Daily check in for support and accountability



  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Hey all!

    I had a hugely busy weekend. Unfortunately, that meant I ended up bending my food boundaries all over the place. I won't say break, because I actually stayed somewhat true to what I wanted. I just went over at the very end of the evenings or past my cut off times. Nothing that will completely end all progress and not a full day of eating whatever I wanted. Just enough past everything to feel like a prick at my conscience. Actually, enough of a prick on my conscience that I didn't log into the community groups at all this weekend. Like hiding from accountability is going to alter what I ate. Anyway, just another day to pick myself up and start again.

    Speaking of my 3 events in 2 days over the weekend.... I am hosting my neighborhood book club for movie night tonight. We read The Bone Collector earlier this month and so we will watch the movie tonight. I'm making a potato bar, a skeleton shaped veggie tray, popcorn, and Scooby snacks (since they look like bones). I'm eating light until tonight so I can account for enough calories. As I don't know what others will be bringing to share. Also, this is how I ended up bending my boundaries. Food at every event and too many in a row. I'm great with planning for one or two things days apart. It was having everything back to back.

    @harringtona1 I have often considered throwing the scale away. Sometimes it just annoys me. It’s usually during that time I decide to measure or judge my progress some other way. I don't want to let myself get fixed on the scale when I know that almost anything can affect that number.

    @amyflanagan7758 Welcome!!!
  • AEF7758
    AEF7758 Posts: 2 Member
    Official Day 1 (I don't count yesterday since I logged in but didn't really log. Anything I added yesterday was to see if it was in MFP's system): Great first day. 14,700 steps, good amount of calories, I went to the local gym and walked 2 miles total on the indoor walking track. "Practice" weigh-in will be tomorrow. My logic is if I weigh myself two times a week instead of one, I won't be putting so much pressure on myself to have lost weight each Saturday. So, we'll see how it goes.

    @pamperedlinny Thank you! I read your post and it's great you're not letting a moderate(?) hiccup during this past weekend get you down. I need to have that attitude more often.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Didn't get to my 10k steps today. I didn't do PT either. I did not finish my work, get out of bed on time, wear sunscreen, or wash my hair. Oh yeah I totally went over on calories by about 150 I think; and the bread was not worth it. Anywho, I did my 3 minute Spanish lesson on Duolingo.


    Hang in there y'all.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Good morning all!

    Last night I hosted The Bone Collector movie night for my smaller book club. We read the book as part of a "Read A Book That Inspired A Movie" challenge. We decided that if the book was made into a movie, we needed to watch the movie.... and I'm a sucker for anything with a theme. Isn't this table great?!? Sorry, but it was just too fun not to share.

    I also got my most recent blog recipe up this morning. It was scheduled to post yesterday so this morning it already went live. I had made a big pan on Spanish Rice for my husband's office party and decided to bump up when I dropped it on the blog because his co-workers asked about the recipe. I decided to share it with everyone instead of just his office. :D If anyone needs a Spanish Rice recipe this one is mine. https://www.healthyeatingwithlinda.com/post/spanish-rice-for-a-crowd

    Tonight is going to be Zumba class while my daughter is at volleyball, quick locker room showers, and then we'll both be at the tea shop for trivia night. I'm so bad at trivia and so thankful for people on my team that know all the things. It is still so much fun and every once in a while I'll actually know an answer that others don't. It's usually about one question out of the entire night though. I'm useless as a teammate.

    @AEF7758 I love that you gave yourself a trial day to see how it goes. Also, it is pretty easy to add foods if it isn’t in the database. I have added many, and edited many incorrect ones, over the years. I tend to read the labels pretty closely and if the entries in the system are wrong or it doesn’t exist I’ll correct that. I always assume I’m not the only person eating things I buy at the grocery store and we can all help each other by entering things correctly.

    @harringtona1 You still had a victory in your day! Sometimes we all have a day like that. Honestly, I could use a mental and physical break from everything for a day or two.

