JUST FOR TODAY... One day at a time .. Daily Commitment for 2023!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Well I can officially say that I have exercised for 4 days in a row!
    Only on my stepper. Not exactly sure if it's doing much but any exercise is better than non and it's gently easing me back into it.
    Started with 5 minutes, then 10, 15 and hit 20 today
    15 is gonna be my absolute minimum and I'll keep increasing the time by 5 minutes or for as much time as I have available depending which comes first.

    I've ate quite well. I didn't have pizza last night, I let ash have it, he offered to share but I said no (Can you believe it, I said NO) SO I had a egg mayo sandwich and a cup of tea for dinner, and a piece of toast later on because I was hungry

    But I'm doing well. I'm feeling good, still powered by caffeine 😂
    I've realised one makes me sleepy, 2 or more gets me up and about lmao x
  • teigansdad
    teigansdad Posts: 394 Member
    Stay under calorie goal with exercise added✅✅
    8-12 glasses of water✅
    Trainer ride✅
    Trail ride✅
    Call HVAC and reschedule✅
    Change Cat litter✅
    Make dinner💩 decided on leftovers
    Log all food✅
    No more than 2 beers If buddies end up parking at my place to ride✅
    Bring girls to track practice✅
    Limit social media during family time💩 but getting better
    Caulk top of shower✅

    Yesterday went better than planned. Sara ended up offering to pick up girls from track so I got to ride with my buddies in the afternoon. Had a fun time and I feel like lately I’ve been able to keep the snack monster under my thumb. I’ve said it before … alcohol well specifically
    Beer is probably my biggest culprit in going off the rails. I truly love a good New England IPA. As long as I keep it under 2 I seem to be able to control the eating volume… if I go more it’s like it disables a switch in my brain… I’ve had beer now two days in a row but stayed with the no more than 2 and so far that seems to be the magic number.. I only will partake when with my buddies so that’s also been a good change. Back to work for me today after 4 days off. No student with me so I’m happy about that… I do have a bunch of admin stuff I have to get done over next couple of days
    Won’t be able to train as much rest of week with work and Teigan’s track meet tomorrow. I’m bummed because I’ve managed to be scheduled to work pretty much for every meet. I get off at 7… the meets will go much later so I should still be able to catch at least one of her events if not more depending on how many she runs but no-way I’ll see the 800 x4 which she really likes and went to regionals in last year. Will look at schedule this week and see if I can work some future deals.

    Plan for today
    Log all food
    Stay under 1900 calories
    30 minutes or more on treadmill after work
    8 glasses or more of water (much harder to push fluids at work)
    No beer after work
    No food after 8
    Work on credentialing recertification paperwork.
    Work on committee outline for next project
    Limit social media during family time
  • renew0127
    renew0127 Posts: 47 Member
    shann55437 wrote: »
    JFT 3.7.2023
    2 eggs and 2 chicken apple sausage patties
    3 cups black coffee with vanilla skinny syrup
    24 ozs water (9:39am EST)
    next is cinnamon swirl bagel with PB2
    lunch is vegan whole grain "chicken" tenders
    snacks are salted caramel granola squares, graham crackers
    no idea what's for dinner, although it is tuesday....
    if no rain will walk for one hour at lunch break and try to get some FitBit zone minutes.
    out of bed 4:15am
    leave for work 6am
    at work by 7am
    lunch break at 12pm
    meeting at 3pm
    go home 4pm
    stop at store on way home for dinner items
    home by 5:30pm
    time with family
    bed by/before 9pm

    any input??

    You have an incredibly long day... I've tried getting up at 4:30 to go to the gym before work, but I just can't keep it up. Today I barely made it to work by 7:30 and I didn't get up until 6:50... I'm impressed by your schedule!

    Taco Tuesday?

    ***absolutely taco tuesday!! :)
  • renew0127
    renew0127 Posts: 47 Member
    shann55437 wrote: »
    JFT 3.7.2023
    2 eggs and 2 chicken apple sausage patties
    3 cups black coffee with vanilla skinny syrup
    24 ozs water (9:39am EST)
    next is cinnamon swirl bagel with PB2
    lunch is vegan whole grain "chicken" tenders
    snacks are salted caramel granola squares, graham crackers
    no idea what's for dinner, although it is tuesday....
    if no rain will walk for one hour at lunch break and try to get some FitBit zone minutes.
    out of bed 4:15am
    leave for work 6am
    at work by 7am
    lunch break at 12pm
    meeting at 3pm
    go home 4pm
    stop at store on way home for dinner items
    home by 5:30pm
    time with family
    bed by/before 9pm

    any input??

