Women 200lb+, Let's Astound Ourselves This April!!!



  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    So last week was not very good in terms of diet compliance, mostly because I would literally have an easier time saying "no" to heroin than to a plate of Tex-Mex. That orange grease just speaks to my soul.

    But we're into the last week of April, so let's finish strong.

    SW: 271.4
    CW: 233.4 (-0.8)
    GW: 150ish

    get 7,000 steps a day: 19/24 👍
    get all 25g of fiber: 21/24 👍

    Stretch goal: 95 grams of protein 6/24 😒

  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    I'm here! It was a rough weekend life- and brain-wise, but i'm here. please do keep holding me accountable! This is something I *need* to do, and this way works for me.

    thank you, all of you, for being here. Especially thank you to those who called me out to get back in the ring!

    Now to go read your posts that I missed dealing with Life this weekend.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited April 2023
    Wow! Busy, busy days days ahead this week for some of you! @CupcakeCrusoe I think it was you who posted average weights. I like that idea because it will take the focus off the little ups and downs and put it on overall weekly loss (hopefully not gain :# ). I’m going to try that. Thanks!

    Edit: I just did some crazy math and came up with these averages. It’s no wonder I’m feeling stuck!
    Jan ave: 234.1
    Feb ave: 234.1
    Mar ave: 235.3
    Apr ave so far: 234.5
    New April goal is 233.9 average. 7 days to go!
  • serenecompassion2663
    serenecompassion2663 Posts: 59 Member
    I’m still here!!!

    I am down to 224.2# in April, a total of 10.8 since I started in January. The fact that I continue to lose thrills me. It doesn’t matter that it is a slow process. For so many years I saw either stagnant or climbing numbers, seeing the scale finally drop gives me hope.

    I talked with Laurel, my Nurse Practitioner, last Friday. I expressed my concerns about the Ozempic, and we’ve decided to try one more month of it at 0.5 mg, with my focusing on trying 6 small meals throughout the day.

    I realized 0.25 mg isn’t enough to keep me from bingeing, so I have to increase the dose.

    If smaller meals doesn’t solve the nausea problem, Laurel said we can move on to another medication.

    Fitness goals to shoot for:
    🔹Walk 2-3,000 steps 5x/week
    🔹Start body weight exercises (wall planks)
    🔹Stretch 10 minutes every morning

    Diet goals to shoot for:
    🔹Protein at every meal, paired with a veggie or fruit
    🔹Increase water intake to 80 oz/day
    🔹Try a new recipe in May.

    Blessings to you all!

    Andi in Illinois
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    edited April 2023
    Good morning everyone!

    173...something today, can't remember, it's fine.

    I ended up taking the afternoon off work yesterday to clean more, and organize little's medical supplies, and do some doctor calling for her that I've been putting off while I prepped the chicken casserole. It was a good decision. I don't feel bad in the least. Work doesn't care about me, I have to care about me and mine.

    Slight change in plans for dinners- I've decided to move the pork up to today in the crock pot, put it over mashed potatoes with gravy and mixed veg, and then pack up the rest to do BBQ sandwiches as planned tomorrow, then Thursday we'll do the chicken casserole I prepped. And Friday pizza. So that'll save me a little more cooking, because I'm not making the tamal pie.

    Tonight is a dance class called ho-down, with lots of country music, and then splits class, which is a great combo. Both classes that are hard but not too hard.

    I'm knitting like a maniac right now, as my knitting competition has a deadline of the end of the month for a sweater I'm doing, and I haven't even started the sleeves :neutral: I might just make it a summer crop top and do half sleeves at this point, lol.

    Tag party time!
    @RavenStCloud it is so hard to fight off the brain gremlins that tell us we should be losing faster! I blame *gestures around*. Literally we're surrounded by people promising things like losing 10 lbs in a week, and as much as we know that that isn't possible or sustainable, (it would be all water) if we see it enough, our expectations tend to inflate, you know? You're doing really great.

    @badnoodle tex-mex is so good! and 0.8 lbs is a good loss, I know we expect more, but it is good.

    @sargemarcori glad to see you back in the ring, and I hope both life and brain slow down for you a little bit.

    @nebslp I do find that keeping the averages in mind helps me a lot. Especially around shark week, when I get a giant water spike, lol.

