Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 224



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member
    Doctors do not like to take people off Statins once on, especially if it is also used for high blood pressure. However, many people like myself were on 5 mg of Statins only to later find out that 5mg every other day had the same results, lowering the side effects.
    If your friend is on Statins, make sure she takes a Q10 pill every time she takes the statin, as that helps stop some of the muscle damage in the legs. Interestingly, in Canada, all statin medicine are also required to have the ingredients of Q10 within the pill-they tried to do that here in the US, and Pharm blocked it.
    I hope your friend can get some help, as I know firsthand how difficult that is. I still have to use my handicapped decal when the pain is too much. I know the disapproving look of people who must think I am gaming the system-I wish I had known 20 years ago what I know now.

    @Machias1949 Thanks so very much for the info. I will definitely pass it on.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,645 Member
    edited May 2023
    May 22 - May 31, 2023

    Please join us starting on 5/22 for JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS, when we will begin Round 224!

    Anyone can join us at anytime during the round.

    Join us! If we stay mindful we can do this, you can do this.

    Welcome back past members, welcome new members, let's keep each other accountable for another 10 days!

    Here is what you do: Post your daily weight and add little comments along the way of how your day went. You have only one hour to edit your post. Post everyday to let us know how you're doing! Copy and paste the days in your response--tell us how much you lost and other non scale victories (NSV) you'd like to share.

    FOR NEWBIES - I find it easiest to copy the dates to a document or note in my device and edit it each morning. Then copy and paste to the message board. MFP will return you to the spot on the board where you left off on your previous visit which is nice to know if you like to scan all of the posts.

    If you feel your post is too lengthy, you can add spoilers to temporarily hide the information. It is readily available by tapping the SPOILER bar. To create a Spoiler just type or copy [ Spoiler ] xxx [ /Spoiler ] Omit the spaces within the brackets and put your information where I have xxx

    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE

    ❤️ Give yourself permission to be gentle with yourself, to honor your body and your mind. ❤️

    Round 223 - 154.4

    SW RND 224

    5/22 154.7 - unfortunately we got home late so dinner was later then usual…
    5/23 154.3 - it’s time to buckle down and truly focus on MY health, hence eating a healthy diet and exercising 👍
    5/24 155.2 - again with the late dinner, 😢😢
    5/25 155.1 - 😢
    5/26 153.3 - I WILL focus on my health NO MATTER what happens….
    5/27 154.8 - 😢😢 sodium

    Goal weight 152
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member
    edited May 2023
    Round 224


    ROUND 181 FOR ME.

    “Today….I am choosing Me”


    Highest weight ever (05-10-2016): 253
    Original starting weight on MFP: (01-11-2018) 235.0
    R223 EW= 196.4
    R224 EW= TBD

    Current New Goals:
    Short Term Goal: To weigh less at the end of this round than I did at the end of the last round.
    Special Challenge: To Lose 6 pounds between my birthday (May 10th) and the 4th of July. Starting Weight on May 10th: 195.1 Goal Weight on July 4th: 189.1 I hope I can step on the scales and see fireworks!!!!
    Final goal: 145-155. We’ll see how I look & feel when I get there.
    Exercise: Move 30 minutes per day rotating activity.

    COLOR CODE: Fuchsia is a Happy Weight Loss for me. Blue is a sad weight gain.Black is no change.


    R43 thru R52 (06/07/18 thru 09/23/18) = -19.4 LOST (Ending weight 179.0)

    R53 thru R62 (09/24/18 thru 01/01/19) = -4.1 GAINED (Ending weight 183.1)

    R63 thru R72 (01/02/19 thru 04/11/19) = -8.1 GAINED (Ending weight 191.2)

    R73 thru R82 (04/12/19 thru 07/20/19) = -5.5 GAINED (Ending weight 196.7)

    R83 thru R92 (07/21/19 thru 10/28/19) = -8.7 LOST (Ending weight 188.0)

    R93 thru R102 (10/29/19 thru 02/05/20) = -2.0 GAINED(Ending weight 190.0)

    R103 thru 112 (02/06/20 thru 05/06/20) = -14.9 GAINED (Ending Weight 204.9)

    R113 thru 122 (05/07/20 thru 08/23/20) = -4.7 GAINED (Ending Weight 209.6)

    R 123 thru R132 (08/24 thru 12/02/20) = -1.5 LOST (Ending Weight 208.1)

