Just keep hiking



  • Hodgy2357
    Hodgy2357 Posts: 60 Member
    Your photos are stunning! They made me think of Cumbria in England but like on steroids! The scale is breathtaking! I've got a tentative plan to head off and walk the Camino de Santiago Frances in the spring of 2024 to get headspace and take stock of life between finishing uni and taking up my first post as a registered nurse. Pure bucket list dream!
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,720 Member
    edited January 2023
    Rock formation at the pool below the falls.


  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,720 Member
    The Snake River valley viewed from Lizard Butte. jwyj5ctj4hni.jpg
  • BartBVanBockstaele
    BartBVanBockstaele Posts: 623 Member
    Heading up the mountain, no snowshoes needed just microspikes
    Mouthwatering pictures. All we have in Toronto is grey and gloomy weather. <weep-weep>
  • chudib
    chudib Posts: 5 Member
    I love your pictures :)
  • TamiVsTheTrail
    TamiVsTheTrail Posts: 75 Member
    @jwhitephoto great views, I love the rain coming down in the distance in the second photo!
  • TamiVsTheTrail
    TamiVsTheTrail Posts: 75 Member
    edited January 2023
    @marghies Are you at the south end of the Rockies? I'd love to see some of your photos and hear about your adventures. I used to live in Banff, much more north end of the Rockies :) I live just outside of Vancouver BC, I hike mostly in the Coast and North Shore mountain ranges.
  • BartBVanBockstaele
    BartBVanBockstaele Posts: 623 Member


    I headed out in the fog yesterday, with a "chance of rain". I decided to not go into back country and stay on more popular trails since I didn't really expect to see anyone in this weather. I was so wrong. It's always great to see the die hard hikers out in miserable weather, lots of people to chat with along our way, most of us had no set destination and would go until we were done. I had decided on about 10 - 12KM when I started out, love hiking in the fog. About 4KM up the cloud burst open and a group of us stood on the trail laughing and then started sharing or favourite hikes of last year. Within minutes I was drenched and made the decision that 8KM was going to be enough today. On the way down I met a young man doing his first solo hike in the area and he was terrified! He was so glad to see another person and asked about Grizzly bears. I turned around and walked with him a bit, assuring him that this wasn't Grizzly area, there were lots of people on the trail today up ahead so he wouldn't be alone long. I gave him a few more trails he can do alone that he will feel safe on, talked about bear bells and such before turning back around and headed out. (I decided not to mention there are ALWAYS cougars throughout the entire area)
    My weight is slowly coming off and I'm not worried about that. It always takes a bit to really start dropping but I'm noticing other things that make me smile. I had to move up a notch on my watch strap, my shirt isn't clinging to my body, my wedding ring doesn't have a muffin top anymore.
    Fantastic picture!
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