Bombshell Betty's Round 2



  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Ok, challenges met for today. Was able to do 12 reps with 8 pound weights of the palm up & down bicep curls. Thumbs pointing out I was only able to get 6 reps in today. Tricep/bicep muscles are really sore from a class I took monday. I also did 2 turkish get ups on each side. Am planning on working up to doing 5 on each side by the end of the week.

    Continuing to work on nutrition, that's just always going to happen with this lifestyle change I've adopted.

    Mind/body I am going to go work on right now while in the shower. I'm also going to the spa today with a friend of mine and we're getting thermogenic wraps done that are an hour long so I will also have pleanty of time to meditate there.

    Have a wonderful hump day!
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    Only the Exercise challenge is on this thread. Where are the other two?
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Only the Exercise challenge is on this thread. Where are the other two?
    they are all on here
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    I had a pretty picture with it on here but I can't get it small enough to show so you'll just be getting text.

    Nutrition Challenge - Week 1

    Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant. ~Anthony Robbins

    With that in mind for Week 1 I would like to us to focus on the choices we make with what we are putting into our bodies.

    Are you putting the food in your body for fuel and energy?
    Are you putting the food in your body for other reasons? For example: Stress, boredom, emotions?

    Take a step back. Breathe. Ask yourself if the choice you're about to make is the one you want to make. If it isn't go and make another choice. If it is make it and go on.

    Focus on the healthy side of nutrition this week. Read the labels but don't just look at the calories. Look at the other listings too. See what makes up each component of what you're eating. Focus on the conscious decisions of making good healthy choices which in turn make up good healthy eating habits.

    Building good habits in nutrition is only one of the building blocks in this journey. There's so many others that are just as important.

    We can do this!


    Your Mind/Body Challenge----Week 1

    Five-Minute Meditation.Find a quiet place to sit or lie down and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and focus on your breath by counting to three for each inhale and three for each exhale. Continue this for at least five minutes (or more if you have the time). If your mind wanders, notice what you're thinking about and then gently focus on your breath.
  • Maid4richie
    Maid4richie Posts: 78 Member
    Did the upper body work out didnt do the the one since i have such a bad head ache but earlier i did 20 mins on my eliptical and 5 min ab workout. going to do the meditation tonight before bed :) i hope all you ladie have had a fantastic healthy day
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    For the Turkish Getup i found this link ...
    I will be doing this as well as my 30 day shred. :D My mediation will come tonight the shower. ( only time of the day when i dont have some one pulling on me , just me time) Food is going good. Even the chips.. my little treat :D

    Thanks. That must be the one. Unfortunately, I've failed my first challenge!!! I can't do it!!! Maybe it's my knee injury, or maybe I'm just too old. Nah, it can't be my age. I'll have to file this one away to try after I've lost another 20 lbs.
  • tatabanana
    Don't give up ladies!! I know the turkish killer is no joke!! And I don't have bad knees, etc. But, substitute your favorite lower body workout there.... Viva las Bettys!
  • ladycomix
    yeah no turkish killer thingies for knees creak on a GOOD day! adding in the upper body workout and now I'm pleasantly sore :) Me and a nice bath are going to commune tonight and work on the motivation thingie.

    Amber - I LOVE the nutrition challenge this week! I've been working mad crazy hours this last neighbors asked me if i'm working nights now :( But the company's been having food brought in for pattern used to be copious amounts of coffee and cookies or whatever all night long. just the pause and think has saved me from many a brownie so far :)

    Good luck everyone~
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Bicep curls done, 5 pound weights used today 1 set of 12 of each type. Turkish get ups, 5 on each side. Also did lunges, squats, dead lifts, and calf raises. I have zumba class tonight for my burn.

    Mind/Body: only time I get is when driving and in the shower!

    Nutrition: Have been doing very good! Weigh in tomorrow, so we'll see if I'm going to see the fruit of my labor or not!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Just checking in. I am not having a good week; I'm away at a conference eating out every day. I have not been able to work out either and not sure I will before Sunday. I will have to hit it hard next week!!
  • ladycomix
    Bicep curls done, 5 pound weights used today 1 set of 12 of each type. Turkish get ups, 5 on each side. Also did lunges, squats, dead lifts, and calf raises. I have zumba class tonight for my burn.

    Mind/Body: only time I get is when driving and in the shower!

    Nutrition: Have been doing very good! Weigh in tomorrow, so we'll see if I'm going to see the fruit of my labor or not!

    I am SO right there with you re: mind/body! too much going on to find time otherwise...the shower is my thinking time :)

    exercise challenge done...I cannot believe how much those little kettleballs tire me out. it's amazing and I can feel the soreness (in a good way) in muscles I didnt even know I was using.