    @serenecompassion2663 you're doing great, and I hope everything works out for you irt your meds and all that.

    I think that's everything, time to get it started for today. Tuesday! Pig 'n' a poke!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    Morning all!

    Yesterday went pretty well. I still have party leftovers in the fridge so I had a couple garlic knots for lunch... except I heated it up a bit too much and actually burned (blistered) the roof of my mouth. It feels so weird! Then again, it did make me stop eating for an hour or so. :D I also had my small book club last night. I took a veggie tray that I threw together and a big bottle of water. Most of the other goodies were also pretty light fare so that made it easy to stay within my goals.

    I’m taking my daughter to her volleyball practice tonight and planning to hit Zumba while she’s practicing. Then it’s trivia night at the tea shop. I’m looking forward to my pot of hot herbal tea while losing at trivia.

    I also got my newest recipe blog up this morning. If anyone wants to read it they can find it at https://www.healthyeatingwithlinda.com/post/protein-mini-donuts

    @badnoodle We all have our weaknesses. Brush yourself off and keep going. You’ve got this.

    @ sargemarcori Sorry it was a rough weekend but glad you are still here.

    @serenecompassion2663 slow and steady wins the race. I hope the medication works itself out or that you find something perfect for your situation. I’ve heard a lot about Ozempic but it really seems to be a mixed bag. A lot of people say it helps for their blood sugar, appetite and weight loss but I’ve heard just as much about side effects, like nausea. It seems to either be a miracle drug or something that makes you sick and not a lot of in between.

    @CupcakeCrusoe My mom always told me that calling off work for a mental health day or child’s healthcare day should be normalized. She would call out “sick” about once a year just to either take care of the things or to tune out the world for a few hours. Usually it ended up being a combination of the two. She said it made her a better employee when she got back the next day. Your dinner plans for the week sound so good.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    172.6 today, coming down. We'll see when shark week appears and what happens then.

    Gym was good last night, my hurricanes lost. :neutral:

    Today is little gym for the girls, so lots of carting kids around tonight, but when I come home, the house will be clean, and that's wonderful. Also, bbq sandwiches are great. Yum.

    We're halfway through this extremely busy week, I don't know how people who are at my gym every day do it- how do they have lives outside the gym being there every day for two hours?! Three times a week makes my life BUSY.

    Next week is going to be light on the gym- only Monday, since Thursday I have a mother's day thing with the girls and I leave for the girls weekend on Friday afternoon. So my week will be busy, but not busy in the gym way. Busy in the getting-ready-for-a-trip-prepping-the-house-and-food way.

    I'm a little over halfway knitting on my bottom sweater ribbing on the sweater I have to finish by... checks notes.... Sunday, lol. Will I make it? With short sleeves, sure! :lol: And that might be what I do. We'll see.

    @pamperedlinny again, so jealous of zumba followed by tea and trivia, and you and your daughter working out in the same place. So convenient!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 107 Member
    I’ve been missing in action. Had a really bad virus for 2 weeks. Not been able to swim at all. I’ve also just been overwhelmed and miserable really.. Enjoyed the Easter chocolate rather too much. I have gained a couple of pounds.
    But I have a date for my hip replacement , July 13. So I would really like to lose a chunk of weight by then. The surgeon said he ideally wanted me out of the obese category, I think that’s about 30 pounds, so probably not achievable. But if I could lose 15 or 20it would help my recovery. Currently 213 pounds. Plan going forward is to keep within my calorie limit, swim at least 4 times a week and stick to a sleep routine.
  • kelliward1
    kelliward1 Posts: 99 Member
    Good morning....I've been reading thr posts and been meaning to make a post myself, but then I get busy doing something or another and it doesn't happen.

    Been doing good with my food choices for the most part. Haven't been snacking after dinner as much because I will stop and ask myself am I really hungry or am I bored and reaching for food out of habit. Last Saturday I picked up an extra shift at work so we ended up going out for dinner. Went to BWW...got my 3 chicken tenders with ranch, not the best choice but did order water to drink instead of the sweet tea.

    It's arms week this week in martial arts class so we did a lot of push ups and other arm exercises. Last week was core week where we focused on core exercises. We are also getting ready for a tournament in a few weeks, so in the advanced class we worked on our Bo staff forms.

