AWESOME POSSUMS......10 Wks and 20lbs (CLOSED GROUP)

I am so excited to be doing this challenge with you Ladies. I am hoping through this we will lift one another up and help motivate each other. This Challenge will last 10 wks, from Sept 26th till Dec 5th!!!!! All I ask is that you check in at least once a week. Try to stay as active as possible. I also encourage you to take before photos and measurements. Once a week we will weigh in on Mondays in the am. I will need your updated weight that afternoon to add to the spreadsheet. I will personally be taking my measurements every 2 weeks. I would love for you ladies to join me in this as well. I will add it to the spreadsheet if you would like and track it every 2wks for you. Each day there will be a challenge and weekly goals. Please set your goals below. If at anytime you feel you need to leave, please inform me and I will remove your name from the list. My hope is that we will all do this and stick to it. I will also begin an new thread each week so these do not get overwhelmed with replies. I will send you the links. Also if you have any suggestions for challenges....please message me. I want mental and emotional challenges!!!!

We will have a weekly STAR!!!! The person who lost the biggest % of weight that week. We will also have a winner at the end of the challenge for overall weight-loss and goals achieved! I will get this person a Shape or Fitness magazine subscription for a yr! If you are interested...before and after photos with the dates are required. I know it's not much but it's fun to work towards a prize.

Link to the Spreadsheet!!!!!!!!

Daily Goal


Mon 26th- 15 Pushups
Tues 27th- 30 Burpee's
Wed 28th- 40 Squats
Thur 29th- 20 Pushups
Fri 30th- 60 Jumping Jacks
Sat 1st- 20 Lunges each leg
Sun 2nd- You choose

This week will be easy. I want to *kitten* what you can do. After you complete a challenge...please update us. Each week will get a bit harder!

Remember it will take hard work to achieve your goal BUT YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Lets get started!!!!!!!!!!!




  • Cherry4269
    GOODMORNING!!!! I weigh 144lbs as of right now my goal is to lose 2lbs a week to lose 20lbs by december 5th :) kind of a early christmas present to myself!!!!! Time to lose this baby ring around my waist I will put in my measurements later today :) Thanks Jess for the mental motivation that I've been missing :) love ya bunches :)
  • StephParkSmith
    148.2 is where I'm at, all I wanna do is loose this fat! I wanna look good from head to toe, AWESOME POSSUMS ARE A GOOOOOOO! Haha
  • aliking6
    This is great!! I am at 161 lbs right now and my goal is to be 140-135. I will be taking all my measurements and before picture tomorrow to get ready for this challenge! Bring it on!! :)
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Hello!! I'm STOKED that we are all doing this together! I have gained back all the weight I recently lost but I know I can do it again and stick to it! I am up to 179. My goal by Dec 1st is to be at 159. My camera is broken so I can't take pics :( But I will just use my before pics from last time because I was at the same weight I am now! I will do measurements on either Sunday night or Monday morning and every two weeks after that.
  • Strongmamaof5
    Hello everyone!!! I am about 144 and my goal is 130, I also want to tone up as well as this unwanted weight. I will take before pics by Monday and I will also measure myself the best I can Monday morning.
  • cccgrillo
    cccgrillo Posts: 42 Member
    Hi! I am super excited to be part of this. My daughter will be one on Dec. 14, so I am hoping to lose 15-20 lbs by then! My current weight is 165. My goal is 150 (yikes!) by Dec. Oh, I am 5'10" so going below 145 would be super hard for me.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm super excited about this. I love to run but have a hard time getting in any other exercise so this will be great! I'm at 152lbs and want to get down to 135ish. Can't wait to get to know all of you. I'll post measurements tomorrow as well.... Gotta go watch my Oregon Ducks win another game! Talk to ya soon :bigsmile:
  • clarahackworth1999
    Hello Ladies! My name is Clara and right now I am 195lbs. I wanna lose 20 lbs. by Dec 5th...That would make me 175 lbs. WOW that would be awesome!
  • reese1206
    We begin tomorrow ladies. Let's do this and rock it. Remember your daily goals and daily challenges. Set goals for yourselves for the week. You must complete each daily challenge. If you can do more them the required.....pls post what you completed.

    My weekly goal us to lose 2lbs
    To burn 6000 cal
    To drink 10+ glasses of water a day
    To go to the gym Mon-Sat
    No soda
  • reese1206
    I also encourage you to make your good diaries public it to friends. This will help us stay on track. There will only be positive support.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Hehe.. and leave the bad ones blocked:wink::tongue: I'm sure that was just a typo but it made me giggle! So, you want us to post our goals for the week on here too? How many do you want?