    This has been a hectic week for work...I've had to shove exercise in where I can get it, and have been eating really erratically - in the office, I've been eating what gets brought to me most days - one of the guys will make a run for a drive through. Didn't even get that today so I snacked on what I've stocked in my desk. It's 11:19 pm and I'm just now getting to my cardio, Hopefully the craziness of this week is balanced by all the work I've been putting in!
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Well my fellow beautiful bombshell betty's, I am definitely succeeding in getting rid of those excess pounds I gained while ill & injured. I lost 8.8 pounds this week from Monday. The only thing I really changed is that I'm not eating bread, pasta, potatoes, or sugary sweets. I also started working out again, but I'm not going as extreme as I was before the illness. I'm not burning 1,000+ calories a day, I'm being happy with 500 calories a day or there abouts. This seems to be working for me right now, when it doesn't is when I will bump it up.

    Hope everybody has a great friday! I will be doing my exercise challenge when I go to the gym this evening, nutrition is always done. Mind & body will be done in the shower & while driving to work plus at the gym!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    When I checked in, I realized you must have wanted measurements from both legs in the beginning--I only measured the right leg. Same with the arms. That throws my totals off. I wasn't sure which days to add up, since we started on Monday. I added up Sunday through Thursday, because you put out the list on Sunday. I'm new to these and still confused about how it's supposed to work. Next week will be less confusing, because I can record Friday - Thurs. Anyway, I'll continue to work my dwindling buns off. I think I'll go do my favorite challenge this week--breathing! :-) I will NOT stress out over the things I don't understand. I will continue to work, and I will celebrate the fruits of my labors. I will continue to have fun with this!!!!!!
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Anyway, I'll continue to work my dwindling buns off. I think I'll go do my favorite challenge this week--breathing! :-) I will NOT stress out over the things I don't understand. I will continue to work, and I will celebrate the fruits of my labors. I will continue to have fun with this!!!!!!

    This is a very good attitude to have! I should listen to is more often myself! Good job and keep it up!
  • ansley1
    Just recorded my weight for this wk and sent it in. I had a HORRIBLE week in both nutrition and exercise. I wasn't doing well emotionally and that affected everything. I am starting fresh though on Monday and will lose the 5 lbs that I gained. GRRR
  • ansley1
    Hi everyone! We are starting wk 2 and vold94 and I have exercise this week. We wanted to focus on abs so here is our exercise challenge for the week (abdnominal crunch on ball, pike on ball, and planks):


    Abnominal crunch on ball:

    How to:
    1. Lie on the ball, positioning it under the lower back.
    2. Cross your arms over the chest or place them behind your head.
    3. Contract your abs to lift your torso off the ball, pulling the bottom of your ribcage down toward your hips.
    4. As you curl up, keep the ball stable (i.e., the ball shouldn't roll).
    5. Lower back down, getting a stretch in the abs, and repeat for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps.


    Pike on ball for upper/lower abs:

    Here's How:
    1. Take a plank position on the ball. The ball is under your thighs. Your legs are extended straight behind you. Your shoulders are rotated back and down, away from your ears. Take a moment to find a place of true stability. Just like in plank on the floor, your abs are lifted and your body is in a long line. You will need to engage your legs and butt, hugging them to your midline for stability.
    2. Walk yourself forward on your hands so that the ball is under your knees or the tops of your shins. You will need to play with this yourself to find the right distance to get to a pike. The further forward you go the higher your pike will be, but you will also be less stable so work up gradually. Inhale
    3. Exhale: In one smooth, flowing motion, use your abdominal muscles to pull your hips up into a pike position (see fig. 1). The ball will roll under your legs to be closer to your ankles. Keep your chest wide and your shoulders down so there is a lot of distance between shoulders and ears. Go slow -- monitor your balance. *Do not go too far forward, you could tumble to the front. Hold on in your abs.
    4. Inhale: Use abdominal control to return to the plank position.
    Repeat 3 to 6 times.



    How to:

    1.Lie face down on mat resting on the forearms, palms flat on the floor.
    2.Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows.
    3.Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels.
    4.Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle.
    5.Hold for 20 to 60 seconds, lower and repeat for 3-5 reps.


    HAVE A GREAT WEEK and let's continue to encourage each other!
  • nomerebutterfly
    nomerebutterfly Posts: 62 Member
    Hey bombshells. So, this week wasn't a good one. I started running and I will start swimming tomorrow, but I probably gained this week. Sometimes mood overrides diet progress, but I feel heathlier and I'm getting compliments so that's nice. Anyway, hope the rest of you are having more success!

    EDIT: Also, totally didn't know we were weighing in on Fridays. Whoops!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member

    Oh gosh! I"m sorry, I didn't know it was Friday checkin. I typically do Mondays. I'll check in tomorrow and then again on Friday and then I'll be straight again I think. :embarassed: :blushing:
  • KimberlyBryant
    KimberlyBryant Posts: 31 Member
    Why did i think we were checking in on monday? man i am soo confused.. :*( Is it too late to give you my measurements ??