20 LBS by THANKSGIVING - 9 weeks away! Day 1



  • I am in!!
  • I am in!!! I am going to shoot for 10lbs. Lovin' the energy!!!!
  • I was doing so good and lost 8 lbs but then have gained 7 back and need some support, motivation, and accountability to lose the 20lbs I want to lose and keep it off! Come on peeps! I am excited!
  • Im in for 20lbs
  • Lkbaker
    Lkbaker Posts: 35 Member
    Oh my gosh...... Perfect timing. I just started back on here and back on my journey.....i had a back injury and gained just about everything back I had lost. Now I am back at it and can't wait to pass my old weight and finally reach my goal :)
  • I am in! I only need to lose about 25 total, so I don't know if I will lose all 20-25 by then, but I will definitely try!

    CW: 155
  • can you count me in too?
  • I am down 2 pounds since Tuesday. It is probably just water weight but it is still encouraging! I am excited about this! I want my in-laws to notice I have lost weight! I am tired of carrying all this extra baby weight around. My son is almost 2. I should have had this off a long time ago!!

    I know how you feel! My daughter just turned 2, and I'm still carrying around the extra weight. Let's do this!
  • I'M IN!!!! Nice to meet you all!!! I'm kinda new to using the actual site as I've been using the app instead but WOW at all of you!!! I'm super excited to see people in the same boat as I and the level of support and uplifting going on! I so love it and cant wait to work with you ladies and gents if there are any.
  • Kgiannelli
    Kgiannelli Posts: 13 Member
    I AM IN!!! Perfect timing!! I just joined MFP and need a group for motivation!! This seems too perfect!! 9 weeks 20 lbs seems like a reachable goal!!!
  • Mappel2
    Mappel2 Posts: 7 Member
    Count me in. How does this work? Will you be making a daily thread?
  • Lkbaker
    Lkbaker Posts: 35 Member
    are we gonna set a specific weigh in day each week ???
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    Im in. I need all the help. So hopefully this will keep me on track.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Great run this morning- didn't get to eat breakfast until 8 though (3 hours after I woke up)- which irritates me- and it was only a yogurt, really wanted some egg whites with turkey but my youngest was a bit of a hound this morning (she's 18 months).
    Have a good Friday everyone
  • zsesteacher
    zsesteacher Posts: 106 Member
    I want to join...I hope it's not too late...Hope everyone has an awesome weekend...I'm really looking forward to it cause my husband will be off this weekend....here are my statistics

    SW- 271
    CW- 248
    goal weight by Thanksgiving 228...(yay can't wait!!!)
  • klopiccolo1
    klopiccolo1 Posts: 114 Member
    Is it too late to join? I would love to almost be at my halfway mark by Thanksgiving! :smile:

    SW- 254
    CW- 224
    GW- 145

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    When do we need to weigh in. Im so excited about this..
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    What are you all doing to lose 20lbs by then? 1200 cals? with or without exercise?

    I'm stuck and not losing anything.. just up and down by same amounts.. :sad:

    All help appreciated!
  • julsmarshall
    julsmarshall Posts: 129 Member
    New to the site but I would love to join the challenge! I need as much support as I can get :) I love the comment that it is not about luck--for me it is about commitment and remaining conscious of my food/exercise choices.

    SW: 210
    GW: 170 (i'm 5'10" tall)
    goal for Thanksgiving: 182

    I am doing the 21 day Quantum cleanse and have lost 8 pounds so far and feeling really good. As I get used to this vegan thing, I haven't been exercising much but plan to add that in starting today! Will all the heathy food I am fueling myself with and the added exercise, I believe that I will meet my goals!

    Have a great Friday everyone! Let's go into this weekend with our eyes on the prize!
  • smchic2012
    smchic2012 Posts: 21 Member
    I agree with you, 1-2 pounds a week is would be great but anything that comes off before Thanksgiving would be a definitely blessing. Keep up the good work I know we can all do this.