    I want to start adding in some light weights workouts but because of my tendinitis in my elbow right now my chiropractor advises against weights but says I can do resistance bands, so I've been doing a couple of those videos. Also have been doing wall push ups in the morning while waiting for the shower to get hot enough. Every little bit helps.

    Last week my weight was up to 248...mainly from my monthly. Today I weighed in at 244.8!

    Thought I would throw in a picture of my breakfast today...Oatmeal with a little milk with 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, chai seeds and fresh berries

    Sorry for the novel...

  • mdmcmillon
    mdmcmillon Posts: 13 Member
    HW- 315
    CW- 248
    Hello everyone; my name is Monique McMillon. I am a mom with two adult kids, one is away at college, and the other was kicked out due to stealing. (I am an honest person). My mom was just moved out to live safely in memory care. So now I can focus on losing weight. I did my first 5k on 4/8/2023. I was the last one in. My husband is losing quickly without exercising. So we are empty nesters currently. Summer is coming with my son. He is skinny and doesn't have to watch his diet.
    I feel frustrated by the halt of my weight loss. Yet I did gain, and I lost that. I wonder if it is hormones or constipation. I exercise and monitor my macros. I will continue to monitor the situation.
  • krsnow3849
    krsnow3849 Posts: 5 Member
    Happy April everyone!

    33 years old

    SW: 381
    UGW: 220

    🌻 April Goals! 🌻

    🟡Log everything
    🟡Do at least three strength training classes a week
    🟡Hit my step goal each day
    🟡At least 120oz of water a day

    🌻The weather is changing, and we're changing with it! What are your goals for this month and the spring overall? And how do you feel the first three months of the year went?
    So I found out I was pregnant in February and stopped working out and watching what I ate. I've realized it will be much better for Baby and me if I continue working out and eating healthily. So, logging all the food, do three low-impact strength training workouts each week, hitting my step goal each day, and drink 120oz of water each day (I have a 40 oz water bottle).

    🌻There are many holidays this month, and some have already begun! What are you looking forward to the most? Do you have plans to navigate any of the trickier aspects of your holiday?
    We've spent most of the month eating poorly. By we, I mean me. The Baby is just along for the ride... So I'm planning on just focusing on healthy options.

    Again, I'm just focusing on gaining muscle and getting my body ready to deliver Baby.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    172.6 again this morning, which is fine.

    Yesterday I had a little fail in logging causing me to be over where I wanted, but still around maintenance- I forgot to copy and paste my lunches through the week, so when I got home, I was like, oh, my day's already logged and I have all these calories, I'm going to have a nice bowl of ice cream- oops. Needless to say, my lunches are copied through the week now. (I normally pre-log my breakfasts, lunches, and snacks for the week when I prep them)

    Tonight is pole control, all about conditioning, which, ew, but necessary! And oh split, my favorite class. Well, one of my favorites.

    Working on sleeve 1 now for that sweater, done with the bottom- I'm going to finish, even if this sweater is going to be short sleeve.

    Tag party time!
    @sandramarshall200 I'm so excited for you, hip replacement is so great nowadays, much better recovery and performance than it used to be. If you stick to your calorie budget and get some movement, you'll definitely lose weight. anywhere between 10-20 can be done with some strictness. :smile:

    @kelliward1 all your martial arts stuff sounds so cool, and your oatmeal looks AMAZING :yum: wall pushups are great for the triceps!

    @mdmcmillon sounds like you've been dealing with a lot of stress lately, but I'm glad that that is calming down for you. The additional empty nest time will be great for your focus on your weight loss goals- finding out what balance of macros works to keep you full but not cause you to gain, what you might have to do on days you work out, that kind of thing. Welcome!

    @krsnow3849 welcome! That step goal and staying active really helps, I've found- been pregnant twice. And the water intake will really help, as well- and contribute to the step count, as you'll be walking to the restroom a lot :lol:

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    Good morning!

    I spend all of last night and early this morning scanning the bar codes for my books. I downloaded the Libib app and logged my library. I actually really enjoyed re-organizing my books and figuring I have a few duplicates mixed in to give away. Anyone else use this app?

    Tonight I have my big book club and we’re discussing The Measure. I have no clue what snack I’ll bring to book club or what we’ll have for dinner beforehand. We meet at 8pm so I have 11 hours to figure it out.

