What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,851 Member
    Crankily, I had to admit that with a threat of rain and a tight schedule, stationary bike was my best answer. I messed up my bike settings, and the bike said it wanted to be calibrated before I worked out (presumably because of the recent firmware update?), so things were a little wonky. Still, an hour at (mysteriously) 108W average - have to admit, the last few minutes felt a little more fatigue-y than average; then a 3'-ish CD at just 60W (dim bulb? ;) ).

    Needed to wrap up my workout in time to make it to the rowing club, where we were collaborating with the university rowing club to put the barge in the water. The barge is a 16-person craft, giant, rectangular - like rowing your living room. We use it for training new people (and for some parties). It stores on land in 4 sections, needs to be put in the water, bolted together.

    Here's a view of the strange craft in a spoiler, during the bolting-together process, with some faces blurred out to anonymize (one actually now headless - oops).
  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,830 Member
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,851 Member
    Rain day, so back to stationary bike again. I oopsed my Garmin set-up, but it was the usual 60 minutes ride (94W average) and 3 minute CD (71W). Went into it late in the day and feeling fatigued from wake-up today, so no push. Heart rate ran a little higher than usual for that pace - not surprising since resting rate was up a few bpm today, too - though I don't have the Garmin stats to prove it. 🤷‍♀️
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    All you gym / lifter types on this thread will no doubt be jealous (ha!!) of my outdoor workout in 69% humidity this morning: 60 min bike ride, followed by an immediate 30 min. run. Sweat kept stinging my eyes throughout. My sprint triathlon is one week away.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    At the insistence of some friends, I registered for and joined a large group ride yesterday that was titled " Bikes and Beers" and was sponsored by a local brewery. I drove an hour to get there for the 8am 45 mile group start. I hadn't slept well and the route was sort of boring, so I skipped the final loop and headed back home, completing only 30 SLOW miles. I donated my 2 free beer and one commemorative pint beer glass tickets to a friend. I got no empathy from my regular riding partners who were smart enough to say "no thank you" when invited.

    Today, my wife, brother and SIL took their new eBikes out for the first time, while I rode my mtn bike. We rode a beautiful wooded trail in Eastern Ct for 15 miles, then stopped for a late breakfast at an outdoor cafe. It was much more fun than Saturday's ride. The eBike will allow my wife to join our regular riding crew for longer (25-50mile) social rides in scenic locations. Shelter Island, NY, Newport, RI and the Catskills in NY all have great cycling routes, both road and trails, so we're planning to ride several of those routes this summer.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    I went scuba diving this weekend.

    The first dive was the HMS M2; a submarine with a plane hanger and launching mechanism. She sank with all hands in the 1930s.

    Our shot line is a bit ropey, and not heavy enough. So it got pulled off the wreck. We spent the first 15 minute desparately swimming against the currentt, praying to see the wreck. Amazingly, we found it and spent 15 minutes going from the stern to bow. There were many conger. Visibility was OK despite a plankton bloom, at maybe 5 metres.

    I was on nitrox 32%, but my buddy was on air. The bottom is 34 metres, so right at the MOD for my mix.

    I picked up a couple of minutes's deco; my buddy had 16 minutes. So it turned into quite a long dive; at 53 minutes.

    My drysuit had a total flood. It turned out to be due to a hole, so that was my only dive of the trip.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,778 Member
    Friday was lower hypertrophy day, featuring sets of 15 reps on squat. Hot tub remained hot for the third week in a row; I think that's a new record, as it is notorious for constantly having some kind of maintenance problem requiring recalibration or something, as some weeks you get in to barely luke warm water, other days you're feeling like a lobster being boiled alive.

    Weekend off, spent watching TV with my wife, other than when our grown son paid to take us out to dinner for Mother's Day. The look on his face when he learned how much the multiple rounds of margaritas cost for him and his mother...more than half the total bill!

    Today was upper power day, five sets of five reps for both chest and back, with a little shoulder and arm work thrown in. I aim to limit my lifting sessions to under an hour, but today took 75 minutes. Need to keep a tighter rein on rest periods between sets.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,851 Member
    Rowed 2 seat in the quad (engine room - my favorite!) for just under 7k . . . we had another rare day with light wind, no rain (or worse). Very nice!

