Mental Block

I just responded to someone else’s thread about weighing and measuring to take the guesswork out of logging. I know this is solid advice, but for many months I haven’t been taking it. Has anyone else had these mental blocks preventing them from doing something they know works? Why does this happen? What did you do to shake it? It genuinely feels like my mind is pushing back and I can’t figure out how to override it. Thanks for any and all advice or personal experiences you may have.


  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 1,846 Member
    Food weighing doesn't have to permanent if for the most part you eat a lot of the same things consistently. As mentioned if you're getting results without weighing then it isn't necessary.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 844 Member
    edited May 2023
    I should have been more clear, apologies. No I’m not getting results and it’s because I’m eyeballing too much. My advice for others would be, might wanna weigh for a bit to get a handle on it. BUT, I’m not taking that same advice because of some mental block. I don’t know why it’s there or what to do. So, I came here hoping there was some strategies or explanations others have found for the same problem.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,673 Member
    What Tom said, basically. It's about creating the routine that you just do it. It's like the 4 year Olds in my class who buck the system. Sure, they can buck the system, but I have a routine set in place, and if they choose to buck the system, that's their prerogative and they're going to miss out on the fun thing we do next, because they chose to buck the system. Well, your thing you miss out on is losing the weight you want to lose.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I should have been more clear, apologies. No I’m not getting results and it’s because I’m eyeballing too much. My advice for others would be, might wanna weigh for a bit to get a handle on it. BUT, I’m not taking that same advice because of some mental block. I don’t know why it’s there or what to do. So, I came here hoping there was some strategies or explanations others have found for the same problem.

    We humans are rarely simple. If we could always understand and overcome our mental blocks life would probably be easier. But with so many potential reasons why we have these blocks, the answers are usually not so easy.

    Sometimes it's as simple as being lazy and resisting change. And somehow expecting different results when we keep doing the same things. At the end of the day, we have those choices, but the results often only come with changes.

    Keep it simple and do you with whatever changes you choose to make, and decide if easy or results are more important. Until we are accountable to ourselves, we are making choices and failing to execute on them.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 844 Member
    edited May 2023
    robertw486 wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I should have been more clear, apologies. No I’m not getting results and it’s because I’m eyeballing too much. My advice for others would be, might wanna weigh for a bit to get a handle on it. BUT, I’m not taking that same advice because of some mental block. I don’t know why it’s there or what to do. So, I came here hoping there was some strategies or explanations others have found for the same problem.

    We humans are rarely simple. If we could always understand and overcome our mental blocks life would probably be easier. But with so many potential reasons why we have these blocks, the answers are usually not so easy.

    Sometimes it's as simple as being lazy and resisting change. And somehow expecting different results when we keep doing the same things. At the end of the day, we have those choices, but the results often only come with changes.

    Keep it simple and do you with whatever changes you choose to make, and decide if easy or results are more important. Until we are accountable to ourselves, we are making choices and failing to execute on them.

    So true. I got this far doing just that and now my mind wants to throw road blocks up when I’m only 10lbs away. You’d think my diet break would have reinvigorated me but it’s done the opposite. But the vacation is over, time to get back to work.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    One thing I do to overcome mental blocks and to stay motivated is create and read flash cards. I’ve created them for a lot of mental traps when it comes to dieting. How to cope with cravings, my why’s etc. You could create one with the reasons why you want to weigh your food and how you will cope if you feel you are resisting it. Then read it every day (set a timer in your phone).
    Just my two cents…
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 844 Member
    edited May 2023
    I know what you mean about mental blocks. That's been the hardest part of the journey for me. One trick I've used is to start with just a little bit of the thing I'm resisting. Like, force yourself to weigh ONE meal a day. Or make yourself weigh ONE food you eat regularly for a week. Baby steps like this help me balance between my selfdiscipline and my pouty inner child. Every bit of progress helps, and you can work up to weighing more stuff.

    Another thing I've done is make a game of things. Like, guess what your portion weighs, then check to ser if you guessed right. Do that until you "win" the game consistently. Make it silly. Dance a jig if you win, do a few squats if you lose. Take the seriousness out of it in whatever way appeals to your sense of humor.

    On the more introspective side, journaling about it can help. Maybe write a convetsation between your rational self and your resistant self. You might be surprised by what comes out. Or try some srntence starters....1.) People who weigh their food are....or 2.) Weighing your food is....(make a fast list of as many words as come mind whether they make sense or not)...3.) If so-and-so saw me weighing me food, they'd say/think...

    I never minded weighing food, but these are some techniques I've used to deal with blocks. I hope one of them will help you. Losing weight is such an identity shift. It's amazing how many odd quirks it can expose. There's also the possibility that the food scale block is just a symptom that part of you is nervous about continuing to lose.

    Whatever it is, I wish you well. You're obviously committed to the process, so I know you'll get thete.

    Thank you so much. This is not only helpful in practice but I also feel heard.

