Turbo Jammers 3/9-3/15



  • debbiernbsn
    I just finished CE Burn 2 and CP3. Feelin' good!!

  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    welcome to all the new Jammers today. It's so much fun to have so many people enjoying the Jam!

    I'm just quickly waving hi to everyone. Hoping all those who are out of town for the weekend are having a great time. And wishing our Birthday Girl a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!:flowerforyou:

    Supposed to be going on a hike with DH this morning but I"m so darn tired. I just want to curl up in a ball on the couch. Must be PMSing, cause I'm tired and feel enormous!! And the weight has stayed the same so I shouldn't be feeling quite so fat as a week ago. Darn PMS!!

    Kids are all at work or at my older kids houses so DH and I have a few hours of silent bliss.

    Lyn enjoy your quiet house. I know how it feels to just want some peace and quiet sometimes. Even though we love the ones we live with, sometimes it's just nice to be without them once in awhile. I'm thinking of you.:bigsmile:

    Hugs to all today
  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    MollysMom check out 3babybeans website for new Turbo Jam stuff. She's our new resident BeachBody coach and I know she could help you out with good DVD's.

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Checking back w/ PK & J so far for today~ looks like I found some energy after all, lol! Thinking abt 20min + Ab Jam for later on this evening.
    Happy Birthday to our Birthday Girl:flowerforyou: Have an outstanding day!!

    Welcome to all our new ones that are posting today ~ really nice to see the new faces and hear all about the success you all are having ~ that really motivates me to keep on going.

    A veggie delight is calling my name and possibly a little nap ~

    Enjoy your weekend all

  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I havent had a chance to do any exercises since Wed :noway: and I am really feeling it!

    It was another mad weekend (thankfully the last in the next while :flowerforyou: ) so I weighed myself this morning to know what weight I had put on, and its only 1lb which I will work off before my next weigh in.

    I had a 30th on Friday night, a 70th (my dad) and then a 40th after that! So a lot of drink and food was consumed..

    Anyway, everyone that saw me was in shock, saying I looked totally different and how good I looked! (I wore a dress for the first time in years!) They kept staring at me and commenting on my weight loss which I was thrilled about! It has given me the motivation to continue and also to kick the exercise up a notch as I have noticed I am being very lax lately..

    So Saraaa, I need to order those dvd's :laugh: :laugh:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Well...hopefully an end to my saga...
    Hubs and I chatted last night (for HOURS) and we both got some things out in the open. I don't feel like anything was resolved necessarily but a lot was revealed so I think that over time resolution will happen kwim? I really thought after I got it all off my chest that I would feel better...like I "won" but I didn't feel that way at all...I was sad, and that was a real wake up call to me about our relationship. It's not about a feeling of winning or coming out on top, it's about finding common ground and helping each other thru toubled waters. I've never felt that way in my past relationships, someone was always out to win...but not now and it's such a different feeling....security, love, companionship, etc etc etc. Just proof once again that he's the one for life and not like all the failed ones in the past. He does his best and I need to give him credit for that, even when I don't think it's enough or the "right" way...it's his way and he's giving it all he has. **sigh** I'm glad we cleared the air.

    Dinner last night was great. We went to a place called Tucanos. If you have one in your area and you've never gone GO!!! It's such a different dining experience. We loved it.

    Ummm Kelly was it you that said you were going to The Melting Pot??? I wanna know how that was. I've been dying to go to the one here.

    If I exercise today it will be later tonight. I don't really feel like it though. Sundays are so my VERY lazy days.
    I did measurements this morning :smile: I'm down 3 inches in my waist and an inch in my hips since last month. 4 inches in 30 days :noway: That is just crazy! The scale hasn't moved a lot in those 30 days but I love knowing my body is changing. I've lost very little in my arms and legs but I can see more muscle tone so that's good enough for me.
    Have a great Lazy Sunday!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hey gals!

    Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes! Hubby planned a great weekend and we had tons of fun (and some much needed relaxation!). I posted something over on the Success board already, but part of the "fun" was a shopping trip. I fit into a size 8 jeans, gals:bigsmile:

    Lyn...yes, we went to The Melting Pot. It's a lot of fun, but I don't recommend it for kiddos (or at least my kiddos LOL). It's rather pricey, too. The food is great and you do all of the cooking (for the meats/veggies/potatoes yourself) as well as "dipping" for your cheese and dessert course. I would hate to know what my calorie count was yesterday:blushing: :frown: Back on track today, though! BTW...great job on the inches lost...4 inches in a month!!!!:noway: That's awesome!!!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all of your new jammers! It's great to have you here:drinker: :drinker:

    Deedun...glad people are recognizing your hard work! Love your new profile picture, BTW!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everyone ,
    Just checking in ~ seems like the day just isn't right w/o checking the boards to see how everyone is doing.. Love reading about your successes and what's going on with all of you.
    Congrats to Gottaluv on the size 8 jeans!! That is quite an accomplishment ~ I don't think I've ever been an 8 ~ my smallest was a 9(think I was 20, lol) Right now i'm in a 12, which is good for me. I was in a 24 at my heaviest...eating all of my feelings and totally miserable. Very grateful I'm moving away from there. I didn't know how to talk about what was really bothering me and food was my comfort. I was so incredibly lonely then and my coping skills just were not healthy at all. I'm glad to be learning to do something different.
    Happy things are better, Drevansmom ~ I was wishing that for you. Fantastic job on the inches lost:flowerforyou: Sometimes that's even better that the scale moving (even though I'm still stuck on the numbers!!) ~ to know your body is changing is a very good thing indeed.
    Deedun the new pic is just beautiful. So pleased that people are acknowledging the big changes you've made. It does give the encouragement to keep on trying!!
    Started out with 20min this morning. I was going to take the day off but it's been very dreary here for the past 5 days.rainy rainy, cold and grey. Needed to give the old endorphins a little kick and to remind myself not to give in to the snack monster that lurks around when the weather is like this:laugh: DH and I are snuggling up watching movies (in between flipping to check out the BBall scores) I've surrendered the remote and am content to just be:heart: .
    Love to all I've missed and enjoy the rest of your day,

  • debbiernbsn
    Drevans_mom - congratulations on your loss of inches. I'm not up to date on everything that is going on with your hubby, but I hope everything works out for you.

    I got in CE Burn Intervals, CP2 and ab jam today. I've got to work for the next two days, so I won't be able to work out.

    I look forward to catching up with everyone next week.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
  • renaebaldini
    I have an experience to share with you guys. Once I was in a remote place, my signal in my phone got jammed, i thought the problem would be with my service provider. After coming back home i gave black and blues to my customer care highlighting my issue. They pleaded me saying that the problem is not with them. Then i browsed through the search engine regarding my issue, i got a remedy for my cell phone, there i came to know the problem called signal jamming that is experienced in most cell phones. They have a product called phone jammer could be very useful to get rid of these problems. Check out the details here cell phone jammer and hope this information would be beneficial. Hope that u would pass this information to all your friends, so that they too would benefited, Stay safe, Cheers