JUST FOR TODAY... One day at a time .. Daily Commitment for 2023!



  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hour commitment - Finally reached our destination in France. Been crazy. I won’t eat anything else today except my metamusal.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Need to get back at it today.
    I've had a long weekend. The kitchen is ALMOST finished. My sinks back in and one whole side is fitted. But he didnt have time to fit the hob last worktop.

    He did however connect the hob to the gas again and just kind of balanced it on top of the oven unit
    I've used it once but trying to avoid using it because it's not exactly the safest thing in the world.
    Fingers crossed he comes tonight to finish it off

    My girls are at their aunties ATM and stayed over last night.. But my SIL has a dog booked in at her work so she needs to go do that so I'm watching all the kids
    So I'll know what it's like to have 5 girls running bout the house 😂
    It's only for a couple of hours so I just wanna make sure I tidy the girls bedroom, which isn't even bad at this point. But their beds need making. Then just tidy down stairs a bit, I've not.put anything back yet. Not until the kitchens finished x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Oh and today I need to do some form of exercise and I think I'm gonna start walking the dog more regularly to make up for the school walks that I'm missing x
  • teigansdad
    teigansdad Posts: 394 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @teigansdad hey how did Teigan do on her driving test?
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @teigansdad hey how did Teigan do on her driving test?
    Unfortunately she did not pass… wasn’t prepared for the three point turn. I’ve gotta bring her to
    The DMV at 7 Wednesday and hope we get a spot. She’s not as upset as I thought she would be.
    This weekend was a weekend of going off the rails. I have made a bunch of progress but think the little demon in my head got the best of me. Had some beers with the neighbors and that would have been fine because I killed it on trainer AND did weights but problem was I then proceeded to eat enough dinner for two people. I don’t think I was as bad as the numbers suggest because I know I over estimate the calories and also didn’t count my weight training calories but still went over. Time to repair the body from this weekend

    Only two day work week so that’s nice
    Todays goals
    Less than 2k calories
    10-14 glasses of water
    No beer
    Treadmill after work
    Log all food
    Forgive myself from the weekend and move on
    No food after 9

  • emgracewrites
    emgracewrites Posts: 478 Member
    No health-related goals for me this week. I have 29 work tasks to complete (that I know about so far), 8 meetings, and 1 doctor’s appointment. I think my only goal is to just make it through the week.

    Then I have one day to myself (Saturday) before some kind of family get-together on Sunday for Easter. But there’s a bunch of family drama going on about that behind the scenes, so I won’t even know what the plan is (or if I’ll be expected to cook anything) until late this week. I know I shouldn’t worry about it because it’s out of my control but that’s the part that’s so exhausting for me - feeling like I have no control over anything.

    One day at a time, right? Guess that’s all I can do.
  • jennysweet58
    jennysweet58 Posts: 234 Member
    @emgracewrites - family drama is the worst! I hope it doesn't ruin Easter...hard not to worry about stuff ESPECIALLY when it's out of your control! ugh

    @teigansdad - my daughter failed her first time too. It's a pain but she'll get it, now she'll know what to focus on practicing. I went off the rails this weekend too...am gonna right this ship today.

    @Bex953172 - great that your kitchen is almost done! How are you feeling about it? I made some progress this weekend emptying shelves. Am trying to keep it all sort of organized since we'll be living in this for at least 6 weeks...
  • jennysweet58
    jennysweet58 Posts: 234 Member
    This weekend wasn't one of my most shining moments - just one of those where it seems I deliberately set out to sabotage my progress and new healthy habits. DH brought home tequila for margaritas and it was all over... :(. I also had a huge steak salad last night - we ordered from the diner since I was too tired to make the healthy dinner I'd planned - which is so dumb because I have a physical this morning and they're going to draw my blood...my cholesterol will probably spike. So stupid, because now if the numbers are high I won't know if it's the steak, or a bigger problem so it will probably need to be redone. Oh well. I got a LOT of work done yesterday - weeded & pruned the clematis & hydrangea in the backyard since they're starting to sprout like crazy, hung a new trellis to make it easier for the clematis to climb, raked out the raised bed garden & planted arugula, then shredded two big boxes of files in our ongoing effort to slowly get rid of crap we don't need. It felt really great to get out in the sun, see all the new growth and know that winter is over! First time in 9 years we didn't have to pick up a shovel ONCE! The one bit of snow we had melted by afternoon and that was that. Crazy...anyway a good weekend overall. For today am keeping it simple:

    1. LOG AND STAY WITHIN CALORIES enough is enough!
    2. drink 100 oz water
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,644 Member
    Happy Monday!

