Sexy in Six ***Closed Group*** Week 5!



  • NicholeAJ
    Thursday: I don't really get comments either way it's like no one notices which then is very irritating! Lol
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Oh, totally. both positive and negative. My mother is probably the MOST negative person I know, and she is the first person to dish out criticism, I used to let it get me down but now I work harder and smile when I prove her wrong!

    My mother is the same way and she says mean things in front of other people to try and embarrass me. I don't get it. I know women whom, we aren't even friends, that treat me better, or at least w/more respect. I just hope that as my beautiful daughter grows, i don't grow into the shrew she calls grammy, LOL.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    both positive/negative. grandmother used to call me fat when i was younger and it totally geared me up to start losing weight the summer of my senior year. since then, i've yo-yoed. but now she's very proud of my progress and is starting to think i don't need to lose anymore. mom and dad are also very proud. dad is trying to lose weight too ever since he found out he had high cholesterol and blood pressure. he's always asking me how my progress is going and what my goals are. now here's where i get confused and furious and more determined than ever to meet my goal. the bf has been thin all his stinkin life. the first time i used mfp i lost about 22 lbs. everyone noticed BUT him. i had gained about 20 lbs with my first pregnancy. never got one single little comment. we got in an argument last weekend over something and the subject of my weight loss progress came up. basically he said it was my own fault that i got big and my impression was that he didn't feel the need to support me and make me feel good about myself b/c of all the hard work. i know he loves me (he's said it many a times) but still i can't help but be confused.....maybe he's insecure about what the overall outcome is gonna be: me being smokin' hot! lolol i dunno. i like to think that but we won't know until i get there, so dadblasted i'm gonna get there by Christmas (i hope).

    whew! sorry for the novel, but that felt good to get off my chest!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    THURSDAY: Do what friends/family say about you (and it doesn't just have to be about your weight loss... it can be any comment about you as a person...negative/positive) affect how you lose? If so, why? And if it affects it negatively, how do you overcome their comments

    When I get positive comments (which hasn't been much yet), it pumps me up and helps me feel good about myself. Negative comments, I've had a few. My grandpa is one, he said some rude things about my weight when I was first starting to lose. Subconsciously it may have affected me for a while, but I'm okay now. A couple of people I work with have teased me about counting calories. It just gives me the 'I'll show you' attitude.
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    THURSDAY: Do what friends/family say about you (and it doesn't just have to be about your weightloss... it can be any comment about you as a person...negative/positive) affect how you lose? If so, why? And if it affects it negatively, how do you overcome their comments?

    What friends and family say to me has a huge impact. if they are being negative, then I can feel myself being discouraged and I might give in to food a bit more. I try to brush it off but it doesnt always work
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    THURSDAY: Do what friends/family say about you (and it doesn't just have to be about your weight loss... it can be any comment about you as a person...negative/positive) affect how you lose? If so, why? And if it affects it negatively, how do you overcome their comments

    I don't have many friends, so there aren't many people to comment on me. My mom makes sarcastic remarks (like rudely calling me skinny *kitten*...and when discussing what restaurant to go to, it's always "well what CAN you eat???) My husband sometimes says he's proud of me for losing the weight or calls me skinny (he's always called me sexy, even at my heaviest...for that I am so lucky!) When my hubs encourages me, I feel empowered to keep going. When my mom is discouraging, i get a little sad but it doesn't really affect my weight loss. Just hurts my feelings. The rest of my family either dont say anything or I don't really see them.

    I think what hurts me (and my weight loss progress) the most is the lack of comments, not the negative ones. I just have to keep going because I'm doing this for me, not for any of them.
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    THURSDAY: Do what friends/family say about you (and it doesn't just have to be about your weightloss... it can be any comment about you as a person...negative/positive) affect how you lose? If so, why? And if it affects it negatively, how do you overcome their comments?

    My friends and family haven't really noticed, but that's because I haven't really lost that much. :sad: I think that I really toned up doing insanity though, and my husband says he's noticing that. I'm not sure if he's just saying that to make me feel better, but either way it's nice to hear!!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Are you guys enjoying the challenge? Want to sign up for 6 more weeks? Hop on over to the Registration Form and sign up! Our Round Two will have the challenges you all love (I'm taking ideas!) and a NEW recipe swap! Also, I am thinking about doing the results by PERCENTAGES instead of just pounds, so let me know what you think about that too.

    New members can start signing up on MONDAY (invite your friends!) so you only have a few days to claim your returning seat before it's a race to the 40 woman limit! I know I've had a blast getting to know all you phenomenal women this past month. You all work SOOO hard and inspire me to keep going. Seriously. I've wanted to give up (you know that little voice of doubt that creeps up...) but I think of you girls and I know that I can't walk away just yet. So thanks to your guys for being my motivation.

