LESS Alcohol ~ JANUARY 2023 ~ One Day At A Time



  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,792 Member
    @mfowler883 sending positive thoughts and wishes for better days ahead. Hope you introduce more things into your life that make you happy.

    I struggle with course-correcting my own life. It takes energy and courage. But the times I did that, I did get myself out of a hole and into a better place.

  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    @joans1976 No chemo is AWESOME news!

    @lmlmrn yeah I've been struggling to get back on track since Thanksgiving. Every day that I've had alcohol has been accompanied by weight gain overnight with one or two exceptions. The drinks come with calories of their own, and then comes the snacking and grazing on top of it. You got this, though. What whiskey do you like? I'm a fan of wheated bourbons, Weller being the go-to when I can find it.

    @womona don't you hate that? I've had those sorts of episodes before, have one drink and be like hey whoa I'm feeling this more than usual for some reason....

    @liveoncebehappy I did the same thing a few months ago, tossed quite a bit and went from keeping beer, wine and whiskey on hand all the time to buying small amounts on occasion. That was a pivotal decision in my weight loss journey.

    @geebee08505 I've been seeing things like that Hoppy Refresher around, not normally something I would be drawn to but I'm getting curious. I may have to grab some next time I go shopping.

    My lanyard looked great but was seriously oversized for the little knife I attached it to, so I untied it before bed. Untying it was at least as tricky as tying it in the first place, after working out the slack and dressing it down. Good practice, though, Turk's heads are probably not exactly considered a beginner knot. LOL.

    Today is more "business as usual" and I guess we're just going to keep doing that until the next big one drops and then we'll yell and fight and threaten divorce and make ridiculous threats and accusations and say all the hurtful things we can think of and drag up every little thing from twenty some odd years of life together. I'll get ripped, and sleep in the pillow pile on the studio floor until she comes and asks if I'm coming to bed. The next morning will be more tearful hugs and sorry this and we need to that and back to "business as usual."

    Is this just how it goes? What am I supposed to be feeling right now, because I still just feel distant and sort of numb with a little spike of frustration poking through around the edges...
