Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 220



  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    @RenaPink11 After my back surgery 40 years ago (133 to 118 - flat on my back in bed for 3 weeks) lots of fat AND muscle loss. I realized I could feel the bracket holding my spinal rods when I leaned against the wall. Several years ago after regaining weight I slipped on wet sidewalk and sat straight down - bum to concrete. I apparently broke my tailbone but nothing you can do about that. Then lost weight again and Now I have donut cushions to sit on even when we travel. I didn’t expect to have butt bones!

    I broke my tailbone when I was 7 months pregnant. Thought I was going to pass out. It takes foooorever for that to heal. I’ve started to notice my butt bones LOL I end up standing a lot and thankfully I have a desk that rises.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,310 Member
    Hi, I'm Charissa - Round 220

    Thank you, again, QuiltingJaine for hosting this challenge!

    My last two rounds were not ideal.
    Round 218 - Vacation sabotage - Difficult to get back on track.
    Round 219 - A bit of a recovery but then there was Easter (had fun with some new dishes though)
    I'm doing well with my steps - the risk of losing $$ (you bet on yourself) really does motivate me to get going.
    Now it's time to reign it in again.
    I am continuing my focus on nutrition. I will use the Mayo Clinic plan for reference (recipes, serving tracking) but I think I will go back to MFP for actual calorie tracking.

    62 y/o female
    OSW 2022-03 230.3
    1SW 2023-01 221.8

    Goals This Round per Day:
    - Tracking:
    - Water (Goal 64 oz/SS and 96oz M-F :
    - Walk/Steps:
    • Week 1 - Power x 2 = 7,500/Active x 4 = 6,250 (minimum for the Step Bet Challenge)
    • Week 2 - Power x 2 = 8,000/Active x 4 = 6,750 (Personal Goals)
    • Week 3 - Power x 2 = 8,500/Active x 4 = 7,250 (Personal Goals)
    Step Count
    Week 1
    4/3 - 8,338 Power +
    4/4 - 7,772 Power +
    4/5 - 7,959 Power +
    4/6 - 9,879 Power +
    4/7 - 5,304
    4/8 - 7,963 Power +
    4/9 - 10,163 Power +
    Week 2 Power x 2 = 8,000/Active x 4 = 6,750 (Personal Goals)
    4/10 - 9,995 Power +
    4/11 - 8,587 Power +
    4/12 - 6,708 Ok for step bet, but 42 steps short of my personal goal.
    4/13 - 7,673 Active +
    4/14 - 6,839 Active +
    4/15 - 9,833 Power +
    4/16 - 10,303 Power +
    Week 3 Power x 2 = 8,500/Active x 4 = 7,250 (Personal Goals)
    4/17 - 8,150 Active +
    4/18 - 8,091 Active +
    4/19 - 9,779 Power +

    Stats and Previous Rounds

    HW: 230
    CW: 220.9
    Goal Weight #1 199 Target Date 4/1/2023 6/17/2023
    Goal Weight #2 180 Target Date 6/10/2023 9/9/2023
    Goal Weight #3 160 Target Date 9/30/2023 12/2/2023
    Goal Weight #4 150 Target Date 12/30/2023 1/06/2024

    Round 210/1 SW: 221.8 EW: 220.6 Loss 1.2 Total Loss 1.2
    Round 211/2 SW: 220.6 EW: 218.6 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 3.2
    Round 212/3 SW: 218.6 EW: 216.6 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 5.2
    Round 213/4 SW: 216.6 EW: 219.8 Gain -3.2 Total Loss 2.0 Yikes!
    Round 214/5 SW: 219.8 EW: 219.4 Loss 0.4 Total Loss 2.4
    Round 215/6 SW: 219.4 EW: 216.9 Loss 2.5 Total Loss 4.9
    Round 216/7 SW: 216.9 EW: 219.5 Gain -2.6 Total Loss 2.3
    Round 217/8 SW: 219.5 EW: 217.4 Loss 2.1 Total Loss 4.4
    Round 218/9 SW: 217.4 EW: 221.7 Gain -2.6 Total Loss .1
    Round 219/10 SW: 221.7 EW: 220.9 Loss 0.8 Total Loss .9
    Round 220/11 SW: 220.9 EW: nnn.n Loss n.n Total Loss .9

    SW: 220.9

    4/12 220.4

    4/13 220

    4/14 219.6 - Slow but moving in the right direction. Tomorrow's will be interesting. I have had a couple of bad mental days this week. I worked from home today as in my current mental state, I would have bit someone's head off. My husband suggested we go to lunch...at Red Lobster. I haven't been to Red Lobster in years, and all I could think about were those biscuits and how detrimental they would be. But, I said..ok! I logged everything and I'm right at the limit for the day. I ordered a salad (it wasn't very good so I didn't each much of it). I ordered a cup of clam chowder and had half. For my meal, I had grilled lobster, shrimp and salmon. I ate the lobster and shrimp and saved the salmon to eat for dinner (already logged). Oh, and I did have 2 of those amazing biscuits. Calorie wise I'm good, the carbs.... I'm hoping it was early enough in the day that I've burned them off. Either way, it was a nice treat. Tomorrow is our last day of spring like weather, so I'll try to walk a 5k or close to it.

