Worst first date ever?



  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I really don't want this thread to die. POST, People! ;)
  • jonesz922
    jonesz922 Posts: 89 Member
    He told me he liked to taste himself after he came.... we hadn't even ordered yet. CHECK! :noway:
  • Scarletblue
    I was set up with this guy a few months ago. We met at a public location, which is this huge botanical garden in our city. I got there a little early, and waited. Up rides this guy on a BICYCLE with what looked like a hiking pack on his back. The first thing he said to me was "You must be Danielle. I recognize your t*ts from the photo that _____ showed me"....ummmm....seriously?! So we walked through the gardens talking, and the entire time this guy bi.tched and moaned about how expensive dating was, how expensive EVERYTHING is nowadays...mind you, he makes 6 figures. He knew from our friend that I am vegan, and asked me a lot of questions about it, and seemed to be respectful. After the gardens, he said he wanted to take me to dinner, but we'd have to put his bike in my car....WTF?! I asked if he owned a car, out of curiosity, and he said he did, but "didn't want to waste the gas". So, I have to STRADDLE his bike in a skirt and heels while he took it apart so it would fit in my car, and got in. He guided me where to go, and it ended up being a pizza place....okay, so I can just get a small veggie pizza w/no cheese...no big deal. OH NO. He ordered for BOTH OF US. A MEAT LOVERS pizza. He told me I could just "pick everything off, it's a better deal this way." After having a nice meal of water, we got back in the car, and the first thing he said was, "well, I washed my sheets so I guess it's time to go back to my place." I obliged, but with a different motive. We got to his place, put his bike back together, and I got back in the car and took the hell off. He started calling me like, 3 times a day, texting, emailing me. I had to block his number and his email so he couldn't contact me. Believe me, I had some STRONG WORDS for my friend the next day!

    That's horrible, but I am still lmao!

    "well, I washed my sheets so I guess it's time to go back to my place." I can't get over it it is too funny
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    A blind date set up with a cow farmer...he told me i had nice child bearing hips and id be pretty good to breed off!!!!
    I informed him i was not livestock and had no intention of breeding with him...pffftttt what was he thinking.
  • cdringle74
    OMG that is so horrible !

    I don't really have any scary dating experiences...just lame ones that everyone has.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Mine are not nearly as bad as some of the other ones on here... but...

    I met this guy online a couple of months ago... I know I know, so many creepy online dating stories.

    We had actually been talking for a few months so I decided to meet him... I agreed for Ice Cream because as Tom Hanks said in Sleepless in Seattle. "You never want to do dinner on a first date because half way through dinner you could be really sorry that you agreed to go to dinner. But if you just meet for drinks (or in this case ice cream) If things don't work out you can just say, Well that was great, and be on your way"

    Come to find out he is Mid 30's and still lives with his parents... On the first date he told me all about his past relationships or lack there of... and a couple of girls who thought he was stalkers... Like an idiot I didn't take that as a red flag until later.

    We went out once more, and it wasn't horrible but not great either.

    Then he kept texting me and saying that his whole family and work buddies couldn't wait to meet his new girlfriend... I was like Whoa buddy we've only been on 2 dates here. Then he texts me and asks me if we can go to this really nice restaurant and oh yeah that it was my turn to buy this time... He has spent a grand total of $6.25 + tax on me on our two dates COMBINED. I'm by no means a gold digger, but who asks someone else out to somewhere super expensive and expects them to buy... I don't mind taking turns or going dutch on occasion, but seriously dude, you asked me, lets at least keep in it the affordable range... Needless to say there was not a third date.

    Speaking of online dating hall of fame-rs: I also once had a 60 year old ask if I would be interested in having a 3- some with him and his wife because they were looking for a pretty young thing to spice up stuff in the bedroom... I did not respond and blocked him from my page
  • Sweetcheeks278
    I was about 19 or so and I had gone on a couple of dates with this guy. Things seemed to going pretty well. He asked me if I could meet him at work when he got off (we lived an hour away from each other and his job was in the middle) I said sure. So his job was in the city and me being young, didn't factor in traffic. I get there about 5 or 6 min later than I told him I would be there. He seemed a little miffed but nothing major. So we get into his Jeep and driveoff, AWAY from my house. We get on 95 North and all of a sudden he pulls over and tells me to get out. :noway: I thought I hadn't heard him correctly but yes I had. He told me that he couldnt believe that I was late. I tried to explain to him that it was traffic and he sd he didn't care that I should of taken that into consideration when planning!! Now this is back in the day when there wasn't cell phones and I am a 19 yr old girl walking on the side of a major highway and I had NO idea where I was. I walked to a pay phone and called my father in hysterics. He figured out where I was and came and got me. :heart:
    They funny part is the guy actually called the next day for another date and his reasoning was he was trying to teach me a lesson. Ummm, the only lesson I learned is that you are an *kitten*!!
  • Sweetcheeks278
    He told me he liked to taste himself after he came.... we hadn't even ordered yet. CHECK! :noway:

