Getting discouraged

I know. I know everything everyone is probably going to say. The scale is slow to move. But it still doesn't stop me from being discouraged. So I slip. I sabotage myself. I keep trying, but I'm still floundering around between a couple of pounds. i'm at the highest I've been in 20 years. I try to lose. I track. The completion tells me in 5 weeks I'll be ___. Yeah. ok, but the next day dawns. I try. Someone says pizza. WTH It's slow going, can't deprive myself and I don't want to cook. I'll still be lower just not as low. If I could just get out of these couple of pounds I'm bouncing around. I'm walking more than I did a month ago. still doesn't go down. Yeah, uh huh, muscle. BS. There's no muscle. no fewer inches. I continue. I track. One day it'll start coming off right? Why does it keep saying I'll be down about 8 pounds in 5 weeks but i'm still in the same couple of pounds. Sigh. I'm not lying on the tracking. Honest. I want to see what it says for the 5 weeks at the end of the day. Another day dawns. And another. And another. bounce. bounce. bounce.


  • cyn_love
    cyn_love Posts: 94 Member
    That was the struggle I was in for a long time, too - but that was with WW. MFP has been working for me. For the last couple weeks every time I have that "It won't be as low" thought, I just don't do it. It's like I'm running a little experiment. What would happen if you didn't have the pizza this time? Maybe run an experiment for yourself. When I saw the weight coming off a bit quicker, it makes those decisions much easier.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,226 Member
    I don't know about the original poster, but I really needed to hear this! Thanks @AnnPT77
  • langelis212
    langelis212 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes the first time i made goal i was right in the head. I've been struggling especially hard the past several years to get back there. I think I'm closer than i have been. I keep trying though. It's a slippery slope though.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Excellent post by @AnnPT77. When I get discouraged I read the "success threads". It gives me enthusiasm to read how people overcame obstacles to lose weight.
  • NC_Gardener
    NC_Gardener Posts: 20 Member
    My "In 5 weeks" is always way too optimistic on the time frame. My calorie allowance is good and works, just not ever in that timespan. Maybe you're slow, too? There's probably a setting we can change, but I've used mine before and like it. I just have to ignore that message that pops up.
  • clairrob
    clairrob Posts: 38 Member
    edited February 2023
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    OK, this may be wrong, but I'm going to come in kind of "tough love granny" here.

    I think everyone needs a "tough love granny" in their lives.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    How long has OP been at this?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ken_stevens
    ken_stevens Posts: 1 Member
    MFP has been amazing. The only advice i can provide is count calories (eat healthy calories) and get 10,000 steps in daily. You do those 2 things and the weight will drop off and you'll feel amazing. Though be weiry of the calories you eat. For example, 1800 refined white pasta calories is 10x worse for your body then 1800 calories of whole wheat pasta. It breaks down differently in your body. Within 6 months of tracking my calories and exercise on MFP, I dropped my A1C from a horribly dangerous 11.7 to a very normal 5.3 and I also lost just over 30 lbs. And no meds. I strongly attribute MFP as the guide to my successes, i love this app! I wish these kinds of successes for every one of you.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Ignore the "In 5 weeks"'s an oversimplified equation that assumes every single day will be exactly the same as today...same CI...same CO, and that's not humanly possible. It also assumes all of your inputs are perfect...that you've perfectly input your stats and activity level and that your logging is spot on perfect and your estimate of exercise energy expenditure is spot on. None of that is humanly possible.

    Losing weight is a slow process and the sooner you just accept that, the better off you'll be. It also requires discipline and consistency over time. That doesn't mean you can't indulge here and there, but overall you have to be pretty on point to see consistent progress. And when you make choices to indulge in something like pizza or fast food or whatever consciously understand that it is your choice and it may or may not set you when I have pizza it's generally a couple of slices and a salad because I know that will fit in with my calorie targets...or sometimes I decide to just let it roll with the understanding that I can get back on with things tomorrow and move on.

    Embrace and normalize healthful eating and healthful living and let indulgences be exactly occasion, not an everyday thing.