    This challenge will run us from the beginning of October to mid-November. This is our chance to trim up before we trim our Thanksgiving turkeys! (I'm also considering extending to a Round Three that will take us right up to Christmas! We all wanna be the hottie that people are buzzing about at our holiday office parties and family get togethers! And of course we can log all the Black Friday and frantic mall shopping as exercise! When Round Two is wrapping up, we'll see how things look.)

    Now go sign up for your spot before it's too late!
  • almille
    Thursday: I've always found that I'm the hardest one on me. I get a lot of encouragement and support from others, but I can get myself down in a heartbeat!
    I have found it really encouraging to hear my mom and fiance compliment me on looking better, though!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Thursday: I've always found that I'm the hardest one on me.

    Me too... although people generally weren't saying anything negative to me about my weight, I "knew" what they were thinking...
    as I have grown stronger in my personal faith and realized who the essence of "me" really is, that is no longer an issue. Love postive feedback when I get it (whereas in the past I didn't appreciate it so much cuz I really didn't believe people when they were saying something positive. )
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Fridays Question: Since you have joined this challenge what are some positive changes you have noticed?

    For me it has been my confidence in myself. I know that I can do this. I am in week 5! I also notice I feel a lot healthier!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Friday's QOTD: Positive changes from this challenge? I totally feel like I'm not doing this alone. I love getting virtual high fives and knowing that we're all working hard together and supporting each other.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    definately love the support from so many different people in different weight loss journeys (sp?)

    i also have new confidence. last time on mfp i could NOT get past 150. even though i haven't seen 150 yet, i know that if i stick to what i'm doing, i will get down to there and hopefully meet my goal of -12 lbs by the end of next week. only 2 lbs left

  • NicholeAJ
    Fridays Question: Since you have joined this challenge what are some positive changes you have noticed?

    I am less likely to cheat when I know people are depending on me! it's awesome:)
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Friday's QOTD: I am enjoying being part of a team, as well as the general support that people are giving each other. I look forward to the questions and challenges. The questions have been both thought provoking and fun.

    Both with this challenge, and with MFP in general, the biggest positive change that I have experienced is that there is finally a certainty that I WILL lose the weight and keep it off. While I still have times that I do great and then other times not so great , thinking about what goes in my mouth, exercising a few times each week and logging on to MFP daily, have become a part of my life, and will continue to be a part of my life.

    Today on another thread I saw the quote "Your body keeps an accurate journal of what you eat regardless of what you write down. And it remembers everything." Wow. I love the wisdom that Is shared on MFP :happy:
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Fridays Question: Since you have joined this challenge what are some positive changes you have noticed?

    Definitely motivation. When I wanna give up or have one of hose days where I eat what I want and don't exercise, I tell myself that I'm apart of a team and if I gain weight the team gains weight and that's not fair to them.
  • Honey1990
    Thursday- my families comments affect me the most. the positive and the negative. The worst is that my mom grandma and now my aunt have all had gastric bypass surgery. my aunt lost 25 lbs her first 2 weeks. it was really dissapointing and i guess i was jealous that it took me 6 months to loose that and her only 2 weeks. but i am pushing past it. im going to do a juice fast starting on monday to push past this plataue that im on and reach 174 by next sat. its about 5 more lbs.

    Friday- i find my self telling everybody about my weightloss and this challenge now. even my guests at work. This challenge has helped me with more than just loosing weight, its given me back alot of my condidence.
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Thurs QOTD: I guess everybody's comments affect me when it comes to my weight. Especially when it's from my family, and sometimes it just makes me so upset that I feel like I do not want to lose weight...maybe just to rebel against the system or something. Well, I've come to terms with it, and this time, nothing's going to stop me.

    Friday QOTD: I'm more enthusiastic about eating well, and when I don't take care of myself, I feel terrible, like I let my whole team down. People here are so inspirational and encouraging that I just had to push on. And the results are better than any I've had in the past...I feel healthier and look better. :)
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Friday QOTD - Well This challenge has had several positive impacts on my life. Having great people supporting and encouraging helps with accountability and the nature of the challenge keeps me logging in to MFP daily, which makes me look at what I'm eating on a daily basis in perspective!
  • almille
    The biggest thing this challenge helped me with is logging in daily. I had been putting my foods in at the end of the day on my phone, and it was easy to let it go for a weekend or a few days. Now I log as the day goes on, I'm involved on the site, and I have friends for support! Thanks guys!