Diet Pills

I was wondering if anyone is taking diet pills and if so have you seen any change... I've taken almost every diet pill on the market and have seen some change but not much so i was just wondering if anyone is taking anything and it's working great if you could let me know what your taking....


  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I was wondering if anyone is taking diet pills and if so have you seen any change... I've taken almost every diet pill on the market and have seen some change but not much so i was just wondering if anyone is taking anything and it's working great if you could let me know what your taking....
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Totally not on topic....but i love your hair!
  • Blue50
    Blue50 Posts: 11
    Somebody on a Diet?

    Long Timers will tell you that this is a lifestyle change.

    Not to be negative, Good Luck!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    diet pills don't work. Exercise and eating right do. :drinker:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    you didn't take a pill to become it's not realistic to think you can take a pill to lose it either.
  • nerveracker
    Diet pills aren't the best way to go. sure they can help some, but it's gotta be a 100% lifestyle change. You have to change what you're eating and when your eating it. Also you have to get some type of fitness/exercise program to boot. One with out the other is ok, but you're not doing it right. Some people prefer to diet alone.. My mom for example she prefers to mostly diet and occasionally exercise. Her weight fluctuates like a roller coaster. I can't get her to realize that she needs both to succeed fully. She's not over-weight, but it's those vanity pounds she wants off.
    Some people eat what they want and exercise. They're fit yes, but they're not as fit as they could be. Nutrition/diet is KEY but you have to add fitness and do them together. I know it works, because I'm doing it now.
    Hope this helps answer your questions.. Oh and most diet pills, if you read them, they tell you for best results use in combination with a proper diet and exercise.
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    hay if your giving your money away like that I could really use it.

    I'll put some sugar in a pill and send it to you. ( Just kidding)

    Don't waste your money, better to log your food here and watch what your eating.
    Whole foods and lots of workouts
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    Somebody on a Diet?

    Long Timers will tell you that this is a lifestyle change.

    Not to be negative, Good Luck!
    it might sound crazy but I do diet
  • MollysMom2005
    MollysMom2005 Posts: 58 Member
    Unfortunately, there is no magic pill. Oh how many times I have wished for one!!!

    I have been a yo-yo dieter most of my life (I followed in my mother's footsteps.) I made a decision last year to take the weight off and do it permanently. After discussing a long-term weight loss plan with my doctor, he put me on a 1200 cal diet, weights and toning at least three times a week, and gave me a list of only three "no-no's" (sodas, fruit juice, and fried food. ) He also decided to TEMPORARILY prescribe me a very low dose appetite suppressant and a medication for my anxiety. With the kind of work I do that requires me to sit at a desk nine hours a day, if I get bored, stressed, anxious, etc., I eat. Stress eating has always been my biggest obstacle. And eating when you're not hungry makes the pounds accumulate quickly!!!

    I have never been a fan of diet pills because of the health problems they can cause, and I was very reluctant when my doctor suggested them. But as he advised, being overweight and inactive will cause life-long and irreversible health problems. I would not recommend taking diet pills on a long-term basis or to anyone who does not plan to exercise daily and eat healthy while taking them. They definitely should not abused, and I would suggest seeing your doctor regularly if taking them. I have an office visit once a month to check in, have bloodwork, done and give an update of my progress. And I am only given a one month supply at a time. Once I reach my goal weight, he assures me with his maintenance plan and the good exercise and eating habits I have learned, I will not ever have to worry about gaining the weight back.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Thank you for all your reply's it helped me with my decision on what was right for me to do..... I think the main reason why i get so drawn to those diet pills is that each one says get more energy and burn more fat!! and having three kids i need all the energy i can get... :) even if it's sugar in a pill lol just kidding.... I don't want a pill to melt off my weight just for it to come back and then some... so im following a 1200 calorie diet and running 3 miles a day plus weight training and i do take protein shakes cause with a busy life i don't always have time to eat... but your all right taking a pill isn't going to help me live a long healthy life style.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    imho, if you are running three miles a day, eating 1200 calories will not be enough. unless you are like 4'5", that is too few calories.

    have you used MFP's tools to calculate your daily calorie requirements? the tools are fantastic.

    the reason I bring it up is if you don't eat enough, your body will not release any of its fat stores, you will not lose weight.

    gotta put enough logs on the fire to keep the flames roaring!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I have hydroxycut but I use it more for the energy boost before I go to the gym. Can't really attest to the weight-loss factor of it though. :bigsmile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I truly believe all the diet pills I took over the years (which did NOT work, obviously or I wouldnt have needed the 2nd bottle, right??) have messed up my metabolism, so I dont believe in them at all.

    A friend of mine began her weightloss journey the same time as me. We both were losing, her at a greater speed. I look healthy, skin is tightening up from water, muscles starting to poke through the fat, feeling energetic and healthy!

    She looked drawn in, skeletal, no energy till she took her pill, then whipping around like a nut.

