still down 40 lbs+ since I began, but currently weigh more than Pdc started at...and had none of the challenges she faced! I think her rate if loss has been stupendous and hats off 👒 to you!


    I am not giving up, not ever again. Logging and posting here has really helped me to stay in the game and NOT start another yoyo cycle.

    I am mastering maintenance if nothing else lol. And I know, I know - we can't compare our journey to others...but hopefully y'all can be secretly pleased you're doing better than me! 😘 Don't give up - that option is off the table this time around - join me!

    I know what to do, it's just a question of how long I will drag my feet - I concur, the support and advice around here is top notch 👌 CICO and tweaking my food towards whole foods and starting to pay attention to macros is so much easier than the multitude of plans I've tried over the years.

    So while my pursuit of a healthy weight is certainly taking longer, I am so much better off than I was, and slowly (obvs) but surely I will keep going on my weight management quest until I am satisfied with my weight, and I will maintain after that. No more falling off the wagon for me - hiccups only - this is my time!

    Good attitude BC. Everybody’s journey is there own and we have to find what works best for us. But while it’s an individual journey, we take support, friendship and enjoyment from our friends here on MFP.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 332 Member
    Hi, everyone. Enjoying reading the posts on here. I'm female, age 72 and back to counting calories. Current weight is 180 and hope to get down to 150. Have decided 1200 calories to start with and may have to adjust that number down a bit. Finding exercise is a challenge in the winter due to our extreme cold conditions (rural Alberta) but try to get out for a walk every day. Good luck to everyone.
  • PatDMuddle
    PatDMuddle Posts: 27 Member
    Good morning, at least it is here in Eastern Australia, though somewhat smokey skies but hey only 33C today (almost 92F). All aboard, the more the merrier, we are all here for the same purpose. This morning while prepping brekky, I was thinking that I had been doing this for months and should be seeing better results and then thought, hang on this is only day 6. Suddenly it seemed like an overwhelming task but I reminded myself to be patient and persistent. Have a productive day wherever you are. B)

    I live in Queensland and desperately need some accountability and support friends if you are interested please? I'm 65 yo.
    I don't know how to request or add friends here, sorry.
  • Canadianlass2022
    Hi everyone- checking in.
    Love seeing how well everyone has been doing with inner motivation! ❤️

    18lbs down in two months is amazing, though recently has slowed down to .8 per week.I think goal still appears achievable🤞

    Not so great -YET!- at adding new habits as I go however the downward trend continues so I am doing something right and nudges me forward! 🥴

    60 yrs old, 5’2”
    Nov 1: Weight 202 lbs
    Dec 5: Current weight 196.4
    Goal Weight by Jan 31 2023: 187
    (9.4 lbs away from first 2023 milestone)

    Have only a few pals and looking for more like minded mfp pals if anyone is interested in sharing encouragement 🤗
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,737 Member
    Hello to all the new folks: Glad you've joined us here. Keep us posted on how you're doing, ask questions, or solicit ideas for addressing your current challenges. I'm betting that some of the folks who've been here for a while can offer ideas to try.

    It's so great to see so many new participants lately, plus a lot of good interaction with and among the longer-term participants. We go through some .quieter phases on this thread, so it's good to see the robust mutual support going.
    It took me three years to lose 90 pounds. Mainly because I enjoyed life along the way. If there was a birthday to be celebrated I was there. Christmas goodies? Yes please! Friday pizza and a glass of wine? Count me in (and boy, did I look forward to that every week). But I didn't go crazy with my indulgences and all the other days I buckled down. And of course I exercised every day.

    That's what worked for me and I know that it's not the way for everyone. Some people just want to get 'er done as quickly as possible. Like ripping off a bandage. But my point is that slow and steady isn't necessarily a bad thing 🙂

    For my own part - may not apply for others - going slow at some point(s) during loss was really helpful. (I intentionally slowed down at the end.)

    Why? Statistics, plus a lot of people on MFP, say that maintaining that healthy weight can be quite difficult after losing. Some people say it's harder than the loss! (I'm not sure I agree . . . .)

    By taking some time close to maintenance calories while still losing, I was able to test/practice maintenance habits with that cushion of a small deficit in case of oopsies (failed experiments). By the time I got to goal weight, the only change I needed to make was to add a small number of daily calories . . . not remodel eating or activity habits in any major way at all.

    When I did add back calories, I did that 100-200 daily calories at a time, then waited to see the scale effect. With each add, it took longer for the trend to sort itself out from the "noise" of daily fluctuations.

    A key plus, for me, of adding calories in increments was that it encouraged me to think of small, pleasant tweaks to my eating habits. I know myself: If I added 400-500 calories all at once, I'd be much more tempted to add a single big daily treat. That's not as helpful for my long-term goals, and the gradual adds didn't hit me that way. (I'm not saying I never have big treats. I do. They just aren't routine, daily things. Small treats daily? Yeah, pretty much.)

    For those of you who are new: There are many alternate paths that can work. I think finding the right personal approach is really key. We each have different preferences, strengths, life situations, challenges . . . different things will work best for different people. I'm cheering for any method that allows a person to reach their weight goals, alongside staying reasonably healthy en route.

    Happy December, all!
  • Pdc654
    Pdc654 Posts: 317 Member
    @ridiculous59. Yes, slow and steady is probably the best way, especially to maintain muscle mass. Everyone has to find what works best for them. In the beginning I was very focused and hardly ever indulged, an approach that let me see immediate rewards. I'm starting to relax more and let myself have a piece of pie or cake occasionally on holidays and birthdays. I've been on and off so many diets in the past and been derailed by a vacation or other life event it's hard for me sometimes to give myself permission to indulge in those things without going overboard or let a one day celebration turn into a week, then a month, etc. It is a learning experience.

  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    @ridiculous59 and @Pdc654 :

    Well, my fellow sexagenarians, when you lose weight, your choices are slow or even slower. Even when you really kill yourself, you'll only lose about 2lbs/week. And, you'll suffer greatly the whole time!

    But, the slower you lose, the smaller your calorie deficit, and the easier it is to maintain that deficit for a long period, which will be necessary.

    And, I'm the poster child for failing in maintenance. Over the past year, I've had so many life changes that I've allowed myself to gain some weight. I need to get back into deficit mode and stop all this moping around!