Fat girl and skinny guy



  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    Ok so i have this problem, i have a guy who would be great to me, he likes me and respects me but hes skinny and im chunky. Does anyone else have this problem? I look at myself and him and tell myself i dont wanna be the fat girl in a relationship walking down the street with the skinny guy...any advice??

    I was in your position 6 years ago! I am now married to that sexy skinny guy and we have 3 children together! Its not always about weight hun! My husband thinks I am Perfect but I don't so I work on me and he respects me either way. He does't really understand the fuss I make about myself since he has been skinny all his life! That is why I come here for weight related people! I get the support here that he cant really give me because when he tries I tell him to be quiet since he has never been in my shoe's!
  • Mlehew
    Mlehew Posts: 17 Member
    I agree with most of the posters in that if he is a great guy, don't let yourself sabotage what might be something great. Besides, you're working hard and won't be chunky for too much longer anyway. Gofor it!!!
  • mommiekiya
    If he likes you for you why does it matter. He is with you cause he likes you. He can see past ur weight. Plus your working out now. Dont give up. :smile:
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    In your post, you said "i have a guy who would be great to me, he likes me and respects me but hes skinny and im chunky", but you never said if you were really into the guy. The age and the size don't matter, but don't settle with someone just because they will treat you well. There has to be more. If you really like the guy, go for it, otherwise, keep looking.