    You've got a really healthy plan for today! Is the vanilla skinny syrup for your coffee like using stevia drops? Just curious. I like french vanilla creamer but I'm trying to get away from using creamer but still want that flavor...

    ***yep! the creamer was a HUGE culprit in my high cholesterol! and with the skinny syrups i need literally nothing else in my coffee. <3<3<3
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT Wednesday
    1. THINK PINK. Check on coverage requirements. JFT.
    2. Online facilitation - Cover classes. Review/revise lesson plans. SET TIMES. Update class website. Duolingo. Reply to emails. Grade late assignments. Email RE the C&D letter. Review March calendar and update. Edit benchmark to include point values. Journal. Check on referral.
    3. Pit Crew - outside
    4. Planning - MEETING. Check on progress for online students; MAKE CALLS. Mark courses complete per email. Check with ZR about JS and call parent. Reading (Netgalley). Update Goodreads! Call to set up testing for ADHD. ChatGPT update; Source v Search Engine; Taxes scripts. Upload documents.
    5. English class - DGP 5 Wed / Benchmark / Latework / Closer = PS check.
    6. Lifting.
    7. Hang clothes? Check on books and dishes. Continue organizing office and setting aside space for books.
    8. Evening: Christie vid. Test GalaxyQuest livestream. Livestream. Dinner: Pizza. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water! Update JFT.
    9. Bedtime: Gratitude journal. Update IG. Therapy exercises: crunches, push-ups, squats, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth.
    10. Upcoming: Set up digital portfolio. Get elastic for shoes & take to shoe repair. Saturday YMCA & tweetchats on anon; library volunteering. Park walk? Sun RC, podcast. When to work on Clois & Stuffy? Need to purchase and install doors; need to repair joist. Thu remind D to have C nap in bedroom.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    End of 2018: 189.2
    End of 2019: 196.4
    End of 2020: 187.4
    End of 2021: 194.4
    End of 2022: 201.2
    Today: 203.8

    Long-term goals/progress

    1. Professional / read current research. 2. Professional / present at conferences. 3. Professional / publish scholarly articles. 4. Professional / observe student needs and develop supports. 5. Professional / complete a doctorate. 6. Personal / retire comfortably. 7. Personal / renovate house. 8. Community / local progress. 9. Community / time with friends & family. 10. Medical/fitness.

    1. Research: Five paragraph essay. How student attitudes affect standardized test results; student surveys.

    2. Presenting: Promote YT channel. Invite guests. Record mini-lessons.

    3. Publishing: Read one journal article weekly; respond in a blog post. Clois for CWG. S&F for YT channel. Goodreads purchase list for McKay’s. Weekly blog series: Weekly Wishes (Monday) and Weekly Wins (Friday).

    4. Observed student needs: Changing words between parts of speech (vocabulary/grammar). Synthesizing info from multiple sources, drawing conclusions (RI/W). EFFECTIVE transitions (W). Every day v everyday; any one v anyone (grammar). Sub/obj pronouns & structure (grammar). Poss v pl nouns (grammar). Short nonfic from Lat Amer/Africa/Asia (World Lit). ALA conference registration by March.

    5. Doctorate: Research programs, requirements, resources, cost, timeline.

    6. Retirement: Update name on JSSB acct. Check investments. Theater CV. Entertainment experience. Duolingo/Lang8.

    7. House: Floor joists. Siding. Gutters. Floors.

    8. Local progress: Library. Theater. PC2V. City/county govt. Community kitchen. She Should Run vision statement. Ugly Christmas sweater. Push for diversity. Turn left!

    9. Friends & extended family: Organize photos. Write postcards. Call weekly! Look for activities to do with friends. Purchase doll with long hair; practice French braid. Dance: tap, salsa, samba.

    10. Immediate family: 20m room cleaning daily. When room is clean, nap together. Zoo? Drive white car together; practice solo driving. Load books in crate for McKay's. Work on staying home solo when dark. When is annual checkup? When is next therapy appt? Discuss regressive behaviors & becoming nonverbal when upset.

