Hi there from the Florida Keys

My name is Karen (I know…🤦🏾‍♀️) but you can call me Kay. I’m a former fitness fanatic who got COMPLETELY derailed by BII. I have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, and ADD. <—-Literally NO ONE was surprised about that. Lol!
I am on a mission to lose 85 pounds. I am doing a wide variety of workouts: Peloton, Treadmill, Beachbody, Reset App, VShred, Fitness App, and Asana. I MISS CrossFit and my goal is to be back in a box by my birthday: APRIL 28, 2023.
I welcome anyone and everyone to come along on my journey. And I look forward to rooting for you on yours!


    KATGIRLNC1972 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Karen, good to meet you! I’m in a journey to lose 70 lbs myself and have just gotten serious about it this week. I’d like to follow along with you and see what you find that works for you!