    R133 thru R142 (12/03/20 thru 03/01/21) = -0.7 LOST (Ending Weight 207.4)

    R143 thru 152 (03/02/21 thru 06/10/21) = -3.6 LOST (Ending Weight 203.8)

    R153 thru R162 (06/11/21 thru 09/18/21) = (b]-16.2 LOST [/b] (Ending Weight 187.6)

    R163 thru R172 (09/19/21 thru 12/27/21) = (b]-5.0 GAINED [/b] (Ending Weight 192.6)

    R173 thru R182 (12/28/21 thru 04/06/22) = (b]-7.0 GAINED [/b] (Ending Weight 199.6)

    R183 thru R192 (04/07/22 thru 07/15/22) = -1.4 LOST (Ending Weight 198.2)

    R193 thru R202 (07/16/22 thru 10/23/22) = -3.8 GAINED (Ending Weight 202.0)

    R203 thru R212 (10/24/22 thru 01/31/23) = -7.2 LOST (Ending Weight 194.8)

    R213 thru R222 (02/01/23 thru 05/11/23) = -0.5 GAINED (Ending Weight 195.3)

    R223 (05/12/23 thru 05/21/23) = -1.1 GAINED (Ending Weight 196.4)

    R224 (05/22/23 thru 05/31/23) = -xxx LOST (Ending Weight xxxxx)

    05/21 …..196.4….. ENDING WEIGHT LAST ROUND

    05/22 -196.8- (Trend weight 195.2)

    05/23 -197.0- (Trend weight 195.5)

    05/24 -196.8- (Trend weight 195.6)

    05/25 -194.2- (Trend weight 195.5)

    05/26 -192.0- (Trend weight 195.1) Calories were good yesterday but the carbs were slightly up. I made all good choices and substitutions in my foods. Late last night I was craving chocolate so I had two pieces of Russell Stovers sugar-free candy. It put me over on carbs by a bit but doesn’t seem to have hurt the scale. I will try to pre-log and remain diligent today. I hope to get through the U.S. Holiday weekend without too much damage.

    05/27 -193.8- (Trend weight 195.0) I’m a bit shocked at the overnight gain (I wish I could call it an uptick or fluctuation). I did go to dinner last night for the fish fry. However, I only ate half of the dinner, drank water with lemon, skipped breakfast and lunch for an OMAD day. One snack late last night (a hand full of unsalted nuts). Good TMI, medium activity level. Small amount of exercise while babysitting DGS. Cons were: not enough water and not enough sleep last night. That’s a big jump on the scale overnight! Sodium from the dinner? Perhaps. My endocrinologist took me off of my water pill at the recent appointment. He said that it is bad for my kidneys (which is already taxed with diabetes). He said that pill (given by cardiologist) would have been the 5th or 6th defense or choice with a diabetic. He put me on a different blood pressure pill. I finished out my pill holder day before yesterday (which still had water pills in it), so I am now in fear of my ankles getting too swollen but I am glad to see someone noticed that a water pill was not right for me .

    05/28 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    05/29 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    05/30 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    05/31 -xxxxx- (Trend weight xxxxx)

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,059 Member
    @SModa61 There are two reasons (I know of) why people are put on Statins 1) high cholesterol and 2) high blood pressure. When looking at total cholesterol, it is best to check the LDL (e.g. Bad) and HDL (good cholesterol).
    Since my Total has always hovered around 350, doctors always want me on Statins. When recently on Statins (5mg every other day) my total dropped to nearly 250, of which 100 is HDL. Which my doctor says is great FOR ME (as I do not have any other conditions putting me at risk for a heart attack or stroke). I began getting leg weakness and pain within a few months of taking and stopped 2 weeks ago)
    Over the years, they have changed the cut-off from anyone over 100 to be on Statins to a much higher number.
    Usually, people who will have a problem with Statins know quickly after starting. I used to complain constantly every time I was started on a new Statin type-it was not until I developed Neuropathy (in my fingers) that the doctors believed me and realized I had lost a lot of mitochondria in my nerves. Good luck.
    FYI: I have been off the statins for 2 weeks but will start again tomorrow--my doctor wants me to try a different method of taking it. I am not anti-Statins; just want to find a method that works for me.

