Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 211



  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,557 Member
    57, 5’5
    OSW-187 Sept. 2018. Thank you @quiltingjaine !
  • meagop
    meagop Posts: 30 Member
    Hi all,

    I hope everyone is feeling healthy and fit (or, like me, healthier and fitter after spending some time as a slug... It's never too late!)

    SW: 200
    1/12 200 (today was good for eating healthily and within my range, but exercise was lacking. Zoom meetings this afternoon and evening were a bit of a drag, and now I am tired.)
    1/13 199 (today was good as far as diet, but other than climbing stairs at school I didn’t get much exercise)
    1/14 199 (Good day for exercise, ate some chocolate instead of nutritious food, but stayed under my calorie limit!)
    1/15 199 (Good day: exercise and diet both according to plan!)
    1/16 198 (Today was good, except that a student gave me a 35g mini Toblerone bar and I ate it. Sigh. Now I can’t have my evening snack of greek yogurt and fruit.)
    1/17 199 (Not such a great day, no exercise, snacked instead of having a proper dinner. Better tomorrow.)
    1/18 200 (Slug day yesterday showed up on the scale. Sigh. Today was good: Ate nutritious food and got some exercise!)
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,937 Member
    @39flavours My cat either crowds my husband’s feet off the bed or sits and stares at my face and I can feel his glare. These practices have earned him his own bedroom! I hate closing him in a room - it’s the master bedroom which is really my sewing room - but I don’t want him chewing on me!