    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    I am still here, sort of. I am going to go for a walk a little later as it is starting to feel like spring. Not super warm, but I prefer to be a little cold when I am walking. I had my small family for an early Easter dinner on Sunday. Some leftovers to eat up, so that never bodes well! I am going to weigh-in on Wednesday and start fresh, yet again! As long as you never quit, there is still a chance for success!

    Thank you to everyone who reached out...I really appreciate it! Hopefully, someday soon, I will be of a mindset to return the favour!
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @Haswlrs- So true- as long as we don't quit we are still in the game. I'm trying to remember that it's not about perfection but trying to make better choices most of the time. Keep on keeping on.

    @Pampered- It looks fun- and love the bone table.

    Wednesday is my weigh in day. I didn't have any loss to speak of last week so this will be 2 weeks and I'm hoping to see some movement on the scale. I have tightened up some- being careful to weigh calorie dense things like nuts etc. but whatever I do has to be sustainable so I decided not to decrease my daily calories. Hopefully there will be a loss this week, but I have to keep going even if there is not.
  • kezmo30
    kezmo30 Posts: 3 Member
    Room for another!?
    W 173lb
    GW 140lb xxx
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    We're growing, but in a good way lol! More nice people looking for community. I think that's amazing. When I get in my plan-and-attack mode, I usually isolate and over focus. I'm trying this new slow and steady and sustainable and over share :D

    Today, I took the training wheels off the cheat day and went all over town seeing people and eating. Non, je ne regrette rien. I would've followed Edith Piaf (speaking of rice @pamperedlinny !) around the world if I'd lived in her time. But this post has descended into the ramblings of a woman who just took her Ambien.

    I've really just been checking in daily to see if @HASWLRS got back on to share her journal progress. Happy to see you! Just do one thing better. That's the secret, I hear.
    Good night from Flzzzzzzzz
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Good morning all!

    Yesterday our team came in second at trivia. Not too shabby, especially since some answers were definitely guesses on our part. The last bonus question was finally where I got to shine... match the dog to the Disney movie. 🐕 I stayed within all my calorie boundaries and only had a small protein shake after 8pm because I felt like I was still legit hungry when I got home from Zumba then trivia. Better to have a small shake at home (just protein powder and almond milk) than to eat cake at the shop and still be hungry.

    My parents are coming to visit for a few days after Easter. I love my parents. I also don't live exactly as they would so it usually causes plenty of drama when they visit. They are also bringing their dog and not staying in a hotel. So.... I'm going to need to clear space, clean to a level I don't normally worry about, lecture my daughter about not bringing up magic with them, and find a YouTube workout that uses Christian music or no lyrics or something. Since my first go-to is often Zumba that will be a bit more difficult. I love church and the Lord but I don't specifically look for workouts that play only those songs. If you have suggestions I'm all ears.

    @HASWLRS I hope your walk yesterday was great!

    @kezmo30 Welcome!!!!

    @harringtona1 It’s funny you would have followed her all over. I hope you enjoyed your day though! It sounds great. I love days when I go all over and see everyone. Of course, the following day I usually want some quiet to balance it out..... after the events for days I've had lately that is actually my plan tonight. Stay home and see no one unless they live here.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Last Wednesday (I think?): 206
    Today: 211

    How's that for a rabbit hole?!!

    Can't go back....can only go forward. Starting today.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    @harringtona1 Love the French, Anne! Took it all through high school and even some in University, thinking I would minor in it, but I did not have the ear for it.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Good morning!!!

    Yesterday I got a call that a friend was going through something so my calories were higher than planned with wine and snacks. However, it isn't too bad. About 2,000 for the day. It could have been a lot worse and being there for a friend is way more important that an over calorie day.

    Today I'm hoping to get to my Zumba class. I'm also so tired though so we'll see how it all goes.