    I don’t know why I’ve been so resistant to change lately, so it’s been kind of a conundrum and out of character. Making small changes feels less like change right now. And I can definitely see myself making it a game and doing the “I guessed right” dance. As for journaling, hmmm, I feel that knee jerk reaction so maybe there’s something there? Who knows, maybe I’m just too comfortable. I like how you simplified it by asking question starters. I hope a lot of people who are self sabotaging read your response, I think it could really help.

    I’ll get over this hurdle, I know I will, but it’s responses like yours and others that make it less agonizing haha. And I’m sure I’ll fall back on some of these habits again.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 844 Member
    edited May 2023
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    One thing I do to overcome mental blocks and to stay motivated is create and read flash cards. I’ve created them for a lot of mental traps when it comes to dieting. How to cope with cravings, my why’s etc. You could create one with the reasons why you want to weigh your food and how you will cope if you feel you are resisting it. Then read it every day (set a timer in your phone).
    Just my two cents…

    This is really interesting! I’m making some for my little brother (Big Brothers Big Sisters program) so I’ll just add some for myself as well. I need to strengthen my why and I think this will target that.
  • westrich20940
    westrich20940 Posts: 889 Member
    Weighing and measuring (especially at the beginning) is important. It's important for people to be able to be honest about how much they are eating (and even figure it out to begin with). Did you really only have 3/4 of a cup of cereal?? Maybe you had 3 times that much, measure it and log it.

    However, when I started, I *knew* I didn't want my mental load to always be about weighing and measuring...and stressing if I couldn't do that (potluck, BBQ, restaurant...etc.). I don't want to be pulling out a measuring cup or scale every time I'm eating. I don't want to be consumed by thinking about calories either.

    So, throughout the's important to pay attention to what you are weighing and measuring in order to get to a point where you are able to 'guess'/'estimate' and it's better than your 'guessing/estimating' before. It's also important to learn to pay attention to your body through this process so you can move toward more intuitive eating - knowing and trusting your actual hunger cues.

    I am not perfect with my calorie intake for sure now since I'm not really logging much, spotty at best. But, I know what hungry feels like for me and I know what I need based on my activity level now much more accurately than I did before this process.
  • JLG1986
    JLG1986 Posts: 212 Member
    This…resonates. I feel the exact same way sometimes!! Ok, often!! o:) The last few months have been that way for sure…I know what to do and how to do it, but my brain says “no” like a rebellious toddler sometimes.

    I have no good advice, but I’m sending supportive thoughts your way! Be kind to yourself, value progress over perfection.
  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,360 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I just responded to someone else’s thread about weighing and measuring to take the guesswork out of logging. I know this is solid advice, but for many months I haven’t been taking it. Has anyone else had these mental blocks preventing them from doing something they know works? Why does this happen? What did you do to shake it? It genuinely feels like my mind is pushing back and I can’t figure out how to override it. Thanks for any and all advice or personal experiences you may have.
    Oh boy, do I relate to this feeling! I had a period of over 3 years I was doing everything right and lost weight slowly and consistently. Then it was like a switch flipped off in my head and for the last couple years, I have had a similar mental block and no matter how much I wanted to stop it, and no matter how many times I tried to get on track again, I just couldn't seem to force myself to follow through for very long. A few weeks ago, it was like the switch flipped back and doing all the work (planning, cooking, tracking, measuring) suddenly seems easy again. It's absolutely maddening. Although I can see some triggers that probably started the backslide, I absolutely cannot identify anything that made that switch flip back on now.

    I love the ideas from @BrightEyedAgain and @Antiopelle. I'm going to write those down!

  • vanmep
    vanmep Posts: 410 Member
    edited May 2023
    I think there are all kinds of mental games people play that contribute to weight gain in the first place and weeding out those thought patterns and habits is at least half the battle in weight loss. I have the same issue you describe and it’s interesting that you raise it because I’ve been paying attention to my own thoughts recently. Somehow it’s almost as if giving people the right advice on how to do it, is as good as actually doing it. Just one of those sneaky little lies I tell myself without realizing. Unfortunately the results seem to be lacking!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    One thing I do to overcome mental blocks and to stay motivated is create and read flash cards. I’ve created them for a lot of mental traps when it comes to dieting. How to cope with cravings, my why’s etc. You could create one with the reasons why you want to weigh your food and how you will cope if you feel you are resisting it. Then read it every day (set a timer in your phone).
    Just my two cents…

    This is really interesting! I’m making some for my little brother (Big Brothers Big Sisters program) so I’ll just add some for myself as well. I need to strengthen my why and I think this will target that.

    I hope you find it helpful. I'm using an app meant to help students called Anki. It reminds me to read my flashcards every day. The first inkling that my thoughts are going off diet again is when I tend to skip the reminder. After almost a year, this is my first alarm that my mindset is changing.
    Not just the flashcards themselves, but being a bit annoyed at the reminder ("I don't have the time now" "I know them by heart anyway" "what good will it do" ...) is my red flag and a sign that my healthy eating habits are at risk.
    I am sure that this isn't for everyone, certainly not someone with and ED or who is over-obsessing with food, but it sure works for me.