

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That's a good idea to break it into smaller chunks. Get into the Groove...hahahaha. Very good!

    Well, I just don't know what to do about breakfast. I made it to about 9:30 before I caved and went and got a breakfast burrito from the cafe. Then I had an upset stomach all day. We celebrated my 10-year anniversary at my job yesterday, they brought in food for it. Unfortunately/fortunately the celebration was a surprise celebration and it took place at 1pm, right after lunch so I wasn't hungry. I only ate one homemade cookie. I guess that was good. I didn't really eat dinner except for a little bit of ice cream. It took me 1 hr 50 mins to get home last night, I am so glad I am working from home today.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    @trooworld At least you made it to 9:30...celebrate that win. You could have been eating. That's nice of them to surprise you. Even better you weren't hungry so didn't overeat. My sister was telling me yesterday that I can find the silver lining anywhere.

    Today was 40 min walk with hubby

    I was thinking the other day about how I seem to wait for a certain time marker to start things. Such as when the kids were younger at home, first day back at school I'll do better. First day after vacation, I'll do better. First day of the week, Monday, I'll do better. It's like I give myself permission to do nothing until that first day rolls around. So how to fight that. The thought came to me that when I realize I'm stuck and not doing anything that I had planned I could set a timer like an hour from now or whatever I choose. Then when it goes off, I need to reset and take that first 5 minutes and do something. Get into that habit. Instead of saying, I'll start tomorrow. Once I'm aware and doing well on this I could reduce the initial time from an hour to something lower. Oh I just had a sabotaging thought. "I always do good on the plans, but not so much on the execution." Well I'll just have to change that won't I.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,398 Member
    Good Morning 🌞

    How is everyone doing? Hoping I don’t stress eat too much today. My mom is scheduled to have surgery today to remove the cancer and tests to make sure it didn’t spread. She is at a good hospital and in good hands. Will be praying 🙏🏻

    ~ Missy
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @theslightedgeforever True. Yes, it was very nice! That's true because there were all sorts of goodies that I normally would have eaten. That's a good trait to have. Great job with the walking, it's becoming a habit, eh? That's a great idea, using a timer to get back into things. Yes, you will have to change it!

    @gemwolf110 I will be thinking good thoughts for your mom today. I hope that school and work are going well.

    Hi all. I lost a little over a pound this week. I'm off today because I have to go to a work event tomorrow. I'm going to take Violet and go with a friend and her dogs to dog beach. Then I'm going to make Taiwanese beef noodle soup, which takes a long time but I'm going to use my pressure cooker so it will take less time.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Afternoon, I am late getting on here. Never seems to be time to do this. I have to make time just like anyone else. My eating stinks, my exercise is not happening, yet I get up with an I can do attitude and then at night it all goes away. LOL

    @trooworld congrats on your anniversary and the fact that you only had a cookie. LOL Yea on the loss, see baby steps have gotten you moving .

    @theslightedgeforever Yea on the walk with Hubby...I would have to bribe mine with coffee, cigs, and only down the street. LOL

    @gemwolf110 Praying for you and your mom.. I hear the song {allstate} You're in good hands.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @cbabie Keep trying. What can you do, something small, today for your health? Can you walk laps in the house? Thank you for the kudos!

    Hi all. I had such a great day off yesterday, I should take more Fridays off lol. It got up to 90F and dog beach was perfect, it was about 78F. Violet went crazy, she loved the beach. She kicked sand, ran in circles (I kept her on her leash even though you can have your dog off leash), chased and played with dogs. Then, I came home and made the soup. It was so good. Not as spicy as the restaurant's Taiwanese Beef Noodle soup, but it was delicious. Today, I have to go to a symposium for work. It's all day and I'm not looking forward to it.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."


  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,398 Member
    Morning all!

    Thank you for the prayers! Yes that Allstate theme! Moms surgery went great! Relieved. Now just recovery and the rest of the treatment plan for her breast cancer.

    Work is going great. So much better environment and job. First class finished a few weeks ago. Got an A. Next class starts in July. Going every other term.

    @trooworld love the pug pictures 🥰 the soup looks delicious.

    @cbabie you got this! Feeling the same way.

    @theslightedgeforever yup make the best plans but something happens when trying to execute. I think Murphy is trying to throw a wrench in all our plans.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Morning all, well my eating was not better yesterday and still no exercise. It was great weather here and should have taken a walk, but didn't. All I can say is every day I get up with an attitude of I can do this and I just know it will happen as I keep pushing for those little markers.

    @trooworld loved the pictures and that color says it all. LOL Glad you had fun. Sorry you have to go to the event today and spend all day there, but you might meet or see something that will be worth it.

    @gemwolf110 So glad the surgery went well. Sometimes it seems the recovery is the hardest. I will be praying that it is quick and she stays upbeat. Great on the A, my kids were not happy with C's, they wanted A's..ME, well as a kid I would say I am just here to pass so C is passing. LOL Now as an adult, I want to be at the top if I would do school again. Which is one reason I don't. LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    That’s something I read I wanted to share since tracking seems to be a current struggle for some.

    I have tracked so far today. 😇
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    Hi everyone I’m stopping back by. Well the 2 job thing didn’t last long lol. And a good thing too, the schedule was terrible. But good thing is I’m now eligible for overtime with the 1st job which is the one I liked much more anyway. So I’ll make more $ with just one job and still have my weekends!

    And the big weekend is almost here, DS and I will do the half marathon next weekend! I’m so happy we’re doing this. We want to do shorter stuff after this, do some 5Ks.

    And I’ve modified my plan to be just more CICO. If I’ve had a big breakfast I might skip lunch, or skip lunch on Fridays when we go out for our big dinner. I’m down 20 lbs from my highest last August too.

