Women 200lb+, Let's Astound Ourselves This April!!!



  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    edited April 2023
    @CupcakeCrusoe You’ll have to tell us what new thing you add in for that many different fruits and veg.
    So apparently I was fired up about this, because I finished a plan for the week after my vacation already, hahah


    The sum is there at the bottom left, it's over 30 because I was keeping track of "doubles," like recipes that used carrots when I'd already had carrots in there, etc. I left weekends blank mostly, because I tend to treat myself more on the weekends, better to load my week with the fruit/veg.

    I like pairing my fruit/veg with a sweet or fatty (or both, lol) thing, because satiety wise, that works better for me.

    I think the key is going to be 1) my coffee treat in the morning OR my dessert at night can be not-healthy, "non-scoring foods," not both, lol, and 2) switching up toppings for overnight oats and snacks. That way my lunches can remain the same for the least amount of different meal prep on the weekends, and I can still eat what everyone else is eating at night.

    We'll see how expensive this gets, but in general, fruits and veg aren't that expensive, so maybe it won't add that much to my grocery budget. I do need to get a lot more (little!) meal prep containers, lol.

    I need to fill in calorie and protein numbers, but I got frustrated logging in MFP, and MacroFactor is only on my phone (for now!) which I don't have access to. But given my coffee treat and dessert numbers have been at least a couple hundred each lately, I think it'll be fine.

    I'm jazzed! I'm excited! The way to get me to eat better is to make it a game, apparently, lol.

    Mojo for your dentist appointment! Even with a good dentist, I hate going to the dentist.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe Thank you. So far so good. Behaved today too!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    172.2 this morning, new low just before my vacation, lol! Tomorrow is the last time I weigh on a scale for more than a week.

    And it's weird that it's a new low, because I again went over my planned calories last night, but still under maintenance. I wanted a lot of chocolate, and I ate it. (Andes mint chips, which is a dangerous thing to have a whole bag of)

    Getting the house cleaned before we leave, Hurricanes game tonight, and I got my car back! I cancelled on the gym anyway, because everything is not yet ready for us to be gone. It's okay. I've got big plans for the gym (and my fruit/veg intake!) after we get back.

    My allergies are playing havoc with me right now, I can feel everything moving all up in my sinuses. Oh well, tis the season to medicate (for me, anyway).

    NSV (along with my scale victory): this morning, I was fine with my belly the way it looked when I was completely relaxed. Would I like it to be smaller without sucking in, of course, but right now it's... cute? It's like just a little convex all over, not like pear-shaped, with most of the fat near the bottom, if that makes sense. It's weird to like my relaxed belly! Doesn't happen very often! I need to work on that.

    @bonniemcc4 I hope you have a good walk soon. It's such nice weather, here.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 329 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe Congrats on your new low. My goal is 170 so I would be absolutely thrilled to be where you are today, and I know what you mean about the fat near the bottom of your abdomen. It's like an apron. Mine is getting smaller too. Thank the Lord.

    I stayed the course yesterday. Started counting calories for the first time and was under 1300 with no late night snacking. Worked in the yard for 4 hours. (Not sure how many calories I burned but it was more than if I had been laying around the house all day.) Weight was up this morning (How could that be? But, oh well.... ain't no big deal because I know I did what was right yesterday and it will eventually show up on the scale.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe congrats on the new low and the NSV. It's so great when you can love your body, imperfections and all.

    Yesterday was busy between work stuff, shark week, dentist, parental visit prep, etc. Today looks to be more of the same. Not a lot of check in time today. I'll hopefully have more to post tomorrow.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 329 Member
    Still staying the course, counting calories and was under my calorie allotment for the day. Feel good. Dinner was a huge spring salad with 2 HB eggs, 2 deseeded Roma tomatoes, shredded cheddar, cauliflower and various other veggies from the fridge. Oil and vinegar dressing.

    @RavenStCloud Good for you. It's such a challenge when eating out but you did well!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    edited April 2023
    Good morning everyone!

    173 this morning, so that's the last weigh in until not this coming Sunday, but the one after that.

    Everything is packed, pretty much, and I think everything's ready. Last night was tough- I started well. I ate some leftovers for dinner, as we're trying to clear out the fridge before our week away. Then I had a bunch of calories left, so I loaded up some greek yogurt with good stuff- m&m's, speculoos cookies, and maraschino cherries.


    This, too, was fine, within calories, and had I stopped here, we would have been good.

    But instead.... I had some pecan sandies out on the counter for Little. And then I ate the rest, about 5 of them. Oops. I was over my maintenance calories by about 100-150, which is not a dealbreaker, but it didn't feel great to do. Lesson learned (again, lol). Why did I do it?

    Really, I should have thrown those cookies away. They weren't even that good. And the kids weren't eating them. But I guess some part of me was like, you bought them, why would you throw them away? In the spirit of clearing out things that were going to go bad before we left, I ate those cookies instead of throwing them away and "wasting" them.

    Gotta have good control over what comes into the house, with the idea that if I'm not buying something that I know the girls like, I'm really just buying it for myself, under the guise of buying it for them.

    And some things I do have good control over. Like unwrapping candy- for some reason, the act of unwrapping gives me pause. But a bag full of cookies? Too easy to just keep grabbing cookies. Especially ones I know no one else wants, so I'm not saving them for anyone.

    Gotta remember that saying from, I think it was @sargemarcori , or maybe it was @RavenStCloud - I'm not a trash can, I shouldn't treat myself like one.

    I've gotten to the part of Sean Anderson's blog where he regained. A lot of good reflection there. I guess it's got me feeling reflective, too.