    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    @pamperedlinny You are a good friend, Linda. She is lucky to have you in her corner!
  • KeJeBeh1248
    KeJeBeh1248 Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2023
    Joining in. Will weigh in next Wednesday for my first weigh in. I am a lifetime yo-yo with experience in every aspect of weight loss. My struggle lies within my own lack of drive, motivation and lack of support. I am a working mom running my own company, very involved in my daughter's school and extracurriculars and working outside of work to maintaining positive work environment for my employees, as well as entertaining/hosting friends and family often. For years I have neglected myself. 51 now, health concerns, and goal to shift back to making myself a top priority. I have about 100 pounds to lose...but I am breaking it down to 10 pound segments. First goal is therefore to lose 10 pounds. Thank you for the platform to express myself and be part of the journey with you all.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    @KeJeBeh1248 Welcome!!! What company do you run? I'm always amazed at people who are able to be their own boss... even though I know they usually work three times harder than the rest of us. I started years ago at 300 lbs. I'm down to 192 lbs but it literally took me about 15 years, a pregnancy, some yo-yo and some other health stuff for me to get here. It obviously hasn't happened overnight and I'm still not where I want to be. It is definitely a journey.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    I got wegovy today. I didn't see that coming. I'm my year of 202me, my PhD/MD therapist suggested I may benefit from a look at my hormones. Went today and they came up with this! They even gave me a sample month. I'll start it tomorrow night I guess. If anyone has insight into it, I'm all ears. (I don't have diabetes or any health issue. But thankfully insurance is covering. I'm kind of at a loss about this. Reading as much as I can.)
    Before I forget, yesterday was...
    HW 234
    CW 224
    GW 150 I think. I change from day to day.
    Night y'all
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    @harringtona1 I had to Google Wegovy to see what it was. I am definitely curious to see how this goes for you.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning,
    I'm spending a few days in NY visiting my son and seeing a show with a friend. It's a challenge to be out of my element and for the most part eating out. We went to an outrageously delicious Italian restaurant last night. I attempted to be reasonable but the salmon al pesto that I ordered with a side of steamed broccoli was quite high in fat. I did go over my calorie budget, but I'm not fretting about it. Just going to move on and appreciate that I had a nice dinner with my son. I packed half of it and gave it to him for next day's lunch. He's a poor student in dental school so he appreciates the free meal :smile:

    @KeJeBeh1248 - Welcome. I too have battled weight loss and yo yo dieting. I am now learning to take care of myself. I think we often put everything ahead of our own well-being and eventually it comes back to bite us. It's great that you are putting the focus back on yourself and making your health a top priority.

    @harringtona1 - I have been hearing/reading a lot about wegovy lately. They had a segment on 60 minutes about it a few months ago. I called my doctor for an appointment but couldn't get in until the end of April though. I'm not sure if I'm going to pursue it now, as I feel like I'm gaining some momentum, but I'm not closing the door to it. I hope it goes well for you and will also be interested in hearing how you are doing.

    Have a great day All!
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    I started wegovy tonight!
    My friend shared his experience trying to get this. He was prescribed by his doctor for obesity. No diabetes, etc. His insurance (Cigna, with express scripts) denied coverage. But a nice insurance rep suggested he appeal by writing the things he's tried that haven't worked. That's ongoing. The rep said these scripts are often denied but approved on appeal.
    My prescriber thought I would be denied like her other patients (except Tricare and Aetna, I think she said). But she put in the order to try and I was approved. Just in case, she told me first that she knew a compound pharmacy that would put together a like medication not with a fancy pen, but same otherwise, for about $300/month. Covered, it's $60/month or $120/3 months mail order. Else brand self pay is $1400.
    Just sharing the info I have. It ain't much yet. It was easy to administer and I didn't have any allergic reaction. Let's gooooo
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Good morning all! Yesterday was my work fiscal year end so I wasn't really online at all except to log food. I'm crazy busy today too (church kids Easter party, daughter's volleyball game, friend's daughter 18 birthday party) so this is probably my only check in for today. Tomorrow we have a whole group of 3 families going to the circus after church.

    @dogwalker157 I'm glad you got to visit your son. That dish sounds really tasty.

    @harringtona1 Let us know how it goes. Excited for you.