    11. Medical: YMCA classes. Lift @ lunch. Maintain @ 155 w defined muscle tone. At 189, 1pr black 1pr white leggings; purple All-Stars. 179, 2 Svaha Rachel dresses. 169 suit - Indochino? 159 swing dance lessons. Talk to PCP about feet (cannot do calf raises, pushups, planks, mountain climbers, etc.) Also back and shoulder pain. Why can’t I sleep better? Is ADHD a possible factor? Dentist April 19 11a. Therapy Mar 23 4p. How to respond to regressive behavior? Obgyn Mar 15 11a.

    12. Just for fun: Start sketching dragon on a pile of books, offering one to the armored knight, & banner that reads "Treasure should not be hoarded / It should be shared."

    WFTY: Priorities. Only went for a walk yesterday. I'm going to try to stay after and lift today.
    2020 WFTY: Progress. 2021 WFTY: Persistence. 2022 WFTY: Focus.
  • renew0127
    renew0127 Posts: 47 Member
    JFT 3.8.2023
    12 hour fast (8p 3.7 - 8a 3.8) - what are your thoughts on fasting???
    breakfast - bagel with PB2
    lunch - tomato soup with bread
    dinner - haha not sure yet - probably chicken and something
    snacks - graham crackers, honey mustard pretzels, sweet rice rolls
    lots of coffee with vanilla skinny syrup
    aiming for 128ozs water
    leave for work 6am
    detour due to accident on way to work
    got to work 730am
    walk at lunch break 12-1pm
    meeting at 3pm
    go home 4pm
    home at 5pm
    praying for the day i can leave this job
    <3<3<3 the accountability here! thank you all so much!
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,446 Member

    JFT Tuesday
    - Work by 7:20 :smiley:
    - SharePoint training ALL morning :smiley:
    - Still need to create training documents for QAR & LPA 🥱
    - Protein bar for breakfast/lunch 😀
    - Log food😞
    - Leave work ~5:00 😀
    - Take ring to be repaired (wedding band snapped)😞
    - Dinner with Bible Study group 6:30 😀
    - No alcohol😞
    - Bed by 11:00😀

    Want mentally prepared for Bible Study yesterday. I’m still pretty angry with God. Don’t get me wrong my faith is still strong, I just don’t understand His plan for my family. Anyway, that makes studying His word difficult for me.

    Today is a 4 hour SharePoint training. Yawn, but I am taking it from home in my pj’s and able to do laundry while I’m home.

    This afternoon I’m going to go on a mini road trip back to where I grew up to see friends and go to a basketball game. I’m looking forward to seeing old friends & doing something where drinking isn’t central to the event.

    It will be a late night, but a good night.

    JFT Wednesday
    - Meetings 😀
    - Laundry 😀
    - Work stuff
    - Shower
    - Drive
    - Basketball game
    - Drive home

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,645 Member
    I know it's no longer January... but is it too late to join in for 2023?

    I have some goals for this year and boundaries I plan to use for the year. I started my journey in 2009 but have had a lot of ups and downs. I have finally gotten to a point where I think I know what my long term boundaries have to be to keep myself on that track.

    Long Term Boundaries:
    Calories between 1200-1800 every day, even on special occasions.
    Only water from 8pm to 10am except for special occasion days or Sundays (when we leave by 10am).
    Exercise at least 3 days a week.
    Keep blood sugar under control by diet and exercise alone. No diabetic medications.
    Get weight to "overweight" instead of "obese" (only 5 lbs from this goal)

    Just for today:
    Keep to calorie boundaries
    Be sure to get in a walk
    Pasta day for dinner!
    Drink at least 100 oz of water
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,446 Member
    I know it's no longer January... but is it too late to join in for 2023?

    I have some goals for this year and boundaries I plan to use for the year. I started my journey in 2009 but have had a lot of ups and downs. I have finally gotten to a point where I think I know what my long term boundaries have to be to keep myself on that track.