    @Machias1949 I think I listen to too many podcasts and youtubes. Back in 2018, I was looking for "brainfog" type info as I was curious about my scattered memory (which that's all I think it is now). I ended up listening to various individuals that are low carb leaning, and some of what was discussed related to cholesterol, how it has a bed rap, and that we neglect to recognize that cholesterol is important to our brains. I remember statins got touched on at times with the claim that lowering cholesterol too much was bad for the brain.

    One of the most interesting points they made (whether correct or not, I cannot tell) was the claimed correlation between increases in brain conditions and the governmental introduction of the low fat food pyramid. I know they mentioned ADHD, but I can not now recall if dementia was also mentioned. Anyhow, the points they made are in my head and it makes me consider that lower is not always better, and that the big picture must be viewed.

    On another recent youtube, there was a claim that actually as we age, somewhat higher cholesterols are healthy. It is so so confusing.

    As for my mother, I am just blown away by how rapidly she is deteriorating, and I just get wondering if there was preventable causality, or this was her fate regardless.

  • jaccimc63
    jaccimc63 Posts: 1,743 Member
    Female, 5ft. 6 in.
    Age 59
    Akron, Ohio

    OSW: 186 (March 2018)
    Maintenance: 140-145 (December 2018)
    My 185th Round!

    After losing 12 lbs. I was stuck at 174lbs. for a couple weeks until I found this challenge.

