Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 223



  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,597 Member
    edited May 2023
    Round 223
    May 12 - May 21, 2023

    Please join us starting on 5/12 for JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS, when we will begin Round 223!

    Anyone can join us at anytime during the round.

    Join us! If we stay mindful we can do this, you can do this.

    Welcome back past members, welcome new members, let's keep each other accountable for another 10 days!

    Here is what you do: Post your daily weight and add little comments along the way of how your day went. You have only one hour to edit your post. Post everyday to let us know how you're doing! Copy and paste the days in your response--tell us how much you lost and other non scale victories (NSV) you'd like to share.

    FOR NEWBIES - I find it easiest to copy the dates to a document or note in my device and edit it each morning. Then copy and paste to the message board. MFP will return you to the spot on the board where you left off on your previous visit which is nice to know if you like to scan all of the posts.

    If you feel your post is too lengthy, you can add spoilers to temporarily hide the information. It is readily available by tapping the SPOILER bar. To create a Spoiler just type or copy [ Spoiler ] xxx [ /Spoiler ] Omit the spaces within the brackets and put your information where I have xxx.

    Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.

    ~ Corrie Ten Boom ~

    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE 👍👍

    SW RND 223
    5/11 ~ 157.5
    5/12 ~ 156.6
    5/13 ~
    5/14 ~ DNW - Out of town - traveling
    5/15 ~ DNW - Out of town - family reunion
    5/16 ~ DNW - Out of town - family reunion

    Goal weight 155

  • jenstress
    jenstress Posts: 19 Member
    Wishing everyone a great round!
    50ish year old Female, 5'8" - Starting Weight: 256lbs
    Ultimate Goal: 180lbs
    Starting weight for R223: 219.3 lbs
    R223 Goal Weight: 217.3 (98.6kg) for this round
    Method is low carb/calm/moderate activity.
    Focus is evening eating this round - Trying different approaches, which I will comment on. I want to eat just enough at night to not have hunger pangs while sleeping. Not be overfull. Not eat treats my body can’t get energy from at night.


    5/12 – 219.3 – Finished a bad cold. Trying board games tonight.
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,041 Member
    @sheilaboneham Harry and Han send Mike their love! <3
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,041 Member
    @Huango @quiltingjaine and any others interested. Continuing the cholesterol test result convo over here since round 222 has ended. Seemed more productive here.

    @Huango, that dish looks delicious, and great as a meal. If I were single, and lived alone, I could see adapting to FoK, but living real life with husband, kids, grandkids, and friends, I think I need to eat more traditionally, just better than I am.

    So, I listened/watched several Youtubes and podcasts. You can check them out as well. I certainly would love feedback on if I am listening to quacks. :P

    What do others know on this topic?

    The CHOLESTEROL PANEL Explained | Dr. Robert Lustig & Dr. Casey Means
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUaOqiIJbyM (note, it starts oddly)

    Was very interesting, and listened to it twice.

    Take away: Total cholesterol is “meaningless”, it is the components that matter. If LDL is high, before being concerned, the Trigliceride/HDL should be calculated. Best under 1.5. For Caucasians, >2.5 is bad, and >1.5 for African americans, and lower is better. LDL is best under 100, and HDL really should be greater than 60 if you can, but this number apparently has a genetic component. Sugar turns into VLDL which turns into sdLDL, which is the bad component of ones LD that is not broken out by the test, but can be extrapolated by ones Tri and VLDL numbers. Remove sugar from diet to best get numbers in line. To check on liver function, which relates to all the above, look at ones ALT. General population one should be under 25, and 20 for African americans. Lastly, if one can obtain a fasting insulin test, the number should be under 6.0.

    My own numbers on printout:
    Total Cholesterol 229 which is greater than 200 and flagged “high”, but ignoring for now
    Triglycerides, after 13 hour fast were 88 and below the 150 (good)
    HDL, 64 > 40 (good)
    LDL, 147 > 130 and flagged High
    Non-HDH, 165 and >160, and flagged high
    VLDL 18 and perfect
    Ratio Chol/HDL 3.6 and perfect

    But now my tri/HCL ratio is 1.375 and nicely under 1.5, so according to video that is perfect. My ALT is 13, which is nicely under 25, so liver is running “good”. VLDL is great, so my “bad” LDL should be made up more of the hbLDL which is cardiac neutral.

    All and all, I feel better about the number, BASED ON THIS VIDEO.

    How to Read and Understand Your Cholesterol Levels

    Take aways: cholesterol important for skin, hormones, brain activity. Side effect of low cholesterol and statins is memory loss. Discussed LDL and HDL as cholesterol transport vehicles. LDL should be under 130. HDL male >40, female >47. Triglicerides <150. Tri/HDL < 2 good, >6 bad. Clean up cholesterol by removing sugars, refined carbs, and alcohol. Taking statins based on total C is wrong. 75% cholesterol is made in body, 25% is from diet.