    @CupcakeCrusoe I’m jealous of your upcoming girls weekend.

    @sandrmarshall200 Sorry you haven’t been able to swim and been miserable. Excited for you having a date for your hip though!

    @kelliward1 Your oatmeal looks really good.

    @mdmcmillon Welcome! It seems men always lose a bit easier. It drives me crazy.

    @krsnow3849 Congrats on the upcoming baby!!!!
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    Morning everyone! It is an absolutely glorious spring day today, and I am totally going out to the arboretum this afternoon for a good walk in the sunshine and 70° temperatures.

    A big psychological bump for me this morning: 40lbs gone from my start point, and 50lbs from my absolute worst point. It would be nice if that mass loss was more reflected in clothing sizes or measurements, but I'm still at the fresh toilet paper roll stage where change doesn't seem visible quickly. About the only meaningful change is that my rings are constantly loose.

    I made turkey mini-meatballs on Tuesday that worked out to 18 calories each using ground turkey that was on sale this week and the heel off a loaf of keto bread. (probably even less, since they rendered fat in the oven). If I make them again, I'll definitely chop the onion finer, definitely beyond a dice to a mince or a brunoise, and they definitely needed some fresh herbs because turkey has so little flavor on its own.

    I also had great success meal planning this week with one whole chicken. One breast and the tenderloins went into Chicken Satay, the other breast was butterflied to grill tonight with mushrooms and shallots, the wings, legs, and thighs became air-fryer tandoori chicken, and the rest of the carcass is destined for chicken & lentil soup. There are only two of us, so I'll get almost a whole work week out of that single bird.

    SW: 271.4
    CW: 233.4 (-3.6)
    GW: 150ish

    get 7,000 steps a day: 21/26👍
    get all 25g of fiber: 23/26 👍
    Stretch goal: 95 grams of protein 7/26 😒

    @serenecompassion2663 Sorry you're still having such nasty side effects. I've been so lucky with this drug and how much it has helped me. Your NP may be right about lots of small meals, but it is always so difficult to make yourself eat if you're not hungry or nauseated.

    @kelliward1 fresh berries make anything look delicious

    @pamperedlinny I have long wanted to properly document all my media, but I have such a mix of ebook and paper books that it's a real hassle. I use calibre for all my ebooks, but nothing beyond alphabetization for the dead tree versions.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    @sargemarcori How are things this week???
  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 107 Member
    @badnoodle .love the fresh toilet paper thing. I so relate😂 I found part of the problem was that I was way bigger than my clothes, but in denial. So with 30 pounds gone my size 18 ( US14) now fit really nicely and look tons better. The operation date has really motivated me so day3 of being really focussed here. I’ve got 250 calories left so will have to have some Greek yoghurt or something. Been swimming and feel very pleased with myself. Welcome to our new people. This is such a nice group.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Spring sunshine makes everything look brighter!

    I've been doing some soul-searching to figure out why the late nights and before bed snacking was something I couldn't conquer. Went WaY back to the 70's and realize that staying up late and eating too much before bed was a coping mechanism that worked for me then, but is no longer needed...hasn't been for dozens of years. LOL! It took long enough to figure that one out! It's hard to believe how those habits die so hard, but now that I've analyzed the ins and outs of it, I think I will struggle less (fingers crossed)!

    I also realized that I don't have a good reward for either of those behaviors. My other goals all have immediate rewards...the bedroom looks nice after I've made the bed and hung up my robe, I get to do Wordle after I do Ikiqai exercises, after French practice I get to add another day to my streak (almost 400 now :) ). But not eating anything and going to bed earlier holds no immediate, visible reward. And staying up is so much more fun!! I'll have to work on figuring that one out. Any ideas out there?

    @CupcakeCrusoe Good luck with your knitting project. They're so fun, but I hate it when there's a deadline.

    @mdmcmillion Welcome here! It can be hard to transition to the empty-nester phase. You might have some time to focus on just you and to create the life you have always wanted. You will find that the people here are very supportive.

    @krsnow3849 Congratulations on your pregnancy. You have a good plan to stay strong for yourself and the baby.

    @pamperedlinny I heard about "The Measure" and want to read it. I quit my old bookclub because we weren't very serious discussers...mostly eaters and chatters. I'm joining a new one in a few weeks hosted by our Wildlife Rescue organization. It will discuss nature based books which should provide for lots of good discussion. I haven't heard about the Libib app. I use Goodreads to keep a booklist.