    End R40: 171 (-3) - May 2018
    End R41: 170.5 (-.5)
    End R42: 168 (-2.5)
    End R43: 165 (-3)
    End R44: 163.5 (-1.5)
    End R45: 163 (-.5)
    End R46: 160 (-3)
    End R47: 158.5 (-1.5)
    End R48: 159 (+.5)
    End R49: 157.5 (-1.5)
    End R50: 154.5 (-3)
    End R51: 154 (-.5)
    End R52: 153 (-1)
    End R53: 152.5 (-.5)
    End R54: 151 (-1.5)
    End R55: 149.5 (-1.5)
    End R56: 146.5 (-3)
    End R57: 146.5 (0)
    End R58: 146.5 (0)
    End R59: 144 (-2.5)
    End R60: 144 (0)
    End R61: 145 (+1)
    End R62: 144 (-1)
    End R63: 147.5 (+3.5) Christmas and New Year’s - 2018
    End R64: 145 (-2.5)
    End R65: 145.5 (+.5)
    End R66: 144 (-1.5)
    End R67: 142.5 (-1.5)
    End R68: 143 (+.5)
    End R69: 144.5 (+1.5)
    End R70: 142 (-2.5)
    End R71: 141.5 (-.5)
    End R72: 140 (-1.5)
    End R73: 141 (+1)
    End R74: 143 (+2)
    End R75: 142 (-1)
    End R76: 144.5 (+2.5)
    End R77: 144 (-.5)
    End R78: 143.5 (-.5)
    End R79: 143.5 (0)
    End R80: 140 (-3.5)
    End R81: 143.5 (+3.5)
    End R82: 142 (-1.5)
    End R83: 143.5 (+1.5)
    End R84: 142.5 (-1)
    End R85: 142 (-.5)
    End R86: 142 (0)
    End R87: 140.5 (-1.5)
    End R88: 141.5 (+1)
    End R89: 141.5 (0)
    End R90: 145 (+3.5) Quit smoking - 2019
    End R91: 145 (0)
    End R92: 143.5 (-1.5)
    End R93: 146 (+2.5)
    End R94: 144.5 (-1.5)
    End R95: 143.5 (-1)
    End R96: 144.5 (+1)
    End R97: 146.5 (+2) Thanksgiving aftermath
    End R98: 145.5, BF33.2%, MM 63% (-1)
    End R99: 147.5 (+2) Christmas - 2019
    End R100: 147 (-.5) New Year
    End R101: 147 (0)
    End R102: 145.5 (-1.5)
    End R103: 144 (-1.5)
    End R104: 143(-1)
    End R105: 143.5 (+.5)
    End R106: 143.5 (0)
    End R107: 143.5 (0)
    End R108: 142 (-1.5)
    End R109: 143 (+1)
    End R110: 143 (0)
    End R111: 144 (+1)
    End R112: 146 (+2)
    End R113: 143.5 (-2.5)
    End R114: 146.5 (+3)
    End R115: 146 (-.5)
    End R116: 146 (0)
    End R117: 145.5 (-.5)
    End R118: 146 (+.5)
    End R119: 146.5 (+.5)
    End R120: 147 (+.5)
    End R121: 147 (0)
    End R122: 145 (-2)
    End R123: 144.5 (-.5)
    End R124: 143 (-1.5)
    End R125: 143 (0) - Labor Day
    End R126: 144.5 (+1.5)
    End R127: 142.5(-2)
    End R128: 143 (+.5)
    End R129: 142.5 (-.5)
    End R130: 144 (+1.5)
    End R131: 144(0)
    End R132: 143 (-1)
    End R133: 144 (+1) Thanksgiving
    End R134: 143.5
    End R135: 143.5
    End R136: 143.5 Christmas and New Year - 2020
    End R137: 144 (+.5) Dan's cancer diagnosis
    End R138: 145 (+1)
    End R139: 146 (+1)
    End R140: 145.5 (-.5)
    End R141: 145
    End R142: 145.5 (+.5)
    End R143: 143.5 (-2) - Dan hospitalized
    End R144: 143(-.5)
    End R145: 143.5 (+.5)
    End R146: 145 (+1.5) - Problems with Dan's treatment
    End R147: 144.5 (-.5)
    End R148: 145.5 (+1)
    End R149: 145 (-.5)
    End R150: 144 (-1)
    End R151: 145 (+1)
    End R152: 144.5 (-.5)Dan started BCG at CC
    End R153: 145.5 (+1)
    End R154: 146.5 (+1)
    End R155: 146 (-.5)
    End R156: 147.5 (+1.5)Dan ill from BCG/flu, G hospitalized, retina flash, RP died
    End R157: 147.5(0)
    End R158: 147.5(0)
    End R159: 147(-.5)
    End R160: 147.5(+.5)Dan clear from treatment
    End R161: 147.5(0) L had covid
    End R162: 146(-1.5)
    End R163: 145.5(-.5)
    End R164: 145(-.5)
    End R165: 146 (+1) Dan's final BCG Maint. Mary's Memorial
    End R166: 145.5 (-.5) E Bday/Halloween party
    End R167: 145
    End R168: 146(+1)
    End R169: 145.5 Thanksgiving
    End R170: 145.5 Dan cleared at CC again
    End R171: 145.5
    End R172: 148 (+2.5) Christmas - 2021
    End R173: 147(-1) Heart monitor placed
    End R174: 147(0)
    End R175: 146(-1)
    End R176: 146(0)
    End R177: 145.5(-.5)
    End R178: 145.5(0)
    End R179: 146.5(+1)
    End R180: 145(-1.5)
    End R181: 146(+1)
    End R182: 147(+1)
    End R183: 145.5(-1.5) Dad passed away 4/10/22
    End R184: 146(+.5)
    End R185: 146(0)
    End R186: 148(+2) Stress eating
    End R187: 149(+1) Prep for Dad's service
    End R188: 149.5 (+.5) Celebration of Life for Dad
    End R189: 149.5(0)
    End R190: 149.5(0)
    End R191: 151.5(+2) 4th of July
    End R192: 151(-.5)
    End R193: 149(-2)
    End R194: 149(0)
    End R195: 149(0) - Mark went missing
    End R196: 152(+3) - Niagara Falls trip
    End R197: 149
    End R198: 150.5
    End R199: 149
    End R200: 150.5 - Ron deathly ill
    End R201: 149.5 - Hospitalized with bigeminy
    End R202: 147.5 - Fiona born, Cassie got custody
    End R203: 146.5 - Heart issues
    End R204: 146 - Failed Ablation
    End R205: 146
    End R206: 147 - Thanksgiving and Fiona home
    End R207: 147
    End R208: 148 - Birthday
    End R209: 149.5 - Christmas, NYE, Cassie and Fiona get covid
    End R210: 148.5
    End R211: 149.5
    End R212: 151
    End R213: 147.5
    End R214: 149
    End R215: 149.5
    End R216: 150.1 - New scale, Fiona sick
    End R217: 151.4
    End R218: 151.6
    End R219: 152.3
    End R220: 152.9
    End R221: 152.9 - Fiona adoption, hospitalization
    End R222: 153.2 - Ablation and home from hospital
    End R223: 152.7

    SW: 152.7


    5/22 - 153.4 - Sodium and lack of water caught up with me today. I stayed within weight loss calories all weekend, so I hope to be back down tomorrow.
    5/23 - 153.2 - I stayed on track yesterday, I just have to be patient.
    5/24 - 152.9 - Same story as yesterday.
    5/25 - 152.3 - OK, now I just have to behave with the food over my long holiday weekend.
    5/26 - 151.6 - I ate well yesterday. Since it's a vacation day for me, my husband and I will be running around all day. I have to stay mindful of what I'm eating.
    5/27 - 152.3 - Husband and I split the hamburger I ordered for lunch yesterday, but I had some fries too. I will try to watch the sodium better today.