    So I will try to keep up more, now that my schedule isn’t so crazy. Hope you are all having a great weekend!
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,398 Member
    Hi everyone I’m stopping back by. Well the 2 job thing didn’t last long lol. And a good thing too, the schedule was terrible. But good thing is I’m now eligible for overtime with the 1st job which is the one I liked much more anyway. So I’ll make more $ with just one job and still have my weekends!

    And the big weekend is almost here, DS and I will do the half marathon next weekend! I’m so happy we’re doing this. We want to do shorter stuff after this, do some 5Ks.

    And I’ve modified my plan to be just more CICO. If I’ve had a big breakfast I might skip lunch, or skip lunch on Fridays when we go out for our big dinner. I’m down 20 lbs from my highest last August too.

    So I will try to keep up more, now that my schedule isn’t so crazy. Hope you are all having a great weekend!

    Glad to hear that the 1st job is working out. Enjoy your weekends!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @gemwolf110 Oh I'm so glad it went great. That's awesome that work and school are going great. Congrats on that A. Thanks.

    @cbabie Just keep pushing, you've got this. I did learn a lot yesterday so that was good.

    @theslightedgeforever That sounds like cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, which I like very much. I've been tracking off and on. Yay for tracking!

    @senoritafloridita Well at least you know now. That's great you can get overtime. Ooh how exciting, the half marathon is coming up! Congrats on the 20 lbs down. Woo hoo!

    Hi all. After I went to the work event all day, came home and we ordered pizza. :/ AND we went out for a beer. :/ Just one though. It was nice. We are going for a walk this morning with the dogs.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »

    Thank you so much!
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @trooworld thank you. Good job on having just one beer! And hope you had a nice walk with the dogs.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @senoritafloridita Thank you!

    Hi all. I had an okay day yesterday, I tracked most things I ate. We didn't take the dogs for a walk in the morning as we ran out of time (well, we took them for a short walk enough to do their business but not long). We took Violet to her obedience class, she did well. I didn't do so well lol. It will take practice for both of us. I managed to get to bed at a pretty decent time last night (7:30 pm) but I'm still tired this morning. That will happen when you get up at 4 am.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    Quick check in. Two and a half days of full tracking under my belt. Calories have been over both day but so far so good today. I walked 15 min yesterday. Nothing today. My body feels so tired. I'm telling myself exercise will make it feel better. So far body is winning. Oh I did do the first part of my 30 day challenge when I woke up. I need to give myself credit for that. 5 squats, 2 pushups, 5 crunches, 5 Russian twists, 5 mountain climbers. Then tomorrow I add one rep for each exercise. By the end of the 30 days, I will be doing 40 reps of each.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That's great, way to go!

    I woke up at 2am with a migraine. I took some medicine and attempted to go back to bed. The medicine helped some but my head really hurts still. I am not going to work. I was supposed to be off at 10:30 anyway but I just can't drive up there with this migraine.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Morning all, I tracked yesterday, can't say my eating was great. I haven't exercised. I just can't seem to find a time I am on my own to do this. Either the baby needs something, or the 4 year old..or it's late and I am too tired. I am praying for a "habit" that I can co partner with to keep me moving.

    @theslightedgeforever I only want to walk, not all those other fancy moves you do. LOL. Do you remember when I was in HS, I used to twist from side to side, 100 times every night. LOL Thought it would make my waist smaller.

    @senoritafloridita Glad you are down to 1 job...2 jobs is just plain hard. Congrats on the loss of weight since you have been on your journey.

    @trooworld So sorry for your migraine...stay in bed..get over it and life will be much happier for you! :). Work can do without you for one day. But DH can't do without you.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    edited April 2023
    @trooworld How's the migraine? It's so hard to function and make good choices when your head hurts. Cute doggy pics.

    @cbabie ready for my 2 cents. :D You said either the baby needs something or the 4 year old. YOU need something too. You need to move your body so you don't die and then what's going to happen to the baby and 4 year old. So put the baby in the stroller and walk. Outside or in a mall. Strap on the baby in a snuggie and walk with Leslie Sansone in your living room. The 4 year old can walk too or you find some kind of art project or something that she can only have when it's exercise time. A good skill to learn is independent play. My personal favorite is teaching her it's exercise time. Maybe you can buy her an exercise outfit so she has to go change into it, put on her shoes, fill up her water bottle, and exercise. When her attention lags, you just say, keep going, I have to keep going til it's done and point out the time to her. We've got 10 min left. You can do it. Eventually over time it will become a habit for both of you. It's a good habit to grow up with. We never had those role models.
    I remember you doing those windmill exercises and then we must we must we must increase our bust. :D

    @senoritafloridita Keep up the good work on your weight loss. 20 lbs is great. The big race is almost here. What does CICO stand for?

    @gemwolf110 How is your mom doing with her recovery? How are YOU doing with all this? I gained 15 lbs when my mom was first diagnosed. None of my stress eating helped her one bit.

    So some good choices I made today. I did a set of my challenge exercises when I woke up. I did 30 min of dance cardio and 27 min of stretching. No junk food as of now. Hubby wanted to have burger/fries for lunch. Instead we picked a different place and I had keto baked meatballs with cauliflower rice. He had sweet and sour chicken with veggies and rice. Although he complained portions sizes was too small. I said that's the proper portion size you are supposed to eat. You've just been eating too much. :# Water is up from yesterday.

    Here's a good article about mushrooms. Since alot of us need to add more veggies into our lives. Don't like mushrooms? Maybe you haven't found a good way to eat them yet. One of my goals this year is to find a "coffee" that I like. I always say "I don't like coffee". Maybe there is a flavor out there I've never tried yet.