    OH. MY. GOD. Did you run? ;)
  • Scarletblue
    I was about 19 or so and I had gone on a couple of dates with this guy. Things seemed to going pretty well. He asked me if I could meet him at work when he got off (we lived an hour away from each other and his job was in the middle) I said sure. So his job was in the city and me being young, didn't factor in traffic. I get there about 5 or 6 min later than I told him I would be there. He seemed a little miffed but nothing major. So we get into his Jeep and driveoff, AWAY from my house. We get on 95 North and all of a sudden he pulls over and tells me to get out. :noway: I thought I hadn't heard him correctly but yes I had. He told me that he couldnt believe that I was late. I tried to explain to him that it was traffic and he sd he didn't care that I should of taken that into consideration when planning!! Now this is back in the day when there wasn't cell phones and I am a 19 yr old girl walking on the side of a major highway and I had NO idea where I was. I walked to a pay phone and called my father in hysterics. He figured out where I was and came and got me. :heart:
    They funny part is the guy actually called the next day for another date and his reasoning was he was trying to teach me a lesson. Ummm, the only lesson I learned is that you are an *kitten*!!

    You should have went for another date and brought a shot gun and your father
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Mine is not bad at all, but here goes. My co-worker fixes me up with this guy who is supposed to tall, blah, blah. I am almost 5'9", so she had me at tall. He shows up at my door and he is at least three inches shorter then me AND he is wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. Like those two things would distract me or something. Things did not get better from this point on, but at least he brought me home safely and unsullied. Of course I did have over three inches on him so he was probably afraid.

    I was pretty ticked at my co-worker, but then in dawned on me that she as only 5 feet tall and I am shallow so I should not ***** about someone else's shortcomings....get it...he was short...LOL
  • jonesz922
    jonesz922 Posts: 89 Member
    He told me he liked to taste himself after he came.... we hadn't even ordered yet. CHECK! :noway:

    OH. MY. GOD. Did you run? ;)

    I didn't run... but I did leave before my drink even came... pyscho!!
  • Sweetcheeks278
    I was about 19 or so and I had gone on a couple of dates with this guy. Things seemed to going pretty well. He asked me if I could meet him at work when he got off (we lived an hour away from each other and his job was in the middle) I said sure. So his job was in the city and me being young, didn't factor in traffic. I get there about 5 or 6 min later than I told him I would be there. He seemed a little miffed but nothing major. So we get into his Jeep and driveoff, AWAY from my house. We get on 95 North and all of a sudden he pulls over and tells me to get out. :noway: I thought I hadn't heard him correctly but yes I had. He told me that he couldnt believe that I was late. I tried to explain to him that it was traffic and he sd he didn't care that I should of taken that into consideration when planning!! Now this is back in the day when there wasn't cell phones and I am a 19 yr old girl walking on the side of a major highway and I had NO idea where I was. I walked to a pay phone and called my father in hysterics. He figured out where I was and came and got me. :heart:
    They funny part is the guy actually called the next day for another date and his reasoning was he was trying to teach me a lesson. Ummm, the only lesson I learned is that you are an *kitten*!!

    You should have went for another date and brought a shot gun and your father

    LOL Trust me, I had to hold my father back from going to the guys house and killing him! He showed at my house a few days after the phone conversation and my father had some choice words for him. He ended up on his butt at the bottom of our front porch. :laugh: Hes lucky thats all that happened. My father was a Golden Gloves boxer and fought Sugar Ray.
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    He picked me up in an old beat up Ford Festiva. He tried to make me hold his hand on the stick shift…awkward. We went bowling with a bunch of his friends, and every single last one of his buddies pulled me aside and told me that I was too good for him, and I should consider going home with them. Nice friends. Anyway, after the whole bowling fiasco, he drove me home and asked to come in to use the restroom. I was hesitant, but being a nice girl, I couldn’t tell him no, right? So he comes in, obviously NOT to use the bathroom. He started kissing me, and the WHOLE time I was thinking : “I'm-Kissing-You-Back-Sort-Of-Only-Because-Your-Damned-Lips-are-Touching-Mine-and-It's-Easier-to-Just-Let-You-Kiss-Me-and-Get-it-Over-With.” Yeah, so totally not into it. When he started the “Hands-Too-Aggressively-Fondling-Groping-Like-a-Clammy-Octopus-in-Heat” act, and tried copping a feel… or 10, I asked him to leave. A couple days later he calls me to ask me out on a second date. When I politely decline, he tells me I’m not his type anyway, and hangs up on me. I attract the awesome ones. Lol.
    Hey was his name Joel??? I had one do the SAME thing!!!

    Lol, unfortunately, no. His name was James. Must be the “J” names. I’ve had more than a few bad dates with guys that names start with a “J”. Lol.