    Anyway! Extended talk about cookies over, time to get into maintenance and vacation mode, starting at the end of the day today. Time to flex those maintenance muscles.

    Tag party time
    @BarbMessimer I love a big ol' salad.

    @pamperedlinny CHEERING SECTION ACTIVATED GO GO GO GO GOGOGOGOGOGO lol. You can do it!

    @RavenStCloud this is truly an inspiration, and I'm hoping I can do similar to you, in a place where I'll be in that position for a whole week, haha.

    Have a great day, everyone! I'll try to check in, but I don't know how often.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 329 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe Love the saying you quoted, "I'm not a trash can, I shouldn't treat myself like one." I'm very guilty of that as I absolutely can't stand to waste food. I live alone so have no excuse for not having complete control over what comes in the house. I need to remember that if I buy it, I'll eat it.

    That being said. I did great yesterday, under my calorie limit. Was so proud but then I sabotaged myself during the night. Got up and raided the fridge to the tune of 600 calories. (Don't even ask what I ate!) So I'm counting that as meal #1 today, which means I have very few calories left and sissy's coming over to go to lunch! Guess I'll just have to do the best I can.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    So I'm counting that as meal #1 today, which means I have very few calories left and sissy's coming over to go to lunch! Guess I'll just have to do the best I can.

    Hi Barb!

    Do what you like, of course, but be careful about this mindset.

    In my experience, because I have done this in the past, when I do this, I then get SO HUNGRY that it starts this terrible cycle of doing it again and again.

    In my experience, better just to dust myself off and restart with my normal calories for the day, because 600 calories over what you expected to eat? That's MAYBE maintenance calories, maybe just a little over, which means over the course of a week, you'd still lose weight.

    Seeing calories as weekly rather than daily things helped me take progress or failures in stride. Something to think about.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 329 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe Thanks! I did just what you suggested. I didn't count raiding the fridge and started with my lunch today. Did a lot of walking so that gave me a few more calories too. So, I feel like I'm on target again.

    @justanotherloser007 I enjoyed your post and congrats to your God-daughter! How exciting! I also agree about doing this for the ones we love. They want us around and healthy for as long as possible.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member

    Gotta remember that saying from, I think it was @sargemarcori , or maybe it was @RavenStCloud - I'm not a trash can, I shouldn't treat myself like one.

    I remember this quote too but not positive who said it either. I lean towards @sargemarcori for some reason. Great reminder for all of us. Maybe a statement for on the refrigerator! :-)
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    @justanotherloser007 Yeah! Glad to hear from you. I've been wondering how you were doing. Glad you've been well and maintaining your weight, (better than me). It's tough. I think I've got my head screwed back on straight now and maintaining low carbs and the weight is starting to come back off again.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    Dinner has been kind of rough this week: I typically get done with work about 5:30, then I need to get food prepped, cooked, and eaten so I can be out the door and get to rehearsal by 6:45. But I've been buoyed by meal planning, lots of leftovers, and sheet pan dinners. I will have to meal prep this weekend since the show is in just two weeks and things get intense fast.

    SW: 271.4
    CW: 237 (-2)
    GW: 150ish

    • get 7,000 steps a day: 6/7 👍
    • get all 25g of fiber: 6/7 👍

    Stretch goal: 95 grams of protein at least 3 days a week. 1/7 😒

    @pamperedlinny I did try two new recipes this week, just not from my new cookbooks! Unstuffed Cabbage rolls with Palmini rice and Sheet Pan Baked feta (both Skinnytaste.com recipes) were big enough hits to go into the permanent rotation.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Hey all! Still trying to catch up. I had off work yesterday. I told myself I would relax, have a bath, read a book, take a nap.... instead I started working on errands and chores. By 4:30 I was filthy but my parents also think they will be here Monday night instead of Tuesday afternoon. Between being busy today, Easter tomorrow and working on Monday I had to get some of it knocked out.

    In happy news I did get to the school to have lunch with my daughter. I loved getting to sit with her and have some one on one time in the middle of her day. Also, I forgot how weird it is to think of lunch at 10:55am. Nothing like hitting the drive thru for "lunch" at 10:30 in the morning.
  • Sissylynn1979
    Sissylynn1979 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I've been here before on an old account, I think... couple of people look familiar...

    I'm Sissylynn, I'm 43 years old, 5'1", disabled, mama to a 14 year old... and I weighed in April 1st at exactly 280 lbs.

    Today I weighed in at 266, but that is ALL water weight from actually paying attention to what I eat because I'm still over my weekly calories, lol.


    Idk what to put here. No actual progress yet. I don't have any goals yet, aside for eating under maintenance...

    So... hi!
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Hi! I've been here before on an old account, I think... couple of people look familiar...

    I'm Sissylynn, I'm 43 years old

    So... hi!
    Welcome back Sissylynn!
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    edited April 2023
    @CupcakeCrusoe Don't think it was me about the trash can!

    @pamperedlinny You ladies look adorable! And I definitely remember when lunch was crazy early. It's funny that you never question it when you're a kid.

    @Sissylynn1979 Welcome! We're glad to have you back.

    So, trying to get two workouts in this weekend. My strength training gym has limited holiday hours tomorrow, so I'm headed there now. And my swimming gym has regular hours all weekend, so I'm hoping to go tomorrow.

    No real holiday plans, usually I take my mother to the movie theater if it's a day we're not celebrating, but it doesn't seem like there's a lot of movies that she would enjoy. Although, next week Mafia Mama comes out, so I might wait and take her to that; it looks pretty funny and Toni Collete is always awesome.