    Later, PT appointment: Quite a lot of nice neck/shoulder massage, plus some good TRX exercises and targeted stretches. For funsies, I turned on my Garmin (set on "cardio) during my 8-minute arm bike warmup. The bike said 3.8 to 4.2 METS as I went along, total of 43 calories at the end. (Garmin said 46 calories, pretty close - only 7% difference.) Per the machine, I'm about 0.2 METS stronger on reverse direction than forward, not surprising given my usual exercise emphasis 😆.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Short lap swim at noon today. Quick 1200 yds was all I had time for. Got outside for a 4 mile trail run this evening. It was very nice in the woods tonight. No mosquitos to speak of.

    Trainer session tomorrow am.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,778 Member
    No gym time today, my alarm clock didn't go off. Probably on account of I didn't turn it on. It's an analog clock, with a simple alarm which doesn't account for if it's AM or PM, so I can't simply leave it on all the time or else it'll alarm in the afternoon while I'm still at work or commuting home, so I have to remember each night to turn it on since I turn it off each morning. My kids (and now my boss) all use their phones for alarm clock, but since I keep my phone on my bedside table my concern is I'll just reach over and click it snooze-style and not actually wake up...that's the reason my alarm clock is on the other side of the room, force me to physically get up out of bed. Maybe I'll compromise and do both...rely on my alarm clock as my primary method, but with a cell phone backup alarm a few minutes later. Better than missing my morning gym session and potentially being late to work.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    Yesterday my planned 30 min pool swim was shortened at min. 18 because of lightening, but at least I got in an intense session (my last swim before the sprint tri this Sun). Today's 30 min bike ride was inside because of rain--I pedaled as hard as I could the whole time to make up for it.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    KB Simple and Sinister...
    Swings - 10x10 (100)
    TGU - 10(5L5R)

    Dips - 6x6r (36)

    Walk - 60min (Spread throughout the day)

    Yoga - 15min
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,778 Member
    @DiscusTank5, I'm surprised you're killing yourself during the week leading up to the big event. I would have assumed you'd take the week easy, partly for recovery and partly so you're at your freshest come race day.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,778 Member
    Elliptical, one hour, 5.8 miles, hills.

    As expected, I eschewed my first leg workout of the week in favor of getting in cardio, with the understanding I cannot skip the second leg workout on Friday, but a good elliptical session also hits the legs fairly hard so I'm good.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,851 Member
    Yesterday (Tuesday), 24 mile bike ride, easy pace - lazy pace, even. Today, the usual row, in 3 seat of the quad, for the usual just under 7k.

    Yesterday, about 3/4 mile down the road, I wondered why I wasn't feeling my chin strap, realized I'd left my bike helmet sitting in the garage, went back for it. Then fell at the end of the ride - trying for too short a turning radius in my own driveway when feeling pretty fatigued (not just from the ride, BTW) so not optimal coordination. 🙄 I don't think I hit my head at all, no injuries beyond a scraped leg and some bruises from hitting the asphalt. 🙄 Reinforced the importance of helmet, nonetheless.
  • RachelleNH
    RachelleNH Posts: 14 Member
    I'm going to do an hour of walking today. I'm hoping to reach my goal of 10,000 steps again-yesterday-I did 16,000 steps :-O
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    @DiscusTank5, I'm surprised you're killing yourself during the week leading up to the big event. I would have assumed you'd take the week easy, partly for recovery and partly so you're at your freshest come race day.

    It's in the plan I'm following, plus I read an article that warned against slacking off too much. However, I ran 30 minutes today, and that's going to be it for the week. Rest tomorrow, rest Fri, 10 min bike + 5 min run Sat (basically practicing T2), then race Sunday. Maybe it isn't the best plan, I dunno. Maybe since this is a sprint Tri I don't need a full taper week? I'm just not experienced enough to know for sure.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,778 Member
    I have no experience to draw from, was just using logic and asking a question. Back in my school days we'd train hard for track or cross country running Monday thru Thursday, easy day Friday, then compete Saturday with Sunday off, rinse and repeat. But that was doing 5k runs, not triathlons or marathons, so just assumed that since bigger events require bigger training, they also involved commensurately bigger rests immediately before.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    I went climbing on Monday.
    I guess it was a good session. I got two v4s, and many v3s. Most things were a struggle. The first v4 only took about 5 goes; the second took about 20. 3.5 hour session.

    Yesterday was broadly a rest day. I've started a random idea of doing low intensity hangboarding twice a day, so I did that.

    Today was climbing. It was brilliant, I got loads of new routes . Just a 1 hour 50 minute session; the gym threw me out at the end due to it closing.