    Long Term Boundaries:
    Calories between 1200-1800 every day, even on special occasions.
    Only water from 8pm to 10am except for special occasion days or Sundays (when we leave by 10am).
    Exercise at least 3 days a week.
    Keep blood sugar under control by diet and exercise alone. No diabetic medications.
    Get weight to "overweight" instead of "obese" (only 5 lbs from this goal)

    Just for today:
    Keep to calorie boundaries
    Be sure to get in a walk
    Pasta day for dinner!
    Drink at least 100 oz of water

    Never too late to join. Welcome!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    Just for Tuesday, 3/7/2023
    • 24H Plan & Assess :)
    • 64 oz water before 7 pm :)
    • Close activity rings :)
    • Bills / Balance checkbook :)
    • Mom's for AQ video :)
    • Sew another more patchwork heart block for table runner :)
    • Shovel sidewalk at Bob's and throw out some salt. 😏 Nope. It got up to 40 degrees, so I let it melt!
    • Bed early tonight. :)

    Good morning JFT friends! Well, the morning went good. Got all 3 grandkids up without too much complaining and out the door and to school on time. Then I got a call from older grandson to come get him because he isn't feeling well. I know the other two kids were sick last week, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and picked him up and took him home. He doesn't miss much school, so hopefully my son won't be mad at me for "falling for it". :wink: I'm at home now. I have laundry to do at both houses and I need to dust and do the floors at my house and their house today also. I've been coming home to shower and dress after I drop the kids off at school so I don't have to pack a bag for the week. They live only about 3 miles from us (maybe not even that far) so it's been pretty easy. Plus, my dog is pretty happy to see me in the morning. My husband said she mopes and lays by the door in the evening waiting for me to come home. Awwww...<melt my heart>.

    I have no idea what to make for dinner tonight. Last night I made chicken nuggets, mac & cheese and tater tots. I made a bunch and all they ate was the mac & cheese...well, the boys did anyway...my granddaughter didn't eat ANYTHING. So I had a ton of food leftover. I feel like I'm wasting their food, not to mention I now have leftover chicken nuggets and tater tots in the fridge begging me to eat them! 🤦‍♀️

    @Snowflake1968 Yes! Party lines! We had one too. I don't know who we shared our line with but I remember always having to listen to make sure nobody else was picking up the line and listening in... Oh my gosh. Times sure have changed. Now I don't leave the house without a phone in my purse. Crazy. My son and DIL are on a Princess cruise ship in the Caribbean. I am so jealous! I think I need to try a cruise someday... Good luck on the interview! What job did you apply for? Fingers crossed!

    @Bex953172 I agree it's hard even when you're young. I had just forgotten how hard it is. Plus, I'm not used to getting up early in the morning anymore. I was pretty proud of myself for waking up before the alarm went off at 05:30 this morning! Two more days of getting up early, then my son and DIL will be home around suppertime on Sunday.

    Just for Wednesday, 3/8/2023
    • 24H Plan & Assess :smile:
    • 64 oz water before 7 pm
    • Close activity rings
    • Bills & Balance.
    • Laundry, Dust & floors @ home and @ Bob's.
    • Sew another more patchwork heart block for table runner
    • Errands
    • Bed early tonight.

    WOTY 2023: Balance
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,605 Member
    Welcome @pamperedlinny! It's never too late to join JFT.

    Recap 3/7 T
    1) Move hourly :smiley: 15K 30 floors 11/14
    2) Walk dog :sunglasses: 4.09 mi around tech school & road to botanical garden, saw/heard 2 cardinals high in trees singing = happy me & happy dog
    3) Salmon & veggies for supper / net calories zero / 72+ oz. water :neutral: net cals -237 not horrible but sodium RED, fiber & protein excellent, carbs good, calcium ok, 88 oz. water
    4) Make dessert for tomorrow's Lenten soup supper / balance bank accts / update budget s/s / open new LCEF account / check messages from financial advisor & NP / shop OTC acct didn't spend much time on computer after logging JFT / another ta-da? choir rehearsal 7:30, cleared papers, shoveled snow off patio :) TA-DA!
    5) Floss / retainers / pray :smiley: 3x

    JFT 3/8 W
    1) Move hourly
    2) Walk dog
    3) Soup supper at church so limit desserts & log best guess / net calories zero / 72+ oz. water
    4) Wash dishes (done) / clear some papers (done) / cut/plate dessert for soup supper / deliver dessert 1-3 / call Mom & discuss my next visit ~ maybe tomorrow just for afternoon? not overnight if snow again F / balance bank accts / update budget s/s / open new LCEF account / check messages from financial advisor & NP / shop OTC acct / other ta-da?
    5) Leave 6:00 for soup supper / 7:30 Lenten service
    6) Floss / retainers / pray