    Podcasts from Optimal health daily:
    Listened to episodes 2124 and 1865:
    Take aways: get soluble fiber (removes cholesterol), Omega 3’s good, 25% of all your cholesterol is in your brain making up the myelin and essential for learning and memory, sleep is key. Stains have memory loss as side effect.
    “Health rarely comes out of a bottle”

    7 Foods That Lower Bad Cholesterol (LDL)

    Take aways: ask for Advanced Lipid profile test LDL-P, sdLDL leads to metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity and is atherogenic due to glycation and oxidation. sdLDL number is 3X predictor of cardiac disease. Statins will lower “total cholesterol” but do not lower sdLDL and may even increase it. Can lower via diet (cut out sugar and refined carbs), exercise, TUDCA. Good foods are avocados, fish oil w/ Omega 3/EPA, EVOO (the real stuff), pistachios, dark chocolate (no sugar :'( ), almonds, walnuts.

    Will keep listening. Definitely looking for discussion, in any direction. Enjoy!

    On another note, I looked at my parents labs and med lists, and a lot of the above makes sense in the context of their health statuses.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 821 Member
    edited May 2023
    SModa61 wrote: »
    @pezhed Have you found a decent travel scale? I used to travel with one but the results were never consistent. Would love to find one.
    I’ve never tried one, but I ordered a Renpho that has good reviews. My home scale is Renpho so I’m hoping results are consistent. I will let you know after I try it out!

    Also, your kitties are so cute!!
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,020 Member
    Thanks @quiltingjaine for another round.

    Hi, I’m Debbie.
    I am 60 yr old, 5' 6" female from Missouri.
    OSW 213.4 (July 2012)
    Round 164 (Round 1) SW 206.6 RGW 205 EW 204 (-2.6)
    Round 165 (Round 2) SW 204 RGW 204 EW 205.4 (+1.4)
    Round 166 - I skipped this one. Husband started radiation. (+2.4)
    Round 167 (Round 3) SW 207.8 RGW EW 207.2 (-.6)
    Round 168 (Round 4) SW 207.2 RGW 204 EW 205.8 (-1.4)
    Round 169 (Round 5) SW 205.8 RGW 204 EW 206 (+.2) Thanksgiving
    Round 170 (Round 6) SW 206. RGW 204 EW 206.8 (+.8)
    Round 171 (Round 7) SW 206.8 RGW 204 EW 208.6 (+1.8)
    Round 172 (Round 8) SW 208.6 RGW 206 EW 207.8 (-.8)
    Round 173 (Round 9) SW 207.8 RGW 205’s EW 208.6 (+.8)
    Round 174 (Round 10) SW 208.6 RGW 206 EW 204.6 (-4.0)
    Round 175 (Round 11) SW 204.6 RGW 203 EW 207.4 (+2.8)
    Round 176 (Round 12) SW 207.4 RGW 205 EW 208.6 (+1.2)
    Round 177 (Round 13) SW 208.6 RGW 205 EW 206.2
    Round 178 (Round 14) SW 206.2 RGW 205 EW 205.8
    Round 179 skipped this one - traveling
    Round 180 (Round 15) SW 208 RGW 205 EW 210.2
    Round 181 (Round 16) SW 210.2 RGW 209 EW 209.2
    Round 182 skipped
    Round 183 (Round 17) SW 209.2 RGW 208 EW 208.2
    Round 184 (Round 18) SW 208.2 RGW 207 EW 210.2
    Round 185 (Round 19) SW 210.2 RGW 208 EW
    Round 186 skipped
    Round 187 skipped
    Round 188 skipped
    Round 189 skipped
    Round 190 SW 209.6 RGW 209 EW 210
    Round 191 SW 210 RGW 209 EW 205.2
    Round 192 SW 205.2 RGW 204.2 EW 205.8
    Round 193 SW 205.8 RG 205 EW 213.2
    Round 194 SW 211.4 RG 207 EW 213.2
    Round 195 Skipped
    Round 196 SW 210.2 RG 209 EW211
    Round 197 SW 211 RG 209 EW
    Round 198 Skipped
    Round 199 Skipped
    Round 200 EW 211.8
    Round 201 SW 211.8 RGW 209 EW 210.2
    Round 202 SW 210.2 RGW 208 EW 210.6
    Round 203 SW 210.6 RGW 209 EW 209.8
    Round 204 SW 209.8 RGW 208.4 EW 210
    Round 205 SW 210 RGW 208.4EW 208.8
    Round 206 208.8 RGW 208 EW
    Round 207 skipped
    Round 208 skipped
    Round 209 skipped
    Round 210 SW RGW 209.2 EW
    Round 211 SW RGW EW 210.2
    Round 212 SW 210.2 RGW 208 EW 208.8
    Round 213 skipped
    Round 214 skipped
    Round 215 skipped
    Round 216 skipped
    Round 217 skipped
    Round 218 SW 204 RGW 202 EW 203.4
    Round 219 SW 203.4 RGW 202 EW 201.8
    Round 220 SW 201.8 RGW 199.8 EW 200
    Round 221 SW 200 RGW 198 EW 199.8
    Round 222 SW 199.8 RGW 198 EW 201.4
    Round 223 SW 201.4 RGW 199.8 EW

    Day, Weight, Comment

    5/12 201.2 Weight is just yo-young. Just kinda blah.