Healthiest options to order at a hibachi restaurant?

Everything looks like it's cooked in so much oil. And I dislike going out to eat sometimes because I can't track macros. How do I go about tracking? Guestimates?

I was thinking of getting hibachi shrimp with veggies or soybean edamame?


  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,654 Member
    You're probably overthinking it. Yes, you can estimate the calories. TBH, most people on here don't want to admit it, but all calorie counts are estimates. One 8 Oz. Piece of ribeye steak will have a drastically different calorie count from another 8 Oz piece of ribeye steak. To me, the idea of "calorie counting" is really to just make you more aware of how much you are eating. And the oil is not going to be a huge problem unless you drink it off the plate (unpopular opinion once again, but really, in the overall picture, the amount of oil that will actually be on the food itself will maybe be 100-200 calories worth)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,575 Member
    Very good advice from sollyn2313. A rare restaurant meal - especially when you make good choices and estimate even semi-reasonably - is a drop in the ocean. The majority of our days determines the majority of our outcome, not one unusual meal here or there.

    If you haven't already eaten it: One additional option would be to politely ask them, at the restaurant, if they can keep the oil on the light side or minimum for your portion. I'm vegetarian, have found that hibachi-type places will usually cook my portion separately to keep it away from others' meat/fish/seafood. It never hurts to ask. If they accommodate you, tip well (if you're in a tipping kind of culture).

    One thing, about "I dislike going out to eat sometimes because I can't track macros." Please think hard about this.

    IMO, the big prize here is not so much just losing weight, but rather staying at a healthy weight long term (ideally permanently), while maintaining a good overall life balance. By "good overall life balance", I mean everything, job, family, other hobbies, and - yes - social connection. Social connection sometimes involves shared food. I'd encourage you not to let calorie-counting isolate you socially. We need some social connection for good mental health.

    During weight loss, you have an opportunity to experiment, and find the eating/exercise habits that will sustain you long term, within the context of an overall happy and satisfying life. I don't know the answer to this, but you do: How much of going out to eat with friends, as a way to sustain social connection, are you willing to give up?

    You can eat out, and succeed at weight management, if you want to. Lots of people do. Make reasonable choices, and recognize that a rare incorrectly-estimated meal isn't going to have a huge impact. In fact - with sensible choices - it will probably have zero impact. That's been my experience from 7+ years now, most of that time maintaining a healthy weight.

    Enjoy your meal!