*** Christmas stars *** CLOSED GROUP



  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    HEELLLLPPPPPP! I hit the self destruct. Don't know what happened last night but although I restrained from eating crisps and savoury snacks, but ate just about anything I could get my hands on. I'd had my works medical / health assessment, and was so stressed about it I couldn't eat all day and had a major tension headache. That evening I was famished and ate a biscuit or two with cheese while I cooked dinner, ate dinner and than was looking for a sweet snack and finished off a whole bag of cadburys caramel nibbles which was in itself 880 calories. I didn't exercise due to my headache and am really annoyed myself because I knew what I was sing but could not stop. However I have put that behind me know and an concentrating on today. How is everyone else doing??
  • Mormas i too not doing to well with the exercise just the school run . surely a bag of caramel nibbles cant be 800 they are so small !!
  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    Morning All...

    I have done pretty good this week, I still have eaten any candy...I wanted to the other night and told myself NO...it was hard but I made it through it.....and I have been taking my fish oil and vitamins every morning...Plus I joined Curves this week with my mom. Going for my 2nd workout this morning at 11am. :):) Have a great everyone!!!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Hello, my name is Shirley, I am so sorry for the delay in posting my weight and my goals...had some personal business to take care of ...but here i am.

    Last year around this time I weighted 216 pounds, the biggest I have ever been since 1993 when I gave birth to my youngest son.
    Ever since last year I have been trying to lose the weight...at times I thought it impossible, but challenges like this keeps me focus...

    so, for this week I have given up bread and sweets...

    fI feel lighter already..I think .that is a good start/

    SW 198.8
    CW= 198.6 as of 9/12/2011
  • once again on yesterdays 5k i was slower i really felt i was trying but must up the midweek runs . will take my runners to work and try and go out at lunch .
    have done well on not finishing kids tea. this week i will cut out larger and only have 1 glass of wine .
    hope every one doing well.
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    hi all, managed to reign it back in after my mid week binge. I have been pounding the treadmill trying to make back calories, and think I have my mojo back. managed not to eat crisps all week, and tried basa this week. it appears I don't hate all seafood after all, in fact I bought some more for this week

    how is everyone else done this first week. weigh on tomorrow will tell me if I have done enough.

    I'll post my results tomorrow along with my new weekly pledges.
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    Lost 2lb this week, so I'm on track to my goal. I managed to try my 'something new', which I quite enjoyed, and a crisp has not passed my lips for a whole week.

    For week two I plan to try Acai berry supplements, which I have been reading up on and think it is worth a punt.
    I will be giving up drinking pop (soda)

    how is everyone else doing, and what are your pledges for the week?
  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    SW: 365.6 lbs
    9/19: 358.9 lbs (loss 5.7 lbs)

    Goals for this week are:

    1. Attend Curves 3 times a week
    2. No diet pepsi all week
  • Anyanut
    Anyanut Posts: 27 Member
    ok, so I'm on vacation all week but I'm still working on my goals. so, my goals this week are:
    i will - get out and be active in some way every day this week
    i will not - eat 'treats' all week with the exception of a piece of my son's b-day cake on wednesday.

    I am determined to still lose weight this week even though I'm not at home and I'm not in my regular routine... I will weigh in again next monday.
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Hello everyone! I hate that I was so inactive last week. I've been going through some personal stress and kinda fell off the wagon regarding tracking my food and getting exercise in. And now I have a cold. :grumble:
    I'm hoping to go through and friend all of you lovely people soon. :smile:

    Week 1: 174
    Week 2: 174.2
    This week I'm hoping to give up my cold medicine! :laugh:
    And I'm going to try to incorporate fruits and veggies into every meal/snack.
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Lost 2lb this week, so I'm on track to my goal. I managed to try my 'something new', which I quite enjoyed, and a crisp has not passed my lips for a whole week.

    For week two I plan to try Acai berry supplements, which I have been reading up on and think it is worth a punt.
    I will be giving up drinking pop (soda)

    how is everyone else doing, and what are your pledges for the week?