    It’s been a busy weekend. Church kids Easter party, neighborhood Easter egg hunt, volleyball, friend’s birthday, church, and the circus with a group of 13 taking up an entire section. I’m so tired. I did get my face painted to match my daughter this time. She LOVED that we matched. I know she’s 9 and the day will soon come she’ll be embarrassed when I do that kind of thing. I’m loving every minute I can still get of that joy.

    I also joined Stridekick since Fitbit got rid of all the challenges, bingos, and public groups. So if anyone wants to find me on there I'm listed as user pamperedlinny

    Tonight my kid asked for tacos. I’ll have to make a grocery run because my husband killed off the lettuce and cheese over the weekend. What is everyone else having tonight?

    @jennysweet58 I also have PCOS and I’m about 90% sure that a lot of the issues she has had at 8 and 9 years old stem from hormones. It took me years to understand my own self and those issues. Her body seemed to start changing some before her friends and I was the same. Her therapist agrees it may be playing a factor. I have an aunt and a cousin that also have PCOS. Thankfully, with knowing this is a thing throughout our family she’ll have the tools we didn’t have to face all of it head on.
    @angf0679 Great job putting the candy away! And having your hard work noticed!
    @emgracewrites Family drama is the worst! I’m sorry.

    ☑️Drink at least 72oz water
    ☑️Stay under 1800 calories
    ☑️No coffee until 8am
    ☑️No food until 10am
    ☑️No food after 8pm
    ☑️Get at least 8000 steps today
    ☑️Catch up laundry
    ☑️Get at least enough groceries for dinner tonight
    ☑️Daughter has counseling today. Get to appt on time!
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,446 Member
    @pamperedlinny I love the face painting! It's fun when they are young enough to enjoy being goofy.

    @teigansdad Teigan will get the 3 point turn, good luck Wednesday. My youngest took her drivers test during Covid protocols, so it was really simple and strange. She drove in a square (Stops and blinkers) with the examiner standing outside and then she parallel parked. That was it. She didn't even go out on the road.

    My weekend too was not good food wise, but I did get a lot of walking and stairs in on Saturday. We went and watched Sierra race, then Tim and I went to a hockey game while Sierra spent time with Gia (pup). It was an incredibly long day as the pup needed out at 3:00am and I had to get up at 4:00am to leave at 5:00am. Needless to say I didn't get back to sleep after 3:00am. I drove most of the way to Pittsburgh while hubby and Gia napped, but then I got really tired and we switched drivers for the last 30 minutes or so. Sunday I worked around the house and finished up some props for Beauty and the Beast. Otherwise I just watched basketball and HG TV.

    Today is work, and spin class. Hopefully I'll get out of work in time to change and actually ride this week. Last week I went straight from work and the bike seats did not feel so good jeans. It was a great class according to the participants, but I felt like a total slacker.

    JFT Monday
    - Work by 8:00 :(
    - Meetings
    - 8D for complaints
    - Figure out ARF
    - Pay Mom's bills
    - Get pup at 2:30
    - Gym by 5:45
    - Drop off props at the school
    - Home by 8:00
    - Bed by 10:30
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    teigansdad wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @teigansdad hey how did Teigan do on her driving test?
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @teigansdad hey how did Teigan do on her driving test?
    Unfortunately she did not pass… wasn’t prepared for the three point turn. I’ve gotta bring her to
    The DMV at 7 Wednesday and hope we get a spot. She’s not as upset as I thought she would be.
    This weekend was a weekend of going off the rails. I have made a bunch of progress but think the little demon in my head got the best of me. Had some beers with the neighbors and that would have been fine because I killed it on trainer AND did weights but problem was I then proceeded to eat enough dinner for two people. I don’t think I was as bad as the numbers suggest because I know I over estimate the calories and also didn’t count my weight training calories but still went over. Time to repair the body from this weekend

    Only two day work week so that’s nice
    Todays goals
    Less than 2k calories
    10-14 glasses of water
    No beer
    Treadmill after work
    Log all food
    Forgive myself from the weekend and move on
    No food after 9

    Awh no! Sorry to hear that! I passed on my fourth time! For some reason I just couldnt reverse around a corner. But I could parallel park lol!
    Hope she gets it next time!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @emgracewrites - family drama is the worst! I hope it doesn't ruin Easter...hard not to worry about stuff ESPECIALLY when it's out of your control! ugh

    @teigansdad - my daughter failed her first time too. It's a pain but she'll get it, now she'll know what to focus on practicing. I went off the rails this weekend too...am gonna right this ship today.

