Hello There! From the UK!

Hi Everyone! 😊👋
I'm Ales! I'd love to make some new friends here on MFP! I've had a break but I'm back again. I'm in the North West of England so UK and Irish friends would be great, but I'm happy to accept friend requests from anywhere, as long as I don't think you're some kind of online scammer!
Any age is fine, but I'm in my early 40's just so anyone knows. I'm Female, but freind requests for any gender are fine.
I have a first goal of losing a stone (14 lbs / 6kg - ish) as the overall goal I have is a bit intimidating.
I am definitely in this for the long term, so anyone who has had that 'mind shift' and is gonna be here for a while, would be fantastic!
Kind Wishes!



  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    Hi Ales! Feel free to add me. I’m logging every day 100 % if you need a friend and support! I’m from Peterborough, SE UK. x
  • Creamtea42
    Creamtea42 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi Ales! I’m in for long term too! From North East. On daily & always could do with new non scamming friend!
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 430 Member
    Heya, I'm southwest UK, but early 40s with a similar weight loss goal. Log every day, add me and say hi!
  • Aswennu
    Aswennu Posts: 57 Member
    Hello Ales!
    I'm here for support and friendship to anyone who needs it. I *try* to log daily. I'm in Germany and looking to lose 80lbs or so, so I'll be in it for theblong haul as well. Feel free to add me.