Fat girl and skinny guy



  • The difference in your weight - not a problem. The 18 year difference in your age - potential big problem!

    You're in your 20's? So he'd be in his 40's? (firstly, he should be so lucky to get a pretty young thing like you). How you do think you'd go with him in his 50's and 60's?

    You two may have very different values, outlooks, life goals, upbringings etc. Does he want kids? Does he have kids and an ex-wife/ ex-partner (s)? If not, why not?

    Is he looking for a compliant daughter substitute that he can mould to his wishes? How is your relationship with your father - are you looking for a daddy?

    I have no idea of your situation and he may be the right guy for you, but please be very careful and thoughtful. Have lots of deep and meaningful conversations with him. Pay close attention to any 'uh-oh' reactions you have to things he says or does.

    Don't settle - you deserve a great (not perfect, may be hard work, but ultimately good) relationship (no matter what your size!).
  • Ok so i have this problem, i have a guy who would be great to me, he likes me and respects me but hes skinny and im chunky. Does anyone else have this problem? I look at myself and him and tell myself i dont wanna be the fat girl in a relationship walking down the street with the skinny guy...any advice??

    Oooo how I love this! There are alot of guys out there that like a real woman! My boyfriend and I are the same height, well he beats me by like an inch! He weighs 180 but looks like he weighs 160. I weigh 208! Everytime I bring up the fact that I am dieting he HATES it! He absolutely loves me for me, curves and all! If you both are attracted to one another then I so go for it! Who cares what others think, it's not their life or their business to judge you! You walk down that street with confidence that you don't need to be a size 2 to get a skinny guy! You got a guy who sees that you are beautiful just the way you are! THAT is a RARE thing to find these days so I'd snatch it up! :)
  • Ill admit my self esteem isnt the highest cause ive been heavy for most of my life so i never have had a guy look at me like im actually someone he wants. As im losing my weight its not as bad cause im like ok im starting to look like those girls, but there is also an age problem...anyone with someone they really care about who is 18 yrs older then them?

    As for the age.. I've always said age is just a number! Age doesn't have anything to do with love! Love comes from the heart! Attraction comes from the eyes! All that number is for is to say how long you've been on this earth! Now if you were like 15 or something I could see it being a problem. If you are a mature adult then it's your choice! If he makes you happy and you are happy with him then don't let it bother you! If people don't like it, then let them deal with it. It's your life, your decision!

    Me any my boyfriend are 9 years apart.. I'm 26 he's 35! I will say the one thing I love the most is that with age comes respect and maturity.. One thing you don't find in alot of younger guys! :)
  • I wouldn't care who looks like what in the relationship. If he is a good guy treats you well and respects you. Go for it! Better be in a good relationship than a bad one. Who cares about the rest.:bigsmile:
  • nadiaez
    nadiaez Posts: 132 Member
    size really doesn't matter....my husband is tall and thin and can eat like a horse whereas I but on alot of weight while pregnant....he love me when he met me and I was a little overweight, he loved me when I was huge and he still loves me now! Good partners are hard to find so if you have found someone who is gonna love, respect you and make you happy then you grab hold and don't let go!
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    Me and my fella were once skinny girl skinny guy.. then we started dating and became chubby girl skinny guy, now we're FAT *kitten* GIRL and regular guy (he's so tall he never looks chubby!! *gives evils*)

    But.. it's not stopped us being together for 6 and a half years, and getting engaged :) I do need to lose weight, but he's never had a problem with my size! He said its mostly in my head and that I'm sexy regardless, and that actually, he likes what I consider to be a "fat *kitten*"

    Real mean don't like stick thin girls, they like a bit'a something to hold onto, and to keep 'em warm on cold nights! Since I've embraced my size, I've been surprised at how many men have tried to come onto me.. so...