    @Bex953172 - great that your kitchen is almost done! How are you feeling about it? I made some progress this weekend emptying shelves. Am trying to keep it all sort of organized since we'll be living in this for at least 6 weeks...

    Feeling happy about it, even though I've got about 3 quarters of it in 😂😂 only one worktop to get in really with the hob (but it's working for now) Then I can put everything in the right cupboards.
    And then in the upcoming weeks it should be re-floored and re-tiled at the back of the worktops.
    The only issue is not knowing when my brother's next free. He said he might be able to come today but that's not looking likely
    He works so it's hard for him to find the spare time in the evenings
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Happy Monday!

    It’s been a busy weekend. Church kids Easter party, neighborhood Easter egg hunt, volleyball, friend’s birthday, church, and the circus with a group of 13 taking up an entire section. I’m so tired. I did get my face painted to match my daughter this time. She LOVED that we matched. I know she’s 9 and the day will soon come she’ll be embarrassed when I do that kind of thing. I’m loving every minute I can still get of that joy.

    I also joined Stridekick since Fitbit got rid of all the challenges, bingos, and public groups. So if anyone wants to find me on there I'm listed as user pamperedlinny

    Tonight my kid asked for tacos. I’ll have to make a grocery run because my husband killed off the lettuce and cheese over the weekend. What is everyone else having tonight?

    @jennysweet58 I also have PCOS and I’m about 90% sure that a lot of the issues she has had at 8 and 9 years old stem from hormones. It took me years to understand my own self and those issues. Her body seemed to start changing some before her friends and I was the same. Her therapist agrees it may be playing a factor. I have an aunt and a cousin that also have PCOS. Thankfully, with knowing this is a thing throughout our family she’ll have the tools we didn’t have to face all of it head on.
    @angf0679 Great job putting the candy away! And having your hard work noticed!
    @emgracewrites Family drama is the worst! I’m sorry.

    ☑️Drink at least 72oz water
    ☑️Stay under 1800 calories
    ☑️No coffee until 8am
    ☑️No food until 10am
    ☑️No food after 8pm
    ☑️Get at least 8000 steps today
    ☑️Catch up laundry
    ☑️Get at least enough groceries for dinner tonight
    ☑️Daughter has counseling today. Get to appt on time!

    My eldest daughter is 9 too! She's incredibly sassy though and has such an attitude 😂 9 going on 15.
    But yes it is nice to get them moments in when you think they're gone!
  • teigansdad
    teigansdad Posts: 394 Member
    Less than 2k calories✅
    10-14 glasses of water✅
    No beer✅
    Treadmill after work✅
    Log all food✅
    Forgive myself from the weekend and move on✅
    No food after 9✅

    Did well yesterday
    Thank god for low calorie pop corn. Helps with my mindless eating without much in the way of caloric consequence.
    Today is my Friday. Looking forward to getting it over. I finish work around 7 but Teigan’s high school is on the way home and she has a art show so I’m going from work to there and then will stay there till 8 to bring her home. Feeling a little better today. The cats let me sleep till 530 kind of .
    Goals for today
    Stay under 2k
    10-14 glasses of water
    No beer
    No food after 9
    Order part for back up race bike

  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 969 Member
    April got off to a bumpy start and promises to be challenging, both logistically and personally. I was way over on calories yesterday. My daughter had another divorce mediation session and I let the stress get to me. At least I got in a decent walk with my grandsons. They're off this week for Spring Break, and I was able to adjust my schedule to have two days off in a row. Today we're taking the kids on an overnight trip to Gettysburg with my father-in-law who went to seminary there many years ago. Lots of history and family bonding. I hope it will also be a break for my daughter. Logging and healthy eating will be a challenge, but at least I'll get plenty of walking in.

    JFT Tuesday 4/4 and Wednesday 4/5
    Healthy choices
    Enjoy time with family
  • emgracewrites
    emgracewrites Posts: 478 Member
    Need to vent.