    1) Break into the 140's
    2) Run at least 3 days this week
    3) Log EVERY day in my food diary (really slacking on that lately)
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Ok here are my goals for now to Dec 1st: (I'll add more if I think of more)

    1) 2-3 pounds a week
    2) At least 8 glasses of water a day
    3) Work out 5-6 days a week. 30 Day Shred the first month.
  • meglomaniac87
    Hey ladies (and gentlemen?). I'm currently at 280 and I would like to see the lower side of 260. After that I want to make it back to my college weight of 225, but I need baby steps to start. Goals for this challenge are:

    1) No soda. That's a big one for me since I work in a restaurant and have free soda all day.
    2) Lose 2 or 3 pounds a week.
    3) Get in shape (exercising) enough so I can run a 5k again.

    And I want to get back into biking and swimming so one day I can do a triathlon. But... Baby steps.

    I've never done measurements (except at the fitting for my wedding), and I don't really know what measurements I would take. Suggestions?
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    These are the places I do measurements: Upper waist (Way up there where they would measure you for a bra:) Lower waste (over belly button) Hips (over hip bones) Right thigh (2 inches above knee cap) Right calf (over largest part) and right bicep (1 1/2 inch above elbow)
    Hey ladies (and gentlemen?). I'm currently at 280 and I would like to see the lower side of 260. After that I want to make it back to my college weight of 225, but I need baby steps to start. Goals for this challenge are:

    1) No soda. That's a big one for me since I work in a restaurant and have free soda all day.
    2) Lose 2 or 3 pounds a week.
    3) Get in shape (exercising) enough so I can run a 5k again.

    And I want to get back into biking and swimming so one day I can do a triathlon. But... Baby steps.

    I've never done measurements (except at the fitting for my wedding), and I don't really know what measurements I would take. Suggestions?
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I am so excited to be doing this challenge with you Ladies. I am hoping through this we will lift one another up and help motivate each other. This Challenge will last 10 wks, from Sept 26th till Dec 5th!!!!! All I ask is that you check in at least once a week. Try to stay as active as possible. I also encourage you to take before photos and measurements. Once a week we will weigh in on Mondays in the am. I will need your updated weight that afternoon to add to the spreadsheet. I will personally be taking my measurements every 2 weeks. I would love for you ladies to join me in this as well. I will add it to the spreadsheet if you would like and track it every 2wks for you. Each day there will be a challenge and weekly goals. Please set your goals below. If at anytime you feel you need to leave, please inform me and I will remove your name from the list. My hope is that we will all do this and stick to it. I will also begin an new thread each week so these do not get overwhelmed with replies. I will send you the links. Also if you have any suggestions for challenges....please message me. I want mental and emotional challenges!!!!

    We will have a weekly STAR!!!! The person who lost the biggest % of weight that week. We will also have a winner at the end of the challenge for overall weight-loss and goals achieved! I will get this person a Shape or Fitness magazine subscription for a yr! If you are interested...before and after photos with the dates are required. I know it's not much but it's fun to work towards a prize.

    Link to the Spreadsheet!!!!!!!!

    Daily Goal


    Mon 26th- 15 Pushups
    Tues 27th- 30 Burpee's
    Wed 28th- 40 Squats
    Thur 29th- 20 Pushups
    Fri 30th- 60 Jumping Jacks
    Sat 1st- 20 Lunges each leg
    Sun 2nd- You choose

    This week will be easy. I want to *kitten* what you can do. After you complete a challenge...please update us. Each week will get a bit harder!

    Remember it will take hard work to achieve your goal BUT YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Lets get started!!!!!!!!!!!



    Hey am i still a part of this challenge? I signed up on the initial thread before you closed it.

    If so, I plan to do couchto5k as well as aerobic classes+strength training throughout the week. As far as diet, I will try to follow michis ladder and eat only from tiers 1-2 with a few exceptions from tier 3 (such as soy milk)
    My goal is to exercise at least 5x a week for a minimum of 45 mins each day.
    My goal also is to log religiously on MFP every day, no matter how good or bad my diet was for the day (because I'm guilty of not logging when I fall off the wagon)
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    What is a burpee?
  • reese1206
    If your name us not on the list you will have to wait out till the next challenge. Sorry.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    :-( Not sure how I missed the cutoff, but nonetheless, best of luck to all of you participating!
  • bigchid88
    My goal over the next 10 weeks is to be down 15-20 pounds. This week I'm going to aim to run 3 times this week(took a break cause my knees were starting to hurt) as well as walk 3 days this week and do 30 DS every day. I've been keeping track of my food in a diary that I carry everywhere with me. I dont have a set calorie limit just watching what I eat and writing every last bit of it down. I'm excited for tomorrow's first weight in. I will take a pic tomorrow and see if I can post it as well. Best of luck ladies!!!!!
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Done with todays challenge! Also, I couldn't find my 30 Day Shred last night so I am doing Ripped in 30 instead. I LOVE it! But I seriously feel like I'm going to puke!! I ate HORRIBLE yesterday and I'm paying for it today! But I have no desire to mess up today. lol