    the moral of this story is.. Don't give a darn about what anybody else thinks, if you truly like each other and will care for each other it doesnt matter about people on the outside... truth is, if they're snarky, they're probably just jealous of what you both have :)
  • My boyfriend is 6ft 1 and he's stocky (he's a fireman so he is very strong), I'm 5ft 9 and curvy. He has always liked women to have curves. I've always been a big girl and I've always been self conscious of my size, but the men I've met have always said that they prefer a woman to have curves. If he loves you and your happy then whose to say otherwise, I know being "skinny" is shoved in our faces these days, but women are meant to have curves, not look like matchstick men. Romance is difficult to come by these days so enjoy it and dont give a stuff what anybody else thinks ;o)
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    While I'm no skinny guy by any stretch of the imagination, I'd say that if you're both fortunate to have found each other and you both have genuine love, respect and acceptance of one another, then for goodness sake don't let your relative dimensions be a deterrent to happiness! You'll just wind up kicking yourself if you let the opportunity go unexplored. Trust me.

    ^^this! :)
  • I have always weighed more than my husband but not this much more!! When we met I was maybe only 20 lbs heavier but now, I way surpass that amount..LOL!! He is is 6'2 and 150!! But he loves me anyway...I'm so blessed!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    You're big but also cute. I would hate it if a cute girl I liked wouldn't date me because I wasn't fat enough.
  • I'd rather be the fat girl with a skinny guy where there may be motivation, than the fat girl with the fat guy whom both have no motivation and cares. :) Don't worry about it!

    love this post. :smile:

    but yea! just try it out, mayb that is your perfect love connection. just see how it goes, and enjoy it! Who doesnt want a guy who cares about them, and wants to be with them. :flowerforyou: He sees you as a beautiful lady! and i bet he will cheer you on the whole way on your weight loss goals.

    you know how people say "age is just a number"
    well "weight is just a number" too

    Go for it!
  • You're big but also cute. I would hate it if a cute girl I liked wouldn't date me because I wasn't fat enough.

    hahaha. i love it post too
  • Are you CRAZY! I just saw your profile pic and you are a cutie! Lose the weight for you and not the gauckers!!!
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Ah. Very familiar tale.

    I was about 220, 5'4" when I met (or, re-met) my 6'0" hubby. He was 145 soakin' wet.

    I often referred to us as 'toothpick man and marshmallow woman'.

    We have been married for 15 years. Currently both working on getting HAWT for our 40's! :wink:

    The age thing - I once was with a man 15 years older. I say don't let it bug you.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    I always said that I could never date a guy with a smaller waist than mine….until I met my husband. He and I are the same height and he is technically UNDERweight for his height. I was very close to my heaviest when we met and got married and he never once complained about my weight. He supports me losing weight because he doesn’t want me to have health issues but he’s never had a problem with my body or way I look. Even now, having gained way more than I wanted to during this pregnancy, he still looks at me like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world. If you’ve found a man who is interested and respects you then go for it.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    If he is fine with it, more power to you. If you want to lose weight, this is certainly the site to be at, and we are more than happy to support you!
  • mandemonious
    mandemonious Posts: 217 Member
    Me: short curvy swervy
    Him: tall, thin

    I'm also 7 yrs older than him. We've been together 5 yrs and still dig the hell outta each other. Do what feels right, til it doesn't feel right any more. Who cares about appearances really..? Okay, so we all do. But we shouldn't. So don't. :wink:
  • mugofire
    mugofire Posts: 110 Member
    Exactly....opposites attract... feelings don't go away!
  • umm, I weigh about 195 and my husband weighs about 140 at 6'1", and I think he is hotttt! Skinny guys are great, I don't care what size you are, so you should go for it!!!!!
  • I am over 250 pounds and my husband is a lil under 200 pounds.I thought the same thing but the more and more I got to know him I saw that he was'nt worried about my weight.He always tell me he loves me for me and whats inside my heart.If he likes or loves u then what other people think should'nt matter. Besides some skinny men like big girls. :~)
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