118kg > 60kg - I'm going now!

Hi! I guess this is the next start of my journey. I say next start, because I've started many times. Just never stuck with it.

I'm Jackie! I'm 32 and from the cold north, a.k.a Sweden. My goal is to lose weight and become a happier and healthier version of myself. I've used MFP before, but didn't stick with it. I'm willing to give it a new try, and we shall see how it all turns out. My general strategy will 4:3 intermittent fasting, 3 fasting days 4 eating days. Averaging my calories per week to be under my maintainance in total. No crash diets or insane numbers, more trying to make it a new lifestyle. The reason I do day fasts is because I have zero sense of time, so doing hour eating windows just never worked. Like ever. I forgot to eat, I ate too soon, I ate too late - it was a mess all over the place. Telling myself a specific day I fast should be easier to remember.

As a person I enjoy taking on new challenges so I'm quite excited to be honest. Got more pep in my step this time around! I also enjoy logic puzzles, sudokus, music, gaming and tv/film. Favourite genre of tv/film is horror, and favourite genre of games is puzzle and adventure.

Short about me
32 years old
Current tv-series: The Walking Dead
Current game: Subnautica

That feels to me like an introduction. Glad to be here, hi everyone! :)


  • mscrys1201
    mscrys1201 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Jackie! I'm looking for new friends to share struggles and triumphs. Would love to be your pal here. Feel free to add me 😊