    Whoooo! Congrats on being on track for your goal! I'm glad you tried your fish and that you liked it. I must also commend you on your will power to abstain from crisps even after accidentally buying some earlier in the week.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Hi everyone!!! Here are my numbers:

    SW 198.6
    CW. 197.8
    Mini goal 195 by Holloween
    Mini goal. 190 by thanksgiving
    Mini goal 185 by 12/24
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    So sorry I've not yet chimed in...but I've been on quite the adventure the last week. I moved from Wilmington, DE and landed in Okla City to a house I rented long distance. Once I got here (Friday - after three days on the road with two cats) I had a major melt down...as the house was a dump and filthy and the landlord not very helpful. So after moving my stuff in and trying to clean it for two days...I decided enough was enough and moved out today into a great place much closer to my grandkids! Unfortunately the first landlord is being a total jerk about this and is refusing to give me back the deposit. I could probably take him to small claims court and get it...but not sure I want the drama.

    Whew...okay..now that I got that out...

    I'm a 52 year old woman in process of taking charge of my health and life in a new and exciting way. I'm needing to refocus and this group is just the thing to help!!!

    I did weigh last Monday, but today the scale is in one of the many packed boxes in my garage! Hopefully I'll find it in a day or two!!

    So here are my numbers:

    SW 203.5
    CW to come this week
    Mini Goal 1: to make Onederland by Holloween
    Mini Goal 2: 195 by Thanksgiving
    Mini Goal 3: 190 by Christmas!
  • nikkig28
    nikkig28 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Everyone!!! Sorry for being MIA so far this week but I had no computer access. Weight Watchers has been going great..I have been to two meetings now, and the support is just fantastic. So far I'm down 2.4 lbs....yay me!!

    This week I decided that I was going to aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day, and I'm giving up drinking pop for the week. Success so far.

    Here are my numbers:
    Week 1 - 200.0 lbs
    Week 2 - 197.6 lbs
  • Hi

    This week i was supposed to give up my glass of wine but failed miserably so far but have run x3 so far and had a little nsv as had to try a pair of jeans on have been in skirts all summer and they almost fit were far far to tight!
    good luck all
  • karmajules
    karmajules Posts: 18 Member
    Not been able to row for a couple of days as bad back and sciatica have flared up. I must say I think that by using MFP, it helps me get back on track so much faster on the exercise and food front. I am hopeful that I will be able to do a little later, not the 50mins that my schedule requires - I think that might be too much.

    I am off to Cornwall for a week in mid October. It will be a pretty active holiday with dog and fit husband, but I find myself already worried about not getting a signal to log in my food! Mind you, having checked out scones and clotted cream I am surprised they are not quite as bad as I thought!

    This week I plan to get back to exercise, continue making good food choices, make a different type of soup and post some stuff on this forum!

    Good luck for the weigh in tomorrow everyone.

  • Hi Everyone!
    I fell out of the loop for a while. This is of course the reason why I am fat. I just can't pull myself away from binging which then makes me depressed.....
    Anyhow, I"m here. What are everyone's goals for the week? I think I have to use the KISS moto this week: Keep It Simple Stupid! and make my goal to check in here everyday and to RECORD what I eat no matter what.
    Hopefully if i eat bad stuff and write it down then I'll have you guys getting on me!
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    Hey all,

    Week two completed and I managed another two pound loss.

    You all seem to be doing well with your giving things up and trying new things.

    This week I am giving up...chocolate and will try drinking a cup of green tea every day.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Not a good week for me...I gained 0.4 pounds...so sad!!!

    CW 198.2
  • karmajules
    karmajules Posts: 18 Member
    The old demon sneaked back this morning, before I knew it I was surrounded by the debris of a mini blow out! It is a little like waking up the next morning with a blood covered knife in your hand and a corpse at your feet wondering - how the hell did that happen!

    I lost 1.5 lbs in the weigh in this morning, so should be elated, but just felt it was going to be one of those days when I got up. It seems that everyone has loads of stress at the moment, I have Parent worries and the emotion of todays visit to Nursing home was particularly bad and just pushed me over the edge.

    I have thrown a whole bag of frozen casserole vegs, with a stock cube and two chicken thighs into a pot and will feast on soup for my supper tonight - need some serious water drinking too to flush out all the crap and chemicals. Believe it or not, if I get my *kitten* on the rowing machine for those lovely exercise calories - I could - no should come in under my days allowance!

    I cant track exactly what I have eaten, as I genuinely cant remember everything - all happened a bit too fast!

    Hope everyone has had a good weigh day, and to those who haven't - dont beat yourself up, just focus on one day at a time and we will all get there in the end