    4/15 219.4

    4/16 219.3 The carbs treated me nicely yesterday. Today I expected a little more but it's still moving the right way so not complaining. I went for my first long walk of the year outside - much more challenging than the treadmill. Almost 3 miles (2.88) in just over an hour.

    4/17 218.6 A loss over the weekend! If you 've been following my rambles, you know that I keep looking for the weight loss program that will be sustainable for me. As noted above I was following the recipes from the Mayo diet, for nutrition balance, yet tracking in MFP to make sure I stayed within calorie range and met my nutritional goals. On Wednesday, an email came to me from my insurance company called Wondr for weight loss and it encouraged me to join. I joined and picked a start date of 4/13. Most plans start with a menu and a shopping list and planned times that you will eat etc etc, hence the reason I picked the next day to "start", thinking it would give me some info of what I needed to do to prepare. Instead, I got nothing....and thought....that's weird. I was going to try and change the start date but it wouldn't let me. The next day, I got busy and then had my mental breakdown. Finally on Saturday, I opened the app and instead of a list of foods to eat and when, it had videos that provided behavior changing tools to help with with weight loss. I may not have these in exact order but it talked about hydration especially upon waking. We all know that. Then it talked about levels of hunger 1 - 4. 1 being full (i just ate) 2 - I'm a little hungry, 3 - I'm really hungry and 4 - I will eat anything I can get my hands on. It explained why you should eat at a level 3 AND eat only until your comfortably full. It talked about taking time to listen to your body to determine how many meals you really need in a day vs a strict 3 meals or 6 little meals etc. It recommended chewing slowing, not rushing your meal and finally, started to cut back on added sugars.... I was so pleasantly surprised that yet another plan, was different. I'm sure they will get what you're consuming but for now I like it. The other thing I like, you can't speed through the program. I've finished all the videos for week 1 but can't get to week 2's information until 4/20. oh, and it's free through insurance!

    4/18 218.5 - it's slowing down....oh noooo......yesterday I had a lunch that was not my norm. We have an all day meeting once a month and they bring in lunch. I ordered a Chicken Avocado over spinach bowl. It was actually really good and clocked in at just over 500 calories. I usually try to keep lunch around 300. 2.4 so far, can i make it to 3, I really need to see a 3! :)

    4/19 217.6 Hip Hip Hooray.....I wasn't exactly on plan yesterday as I really didn't feel like cooking. For lunch I had leftovers from Sunday, then ordered a thin crust pizza with a side salad. The pizza was just ok and the salad was lacking as well. At the end of the day...a good thing. Ate just enough to kill the hunger but didn't overdo it. What will tomorrow bring? 3.3 and counting! While I am happy, I'm not ecstatic as these are the same pounds that I keep gaining and losing. When I hit 215, I will feel like I've made some progress and will be even more excited to continue.

    4/20 218.7 Well ...😞 I just lost my mind. Dinner was leftovers with controlled portions. Just wasn't satisfied, and then I lost my mind. First a 130 calorie bag of pistachio's. Nope - that didn't do it..2 cups of skinny popcorn ....salt is satisfied.... now want candy. 3 pieces of candy (like a turtle). Ok done...Yikes And didn't get my water in. Hoping for a better day today, definitely NOT a repeat.

  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE

    RND 220

    4/12 193.8
    4/13 193.0
    4/14 192.2
    4/15 191.6
    4/16 192.6
    4/17 193.2
    4/18 194.6 Changes in schedule, think some Na bloating happening so changes needed (again). :s
    4/19 195.6 Not happy. Possibly - Last weekend started Neurontin 50mg for sleep issues & it helps but not if its gonna cause edema/cause wt gain too. Frustration all around, there has to be something better.
    4/20 194.6 So tired of this

    Hang in there, I understand the aggravation. I struggle w edema but had to stop taking meds for it bc it dropped my bp way too low. I have noticed drinking more water helps my body to release water. I’m looking into rebounding, I’ve heard that helps stimulate our lymphatic system. Maybe your system just needs a couple of weeks to adjust to the new medicine. Good luck with it all.