    Got a major assignment dropped on me at work within 5 minutes of opening my email. It’s an editing opportunity, which I should be happy about, but it’s a super tight turnaround and would probably require overtime. But if I say “no” I can probably kiss any further opportunities goodbye. So more stress and anxiety for me, I guess. Yay?
  • jennysweet58
    jennysweet58 Posts: 234 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Awh no! Sorry to hear that! I passed on my fourth time! For some reason I just couldnt reverse around a corner. But I could parallel park lol!
    Hope she gets it next time!![/quote]

    Reverse around a corner?? I've never had to do that in my entire life, thankfully no one has ever tested me on that ha ha :D
  • jennysweet58
    jennysweet58 Posts: 234 Member
    Need to vent.

    Got a major assignment dropped on me at work within 5 minutes of opening my email. It’s an editing opportunity, which I should be happy about, but it’s a super tight turnaround and would probably require overtime. But if I say “no” I can probably kiss any further opportunities goodbye. So more stress and anxiety for me, I guess. Yay?

    That is so stressful...I'm freelance so I know the feeling of "you can never say no." I despise all the unrealistic deadlines that have become the norm - and I play right into their hands, working extra hours for free just so I'm not the one "holding up" the works. It's so rare to find a boss that is realistic about the time things take, and protects their staff. Anyway, off to work an 11 hour day when I'm only paid for 9! (I wish I was kidding)
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,644 Member
    ☑️Drink at least 72oz water ✔️
    ☑️Stay under 1800 calories ❌
    ☑️No coffee until 8am ✔️
    ☑️No food until 10am ✔️
    ☑️No food after 8pm ❌
    ☑️Get at least 8000 steps today ❌ so close! I went to bed only 200 steps short
    ☑️Catch up laundry ❌ got about half of it done
    ☑️Get at least enough groceries for dinner tonight ✔️
    ☑️Daughter has counseling today. Get to appt on time! ✔️

    Not a great day. I ended up having a weird stress-related binge in the evening. Cake, candy, cheddar popcorn, etc. I am starting fresh today.

    ☑️Drink at least 72oz water
    ☑️Stay under 1800 calories
    ☑️No coffee until 8am
    ☑️No food until 10am
    ☑️No food after 8pm
    ☑️Get at least 8000 steps today
    ☑️Daughter's volleyball practice tonight
    ☑️Ladie's bible study night
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,446 Member
    JFT Monday
    - Work by 8:00 :(
    - Meetings :smiley:
    - 8D for complaints :smiley:
    - Figure out ARF :neutral: Kind of
    - Pay Mom's bills :smiley:
    - Get pup at 2:30 :(
    - Gym by 5:45 :smiley:
    - Drop off props at the school :smiley:
    - Home by 8:00 :(
    - Bed by 10:30 :smiley:

    Busy, busy day at work... It was very productive, but I didn't get to leave at 2:30 to check on doggo. Unfortunately she is having some gastro issues so by 4:30 the kennel and the puppy were covered in poo. I actually put on gloves to clean up. It was soooo gross, but it wasn't her fault. Puppy's just can't hold it that long and she isn't feeling well. She is getting better about letting us know when she need to go out. Usually she goes out once during the night, but last night it was 3 times. Boy am I tired today. It really is like having a baby in the house.

    I did teach spin yesterday which was a blast as always. It was a fun group of folks, which makes the pain more manageable. I didn't start my watch yesterday, but my active calories were around 400, and I didn't do much else yesterday.

    Today, I have to get home as soon as I can after my meetings to let Gia out and hope that the kennel and dog are poo-free. Other than that, I should have Bible study this evening. I really am not into it right now, but I can't drop out because my boss is in my group. His wife leads it. I will also probably go to the grocery and get stuff to make chicken noodle soup for the theater kids. I'll make the broth tonight then heat it and add noodles tomorrow. This week's practices are from 4-9, so the parents sign up to bring food. Of course my daughter is a vegetarian, so I may also make a pot of veggie noodles for her.

    JFT Tuesday
    - Puppy stuff :smiley:
    - Work stuff :smiley:
    - Puppy stuff
    - Work stuff
    - Grocery
    - Bible Study
    - Make broth
    - Bed by 10:30

  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    Hour commitment - I won’t eat again until tomorrow except my dose of metamusal and some hot cocoa.