    @badnoodle I've always been at the fresh toilet paper stage. I lost over 20 pounds 10 years ago and not one person commented on it. I think I got a "you look good" once, but that was it. I gained it back during the pandemic and am still wearing the same clothes. Maybe I shouldn't be!!

    Hello to everyone else! Gotta run. Spring is crazy with school programs and softball games, etc and tonight is another one so it's time to get ready for the hour and a half drive to watch a 30 minute program just to drive another hour and a half home. LOL!
  • mdmcmillon
    mdmcmillon Posts: 13 Member
    @nebslp Thanks for the words of encouragement. My therapist thought I could focus on myself more now that my house was empty. Even though my mom is in a memory care facility, I need to visit and take my mom to her appointments. To add to it all, my son will be home for the summer. He will need to eat healthy like us or buy his food. Today I started well, but when I got home, I was exhausted from taking my mom to her appointments, running errands, and grocery shopping. So I ate too many carbs when I got home and was too tired to exercise. On the positive side, my jeans were too big and falling off today. Tomorrow is another day. So goodnight, everyone. @krsnow3849 Congratulations on the pregnancy! When I lost 65 pounds on WW, I finally got pregnant with my son. Treasure it all. Thanks, everyone for the support.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    173.something today, I've unintentionally had higher calories this week, so you know, it's fine. Today's a new day.

    And tonight is a choreographed dance routine where my fellow gym goers and I are going to dress up like we're actually in a music video- we've got outfit inspiration ideas, and I can't wait to see what everyone looks like, and get my dance on tonight.

    Last night's workouts were good- I'm glad I did them. My butt's looking great these days, from all this working out.

    It's Friday, can't wait to get this day over with and SLEEP IN TOMORROW :lol: getting up at 4 is great for giving myself alone time before I have to leave for work at 530, and terrible for feeling rested when I wake up.

    Tag party time!
    @pamperedlinny ooh, no, I don't use that app, but having a digital record of the books you have is so nice. I hope book club went well!

    @badnoodle :yum: all your food sounds so good- and I also love how many "miles" I get out of a single bird, too. Turkey mini-meatballs sound like a thing I should definitely make soon, hmmm....

    @sandramarshall200 SAME about the clothes! For the longest time I was wearing the stretchiest 12's I could find, because then I was "still a 12" so it took forever for me to actually stop wearing 12's when I first started losing weight.

    @nebslp honestly sometimes I motivate myself to stop eating and go to bed by promising myself something nice in the morning, lol. Like, "if you go to bed now, you'll get plenty of rest and then tomorrow morning you'll be awake enough to play that video game during your quiet alone time before everyone wakes up, but if you don't go to bed, you'll be too tired and just stare at your phone/into your coffee when you wake up." It works for me, but maybe not for everyone.

    @mdmcmillon it's important to realize when stress is happening that we all need a little grace- the best part about weight loss as a journey is that we find healthier ways to handle stress than eating along the way- and you'll get there too, in your own time.

    Have a great FRIDAY everyone!
  • serenecompassion2663
    serenecompassion2663 Posts: 59 Member
    I don’t feel like I ate anything healthy today, so I’m going over my calorie budget with a fruit and protein powder smoothie for dinner.

    Among the projects I have lined up for myself this weekend are:
    Cleaning my window air conditioner so I can turn it on.
    Sorting through my books to the ones I will actually read.
    Meal planning for May.
    Reorganizing my dresser and possibly getting rid of some of my extra blankets.

    My dropleaf table was given to a friend of mine today, so now I need to plan my living room-kitchen layout to make room for an upcoming Very Special Purchase:

    My new drafting table for my art workspace.😁😁

    It will likely be a Christmas present to myself as it is an investment, but I’ve needed a nudge to declutter, and the table space is now that nudge.

    Any ideas to get me motivated to cross the damn street and get in the pool to do my river walking?
    Or morning stretches?

    The Ozempic side effects didn’t hit until yesterday, and have been milder this week. I am hopeful.

    I had the opportunity to see “Rent” at our Community Theater last night. Powerful show.

    Take care everyone!

    Andi in Illinois