    I named his kissing technique: Somewhere crossed between the “Mouth-Stretching-Competition-Get-Lost-in-the-Grand-Canyon-kiss” (aka the Open-the-Mouth-WAY-Too-Wide kiss). And “The Dentist's-Chair kiss” (aka Niagara-Falls kiss) - You know how when you're getting work done on your teeth and no matter how much you try to control yourself, it seems as though your natural drool tendencies kick in full swing. You turn into a drool machine requiring that suction device or else your face and neck would be taking a really gross drool shower. Most of the time, thankfully, you are in control of your drool responses. However, some people are not.
    Seriously. Gross.

    ok i have to say not all guys with a j name are the same way.... my name is James and i would be horrified if i had a date go as wrong as some of these
  • krik84
    We just drove around for an hour and then the guy took me to IHOP - which is okay with me really. He was then taking FOREVER to decide what to eat and I was starving so I started trying to help him along and asked "Do you like to eat sausage?" and he replied loudly "No, but I do like to eat p@#$$y", I was just shocked and instinctively said "what?" which he took seriously and repeated even louder (there were kids around). I still ate dinner before we left and I never spoke to him again ( I love IHOP, what can I say?)
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    one confessed to me that he was a registered sex offender, and 32 and living with his parents. um... check please...

    another took me to a c&w bar (if you know me, you know why this is funny) and proceeded to leave me alone for 80% of the time so he could go chat with everyone because "it's just like high school" and they would be "upset" if he didn't. as if this wasn't weird enough, he insisted i try dancing (i am the WORST POSSIBLE dancer - i know this.) and proceeded to lose his balance and drop me. i stood up, dusted off, and walked out. never to be seen again.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member

    I actually went there for an interview (I worked on the show for a while) and a girl I had never seen actually requested me. I did it obviously for the job opportunity. She had a GREAT BODY A 12 out of 10, but her face and personality was a combined 5!! She was a Go-go dancer and I met her at her home. I went with my homeboy Tony who ended up double dating with one of her friends.

    I got to her place and it was a mess! Plus there was roaches running everywhere. Her booty was incredible, but she had like 6 inch fingernails. The whole night was a DISASTER!

    Funny though my boy Tony and her friends ended up together and dated for a very long time.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    Bump. These rule.
  • treesloth
    treesloth Posts: 162 Member
    I was pretty ticked at my co-worker, but then in dawned on me that she as only 5 feet tall and I am shallow so I should not ***** about someone else's shortcomings....get it...he was short...LOL

    See, that just annoys those of us that are 6'6". How can we be that tall and yet be overlooked? :-)
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    In my earlier 20's met this girl while my buddy was a DJ at a local bar....saw her around and didn't think much of it....but she came and asked if I wanted to go out with her sometime. It was a little odd for me being traditional but I went with it and set a date. So the plan was to do the somewhat typical dinner and movie, but for added fun had her stop by so we can take a ride on the motorcycle to get some fresh air, etc. Motorcycle ride went fine, we cruised around, and then headed to dinner. We sit down to order and getting the drinks....not a big deal. The waitress comes back asking what we want to order....I motion to her first....she says no go ahead.....I order a hot sandwich of some sort (I think it was the ham and swiss croissant....lol)........now her turn....she stares at me funny, then goes to order something similar off the menu.........the waitress leaves and you wouldn't believe the stank face I was getting......I mean it was incredibly uncomfortable.....so I ask her what's wrong. She throws a tantrum saying that I didn't tell her that she could get what she wanted off the menu, that there was something else she wanted, and she's used to getting what she wants and has certain expectations (because I didn't say get what you want, she felt limited in what she could get). I told her it was no biggy, we can call the waitress back and she can order whatever it is she really wants.....not good enough apparently, so she sits there in disgust, no conversation whatsoever... to the point where 15 mins later I actually get up and walk to the restroom to gather myself bc I can't believe what an utter PSYCHO I'm stuck with for the next hour or so.....our meals come and she sits there picking at it like it's dog food and mumbling under her breath. We (finally) get to the end and then suddenly she realizes how she got where she is (her car is at my house miles away), and then tries to apologize for acting like she did. We ride back to my house and she asks so what do you want to do next? I see my roommate at the time washing dishes, so I tell her to wait outside for a sec while I talk to him. Told him the fun I was having, so my roommate says so what are we gonna do? Told him to hang on one sec because I need to get rid of this one. I walked back out to tell her I couldn't continue the date, how awkward it was, that we could still be friends. She wanted to schedule another time to hang out, and ultimately after a few times of hearing from her and not being available to her liking, she screamed at me on the phone what she thought of me, and ultimately I told her off.

    Also, a few years later I called one of the local radio stations (Kiss FM) as worst date ever was the topic and ended up on the radio telling this on Valentine's Day. It was somewhat gratifying
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I just remembered mine. It never made it to being a date though. After meeting many miserable men on Match I started meeting them ASAP so I would know right away if they were worth my time. This also meant meeting them AND seeing where they live. With parents, in a mess, with 10 other people...etc. I work at a prison so I'm not terribly afraid of getting hurt so I show up at his house (which I had to drive 45 miles to) and right away got a bad feeling. It was an ok house but it looked "dark".....I knock on the door and he opens it. This horrible smell comes out. I immediately turned and got back in my car. I didn't say a word. He called/texted all night. I didn't even bother to answer. That was when I got off Match for good.