Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 224



  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,187 Member
    edited May 2023
    @deepwoodslady I’m sorry about your friend. I’m going through something similar with a good friend who, after years of eating badly and not exercising at all, is now having a collection of serious health issues. I’m torn between feeling really sad for her and being furious that she took so little care of herself. Good lessons for us all indeed! Wishing your friend — and you — the best.
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,041 Member
    huango wrote: »
    BrenM1985 wrote: »
    In the process of trying to sell my house… tomorrow is the last day for the conditions to be fulfilled and the deal will hopefully go firm 🤞I was feeling ok with all this but then yesterday anxiety had me wanted to devour everything in the kitchen. 😭 active day planned for today to help keep my nerves at bay!

    Wishing you strength and peace.

    Selling our house/moving was one of the most stressful thing we did, when our 2 kids were 3 and 1.5, trying to pack a house around nap time/after they're in bed.
    I'm cringing at the thought of moving, after DD is done w/ college. (have so much junk to get rid of: yes, I know, we're starting to do that slowly each year).

    chiming in. Yes, selling our house of 28 years & buying condo was the start of my most recent weight demise. @BrenM1985 don't be me. Remember yourself. Stay in the group. That helps with mental reset.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member
    musicsax wrote: »
    Round 224


    ROUND 181 FOR ME.

    “Today….I am choosing Me”


    05/23 -197.0- (Trend weight 195.5) I’ve really put some thought into this and decided it is a cross between laziness and depression. I just don’t feel like meal planning or cooking. I have a grab ‘n go mentality right now. When my depression sets in I really have a hard time following through with anything. No focus. Feet dragging the ground. A bit listless. I don’t have the energy to exercise, or plan, or research or do any of those things I normally do. I’ve really got to pull this together.

    Sorry I didn't have time to respond to you this morning Donna, you have been on my mind all day.
    I'm sorry you feel like this, but I have been there and can empathize, in fact I was in that very same place last week. I know my Mom (bless her) would have said to 'pull yourself together', but I know it's not as simple as that. You are doing so well, beating the medics who told you different and you are so worth it. But as I know myself you have to get that mind set again to get back on the wagon. I'm gunning for you, I really want you to succeed, show 'em you can do it. I'm proud of what you've done so far despite all those obstacles that keep being thrown your way. I really hope that you'll be back in the groove shortly. Sending you hugs and strength to succeed 🤗 🤗🏋️‍♂️💪 xx

    @musicsax Thanks so much for your kind words. The episode with my dear "older" friend really gave me a jolt regarding doing my best to maintain my health. I had a good day yesterday and burned a few calories too. Your support means a lot!

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member
    SModa61 wrote: »
    Round 224

    05/24 -196.8- (Trend weight 195.6) A small drop on the scale but a continual increase in trend weight. I must do better! Yesterday was a wild day. I took my elderly friend for a very slow walk with her poodle to a hiking trail. We were only about 3 minutes in when she said her legs were feeling very tired and weak so we turned back around. Before we could clear the woods (we could even see the cars through the leaves) she said she had to sit down and tried to sit down on a big log. She then got stuck not able to quite sit down and not strong enough to stand again. I tried like hell to get her standing all the way to no avail. A man and his son came along on their bikes and I asked for help. They tried too. We could get her up standing, but then her legs would collapse again. They were just too weak. I had to call an ambulance for a lift assist to my car. I drove her back home. After resting for a bit during the 2 minutes ride, she was able to get out with the assistance of her walker which she had left at home. I got her in the house, rested her, then we went on her front porch with coffee and water for a couple of hours. I got her a small snack. Poor girl was embarrassed, frustrated and upset for a bit. She is 78 now but she has lost a lot of muscle mass from lack of activity. She does sit around too much although she used to be my walking partner and did a lot of walking and gardening in her day. She does very little these days and it’s really hurt her overall agility. I take her to a lot of her dr appointments and they all keep telling her to walk, to exercise, to move move move but she has just given a lot of it up. It was a great lesson for me since I am only 2 years into my own retirement. I’ve got to keep moving! She will have to start small (and use her walker) and slowly build back up or she will end up in a wheelchair. It’s sad to see the deterioration and aging of a dear friend of over 25 years. And she just turned 78 so she’s not even that “old” yet!

    Something like a recumbent bike might bd a safe way for her to strengthen her legs enough to then safety add back in walking. My mother is older, but I think she lost a lot physically during the COVID lockdowns. She was afraid of going outside her home.

    @SModa61 That is a great idea. Of course, I will have to have her try to get off and on mine to make sure she wouldn't fall over or anything. She also has essential tremors. It's hard to see someone start having such severe problems when she is not that "old" in my opinion. She's always been so vibrant! I will bring her over and have her try my bike. Thanks again!

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member
    @deepwoodslady I’m sorry about your friend. I’m going through something similar with a good friend who, after years of eating badly and not exercising at all, is now having a collection of serious health issues. I’m torn between feeling really sad for her and being furious that she took so little care of herself. Good lessons for us all indeed! Wishing your friend — and you — the best.

    @sheilaboneham She did so well for so many years. I do think the shut-ins for Covid hurt her momentum. So, I'm feeling all those things you mentioned. I'm also feeling guilt for pushing her to do better. But I don't want to see a further decline any sooner than it should be. It's so confusing! Thanks for your support.
  • BrenM1985
    BrenM1985 Posts: 190 Member
    huango wrote: »
    BrenM1985 wrote: »
    In the process of trying to sell my house… tomorrow is the last day for the conditions to be fulfilled and the deal will hopefully go firm 🤞I was feeling ok with all this but then yesterday anxiety had me wanted to devour everything in the kitchen. 😭 active day planned for today to help keep my nerves at bay!

    Wishing you strength and peace.

    Selling our house/moving was one of the most stressful thing we did, when our 2 kids were 3 and 1.5, trying to pack a house around nap time/after they're in bed.
    I'm cringing at the thought of moving, after DD is done w/ college. (have so much junk to get rid of: yes, I know, we're starting to do that slowly each year).

    Thank you Huango!

    Yes! It is not easy!! My kids are 3 and 5.. my husband is gone for training (for his new job in Ontario) and won't be done until mid August... The kids and I are on our own until we move to Ontario at the end of the school year to stay with my parents. Currently in Nova Scotia. I need all the strength and peace I can get!!!
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,041 Member
    @deepwoodslady I’m sorry about your friend. I’m going through something similar with a good friend who, after years of eating badly and not exercising at all, is now having a collection of serious health issues. I’m torn between feeling really sad for her and being furious that she took so little care of herself. Good lessons for us all indeed! Wishing your friend — and you — the best.

    @sheilaboneham She did so well for so many years. I do think the shut-ins for Covid hurt her momentum. So, I'm feeling all those things you mentioned. I'm also feeling guilt for pushing her to do better. But I don't want to see a further decline any sooner than it should be. It's so confusing! Thanks for your support.

    @deepwoodslady I can show her my parents assisted living bills. Great motivation!