Looking for like-minded fitness enthusiasts

To whom it may concern:

Hello there! I am getting back into the swing of healthy habits. I consider myself a "seasonal lifting advocate". No stranger to weightlifting, but tend to workout 4-6 days a week from spring through summer and then usually fall off over winter. Moving forward, my goal is to make my weightlifting routine year round and not drift away from it.
I have also recently been doing ice baths first thing in the morning (3:30am) and then immediately working out after (about 4am-5, 5:30). So addictive! 10/10 would recommend to anyone that struggles with balancing a healthy mentality. It has done wonders for not only my recovery, but for my mental health as well.
I do not have many friends that are as dedicated to health and fitness as I am so I am basically just posting to see if there are people out there that would like to discuss nutrition, exercise, & healthy recovery habits they find useful.
First time using MFP premium, but the calorie tracker is amazing! My diary has me at about 3600 calories, although I am shooting for 4,000 daily. High protein, high carbs.
If anyone has good meal planning tips, please share! I am very eager to meet new like-minded people and look forward to learning from them.

I look forward to hearing from you,



    I_AM_ISRAEL Posts: 160 Member
    Hi there 👋
    What are your goals?
  • lightfootlandon420
    lightfootlandon420 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! Hope all is well! I'm Lando, I also enjoy cold water plunges, I usually do mine in winter since it is easier to use snow. In summer I just do cold showers. Something I added to my routine is heat therapy, like a sauna. I usually go from sauna to cold after my workouts, and the feeling and clarity I get is amazing.
    As far as the tips for meal planning. I used to spend 2-3 hours every Sunday making weekly meal preps, but that felt so laborious I never felt like doing it. Plus, by the end of the week the food felt soggy and aged.. I've adopted a new prep style. I bought the cheapest air fryer I could find, and I defrost my 2 chicken breasts every night and toss them in 18 minutes at 380 seasoned the way I want and put into Tupperware. As for sides I really enjoyed canned yams. Fiberous and high in better carbs to give you a bit of energy when I need it. Changing out meat and sides to help keep you from boredom.
    Anyway hope any of this helps.
  • 99q9p25b2s
    99q9p25b2s Posts: 3 Member
    Hi imshootinblanx!

    I am on the same boat as you are! I know you’re post was on April 9th, so not sure where you are on your food journey lol I have a personal trainer at the moment, but also not new to lifting. I’ve also had a pretty hard time meal-prepping and tracking my food intake, as it puts me on anxiety and stress mode lol but I’m sick of the nonsense! So! With that being said, I found this pretty cool PDF on a weekly meal-plan, at least for a week. Maybe it might help? I guess I’m using this as a guide for my first week. So I googled, “how to fit in 2,600 calories a day”, and came across the PDF by buildpeakcomplete.com, titled under, “Weekly Meal Plan - 2600 calories”. I know this is half of what your ideal calorie intake is, but it’s an idea, I guess.
  • ReReNotMe
    ReReNotMe Posts: 63 Member
    Hi sorry I'm late to the party. Glad you've got a routine that works for you.

    Personally, I've been Oly WL for about 9 months since late September after joining my university's weightlifting society. I'm pretty lucky to have two group sessions with a coach during the semester with the coach giving us programs for over holidays. Especially starting out having a fun group to meet regularly and give feedback works great as a motivator to keep going, even through the summer of even through a plateau in weight. I've found a sport which I find fun even if I'm not the best or looking for competition or anything, mostly due to injury.

    Also in terms of cardio I work as a carer so cycle between clients, initially out of convenience as it was faster than walking, but now just because it's more fun. And as a teenager I'm obliged to learn a bunch of new K-pop dances which is fun haha.

    I know what you mean though, outside of the weightlifting society there's not many people in my life who have as much interest in health and fitness as I do and it can be frustrating. I'd love to learn more about nutrition, bulking/cutting etc. in the future, especially in reaching protein goals as a vegetarian, though for now my main goal is fat loss.

    Anyway, not sure where I'm going with this but nice to meet you nonetheless :)