    100 days from now reminder: What I do today gets me where I want to be. [Feb. 1 - May 11] Day 35

    About me:
    I'm Carmela
    This is my lifestyle. It's. Not. A. Diet.
    Height 5'4"
    65 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2023 Goals:
    1) Ultimate goal weight 150#... I'll be satisfied if I can get back down to 160# this year
    • Post weekly weigh-in on MFP for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    • Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~ 1.31.23 ack! 2.28.23 not better but not worse
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    • Try new recipes now that I have the time
      January: parsnip/potato mash; St. Louis gooey butter cake (Mom's bday) = :smiley::smiley:
      February: creamy bacon corn chowder (slow cooker); banana bread (using applesauce & oil); braised lamb shanks with lentils (slow cooker); apple cake (with buttermilk) = :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:
    3) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x)
    January 1x6 days, 1x5 days, 2x4 days = :smiley:
    February 1x6 days, 2x5 days, 1x4 days = :smiley:
    • Walk dog 3-4 miles, treadmill when necessary in winter, weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    • Continue PT (physical therapy) exercises to strengthen arthritic knees & hip flexor
    4) MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,023km challenge started on Jan. 1
    January 48.14 miles
    February 55.79 miles YTD 103.93 miles
    • In 2022 I logged 500.4 miles, or 805km. Not the full challenge, but with knee issues early in year, I was happy to get this far.
    5) At least 7,500 steps per day
    • I can earn $10 every month on my Medicare Advantage Plan with 10+ days of 7,500 steps = :smiley::smiley:
    6) Participate in my favorite area races ~ I walk, I do not run
    • Registered for Seroogy's Valentine 5K on 2.4.23 ~ skipped 2023 due to frigid temps with wind chill around 0F... didn't want a repeat of overuse injury from last winter. In 2022, I had to cancel race due to inflammation in knees from overuse & arthritis (medico advised) from walking in another frigid 5K.
    • Registered for Bellin 10K on 6.10.23 ~ 2022 first time in person since 2019; 2023 added 5K event.
    • register for Packers 5K ~ date TBD
    • register for Bellin Women's 5K ~ date TBD (1,000+ for all races in 2022)
    • watch for other events to possibly add
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together
    • Excellent goal previous years, to be continued
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states)
    • Visit parents 1-2 times each month, phone calls in between ~ they're in mid to late 80s and live 90 miles away
    • Monthly contact with former colleagues/others in town, now that I'm retired
      1.12.23 lunch w/ CH
      2.11.23 ART Nite w/ PZ (supper, gallery, bar w/ live music)
    9) Continue to declutter bedroom, home office, basement, books in living room
    • Made great progress on first floor of house in 2022, keep going
    Word for 2022-23: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,041 Member
    edited March 2023
    JFT for 3/7/2023 (yesterday)✔️
    1) No dessert today unless I want sugarfree or no-sugar-added (last 3/5)✔️
    2) None of DH's stash today. None of his pepitas.✔️
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 3/6)✔️
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday, 3/9✔️
    5) Up to 1.5 to 2.0 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 3/2). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.✔️
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (a little in honey mustard ok) (last 2/24)✔️
    7) Nuts ok (22-26 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts, but none of Gary's canned nuts or pepitas.✔️
    8) No beef jerky today.✔️
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday) (last 3/1)✔️
    10) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 3/6)✔️
    11) No tamales today (last 3/3)✔️
    12) Up to 2 oz of the gift nuts (&fruits) my friend gave us today. (last 2/24)✔️
    13) No more of the toffee nuts from the gift nuts - leave for DH.✔️
    JFT for 3/8/2023 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today unless I want sugarfree or no-sugar-added (last 3/5)
    2) None of DH's stash today. None of his pepitas.
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 3/6)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday, 3/9
    5) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 3/7). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (a little in honey mustard ok) (last 2/24)
    7) Nuts ok (22-26 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts, but none of Gary's canned nuts or pepitas.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday) (last 3/1)
    10) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 3/6)
    11) No tamales today (last 3/3)
    12) None of the gift nuts (&fruits) my friend gave us today. (last 3/7)
    13) No more of the toffee nuts from the gift nuts - leave for DH.Hour commitment - After I finish my hot milk, I won't eat again until tomorrow.