    She now has a heart problem from the pills and is on a script for life........................I threw my cholesterol meds away.

    I am a firm believer in diet and and exercise...........and TIME!

    Good luck!!

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    I do take supplements, just not fat burning pills
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I was wondering if anyone is taking diet pills and if so have you seen any change... I've taken almost every diet pill on the market and have seen some change but not much so i was just wondering if anyone is taking anything and it's working great if you could let me know what your taking....

    Everything they sell over the counter is garbage- The perscriptions do work but if you don't eat right and workout when you stop taking them (doctors usually only give you a 3 month supply ) you gain back everything you lost and they bring some friends-
    So basically there isn't a quick fix to weight loss it all comes down to Sweat sessions (burning calories) and eating the right foods-

    If you need a little kick in the butt of energy- Try green tea - I take green tea extract vitamins with my breakfast and lunch- its not like speed or anything plus green tea is good for you--
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Thank you for all your reply's it helped me with my decision on what was right for me to do..... I think the main reason why i get so drawn to those diet pills is that each one says get more energy and burn more fat!! and having three kids i need all the energy i can get... :) even if it's sugar in a pill lol just kidding.... I don't want a pill to melt off my weight just for it to come back and then some... so im following a 1200 calorie diet and running 3 miles a day plus weight training and i do take protein shakes cause with a busy life i don't always have time to eat... but your all right taking a pill isn't going to help me live a long healthy life style.

    In my opinion+ reading fitness magazines
    1200 is really low for anyone- You should be eating like 1400-1600- and just working out-

    that is still a deficit- you have to look at it this way- The reccomended diet for a female is 2000-2200 calories a day- Just subtract 500 from that and workout-

    I understand the whole needing energy thing completely- I have 2 kids a needy military husband and a fulltime job- but suprisingly my intense workouts make me have more energy the next day--You can do it-
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I do take supplements, just not fat burning pills

    what is a good supplement for rowing that dang boat?
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Thank you for all your reply's it helped me with my decision on what was right for me to do..... I think the main reason why i get so drawn to those diet pills is that each one says get more energy and burn more fat!! and having three kids i need all the energy i can get... :) even if it's sugar in a pill lol just kidding.... I don't want a pill to melt off my weight just for it to come back and then some... so im following a 1200 calorie diet and running 3 miles a day plus weight training and i do take protein shakes cause with a busy life i don't always have time to eat... but your all right taking a pill isn't going to help me live a long healthy life style.

    In my opinion+ reading fitness magazines
    1200 is really low for anyone- You should be eating like 1400-1600- and just working out-

    that is still a deficit- you have to look at it this way- The reccomended diet for a female is 2000-2200 calories a day- Just subtract 500 from that and workout-

    I understand the whole needing energy thing completely- I have 2 kids a needy military husband and a fulltime job- but suprisingly my intense workouts make me have more energy the next day--You can do it-

    really? 2000-2200 seems high to me. I'm not skinny by any means but I am in the healthy range for my height and my maintenance calories right now are 1800. I'm not arguing that you read that, just saying, seems kinda high
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487


    Thank you for all your reply's it helped me with my decision on what was right for me to do..... I think the main reason why i get so drawn to those diet pills is that each one says get more energy and burn more fat!! and having three kids i need all the energy i can get... :) even if it's sugar in a pill lol just kidding.... I don't want a pill to melt off my weight just for it to come back and then some... so im following a 1200 calorie diet and running 3 miles a day plus weight training and i do take protein shakes cause with a busy life i don't always have time to eat... but your all right taking a pill isn't going to help me live a long healthy life style.

    In my opinion+ reading fitness magazines
    1200 is really low for anyone- You should be eating like 1400-1600- and just working out-

    that is still a deficit- you have to look at it this way- The reccomended diet for a female is 2000-2200 calories a day- Just subtract 500 from that and workout-

    I understand the whole needing energy thing completely- I have 2 kids a needy military husband and a fulltime job- but suprisingly my intense workouts make me have more energy the next day--You can do it-

    really? 2000-2200 seems high to me. I'm not skinny by any means but I am in the healthy range for my height and my maintenance calories right now are 1800. I'm not arguing that you read that, just saying, seems kinda high

    Most food packages (as I am sure you have noticed) say that they are based on an 'average diet of 2,000 calories a day'. So, it seems to be a common misconception that a 2,000 calorie a day diet is healthy. 2,000 may be a lot less than most fast-food-shoveling Americans eat, but for any woman trying to lose weight, 2,000 calories a day just is too high unless you are exercising a lot!

    I did 5 hours of walking exercise today and my recommended calorie intake is 1,900 for the whole day...and that's with a lot of exercise!

    Anyways, maybe we're getting off the topic of diet pills, so I will throw in my 2-cents about that: Don't do it! :bigsmile:
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    I do take supplements, just not fat burning pills

    what is a good supplement for rowing that dang boat?
    squit ink