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5 pm. None of the same food at dinner as at lunch, except vegetables and fruits. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
    ================== 4DW started =============
    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:


  • emgracewrites
    emgracewrites Posts: 478 Member
    I made terrible decisions today. It started yesterday when I bought crackers and cookies at the grocery store. Even standing there in the aisle I knew it would be a bad idea, because my self-control goes out the window when it comes to those two foods. But I still bought them anyway. Today at work was really slow so I started snacking because I was bored, and that continued throughout the afternoon. Then of course I didn’t feel like cooking a healthy meal I had no appetite for.

    I’ll try and be better tomorrow (ha.. how many times have I told myself that one?). For tonight I’m just disappointed in myself.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,041 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.
  • teigansdad
    teigansdad Posts: 394 Member
    Log all food✅
    Stay under 1900 calories💩
    30 minutes or more on treadmill after work💩
    8 glasses or more of water (much harder to push fluids at work)💩
    No beer after work✅
    No food after 8✅
    Work on credentialing recertification paperwork.✅
    Work on committee outline for next project💩
    Limit social media during family time😐

    Today should have been better. Stayed under 2k but ate thing of low cal Ice cream that added almost 400 calories
    It’s funny I kinda knew I wasn’t gonna run by noon today. Legs just feel tired. In retrospect I’ve worked out pretty hard for last 6 days straight . The only reason missing tonight is a issue is that tomorrow I’ll be at a track meet and I hater working out on Friday. But not working out for 3 days in s row is actually stressful to me. I guess I’ll figure it out. Prob still better to recover than overtrain

    Wish I didn’t eat the ice cream but at Least I didn’t go crazy overboard

    I’ll post to tomorrows goals in am
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 969 Member
    Long day. I never found the time to post Wednesday goals, but I've just finished my food log, and I've done pretty well (healthy foods and good hydration). No exercise, but I was pretty active all day.

    Recap Tuesday 3/7
    Log - :)
    Make healthier food choices - :)
    Hydrate - :)
    Exercise - No
    Car in for service (AM) - :)
    Take Mom to appointment - :) Nice visit. I stayed and had dinner.
    Mid-semester reports - :)
    Finish essays - No

    JFT Thursday 3/9
    Healthy choices
    Lunch and shopping with daughter
    Cook or freeze chicken
    Quick fridge cleanout
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    JFT - Wed Mar 8
    Log all Food - 🙂
    Drink 1.5L water - 👿
    Log into JFT - 🙂
    Gratitude Journal - 🙂

    JFT - Thurs Mar 9
    Log all Food
    Drink 1.5L water
    Log into JFT
    Gratitude Journal
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,043 Member
    JFT Wednesday 8th March

    Log everything yes
    Stay in the green no, 44 over
    Back exercises a few, not enough
    Housework (very tidy relative visiting tomorrow!) yes
    Cook proper meal yes
    Laundry yes

    I logged everything yesterday and finished at 1440 calories. According to mfp it will take me 5 weeks to lose one pound. Sigh.

    JFT Thursday 9th March

    Log everything
    Stay in the green
    Back exercises
    Only one snack

    I'm meeting family for lunch today so will have to guess calories. It's only a little cafe so should be able to choose wisely.
  • teigansdad
    teigansdad Posts: 394 Member
    Up early again with the demon cats… man I’m looking forward to daylight savings as their wale up time will be pushed to 5 and eating 6…
    That’ll be nice. Still frustrated about yesterday but today is still gonna come so I guess I gotta let it go.
    Goals for today:
    Stay under 1800 calories
    Log all food
    During 8-12 glasses of water (I think that played a big role in afterwork snack last night)
    Work on committee work
    No food after 8
    Get to Teigan’s track meet
    No more than 1 Diet Coke
    Limit social media when we get home tonight
    No beer
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,645 Member
    Good morning all!

    ☑️Drink a minimum of 72oz. of water
    ☑️Minimum of 8500 steps on Fitbit
    ☑️Get to Zumba class
    ☑️Stay under 1800 calories
    ☑️No coffee until after 8am
    ☑️No food except between 10am to 8pm