  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Round 224~Mon May 22 2023 ~ Wed May 31 2023

    Round 224
    May 22 2023~ May 31 2023

    My name is Tish.
    Age: 66
    Height: 5'7.5"
    USW: 260
    2023 Start Wgt:Don't know (Jan1)

    CW: 202
    RG: 64ozs to 80ozs water

    ●(Sun•May 21 2023-¤202

    ▪︎Day1▪︎Mo•May 22-¤201

    ( Su•65g Prot; 80ozs water)


    (Mo•88g Prot; 80ozs water)

    ▪︎Day3▪We•May 24- ¤201

    (Tu• 32g Prot; 64ozs water)

    ▪︎Day4▪Th•May 25- ¤201.8

    (We• 52g Prot; 64ozs water)

    ▪︎Day5▪Fr•May 26-¤202.5

    (Th• 96g Prot; 64ozs water)

    ■Day6▪Sa•May 27- ¤DNW

    (Fr•63g Prot; 64ozs water)

    ▪︎Day7•Su•May 28-¤

    (Sa•g Prot; ozs water)

    ▪︎Day8•Mo•May 29- ¤

    (Su•g Prot; ozs water)

    ▪︎Day9▪Tu•May 30- ¤

    (Mo•5g Prot; ozs water)

    ▪︎Day10▪We•May 31-¤

    (Tu•g Prot; ozs water)

    Intermittent Fasting

    *Round End Weights*
    {Mar 19~Round 34- lost 2.8 lbs~215.8}
    {Mar 28~Round 35 - lost 2.4 lbs~214}
    {Apr 7~Round 36 - lost 1 lb~212}
    {Apr 17~Round 37 - lost 5.6 lbs~206.4}
    {Apr 27~ Round 38 - lost 1 lb~205.4}
    {May 6~ Round 39 - lost 3.4 lbs~202}
    •••Transition Round⬇•••
    {May 17~Round 40 - lost 3 lbs~199}
    {May 27~Round 41 - lost .8 lbs~198.2}
    {Jun 6~Round 42 - lost 2.6 lbs~195.6}
    {Jun 16~Round 43 - lost 1.4 lbs~194.2}
    {Jun 26~Round 44 - lost 1 lb~193.2}
    {Jul 6~Round 45 - no loss~193.2}
    {Jul 16~Round 46 - lost 3.6 lbs~189.6}
    {Jul 26~Round 47 - lost 1.4 lbs~188.2}
    {Aug 5~Round 48 - lost 1.8 lbs~ 186.4}
    {Aug 15~ Round 49 - lost .8 lb~ 185.6}
    {Aug 25~Round 50 - lost 3 lbs~ 182.6}
    {Sep 4~Round 51 - .4 lb gain~ 183}
    {Sep 14~Round 52 - lost 2 lbs~ 180.8}
    {Sep 24~Round 53 - lost 1 lb~ 179.8}
    {Oct 4~Round 54 - lost .8 lb~ 179}
    {Oct 14~ Round 55 - gain .8 lb~ 179.8}
    {Oct 24~Round 56 -lost 3.2 lbs~176.6}
    {Nov 3~Round 57 - gain 1.6 ~178.2}
    {Nov 13~Round 58 - gain .2 ~178.4}
    {Nov 23~Round 59 -lost1.2 lbs~177.2}
    {Dec 3~Round 60 -gain 3.4lb~180.6}
    {Dec 13~Round 61 -lost 3.4 lbs~177.2}
    {Dec 23~Round 62 - lost 2.8lbs~174.4}▪2019▪

    {Jan 2~Round 63 - gain 2.8 lbs~177.2}
    {Jan 12~Round 64 -lost 1.2 lbs~ 173.2}
    {Jan 22~Round 65 - gain 1 lb ~174.2}
    {Feb 1~Round 66 - loss 1.4 lb~ 172.8}
    {Feb 11~Round 67 -gain 2.4 lbs~175.2}
    {Feb 21~Round 68 - loss .6 lb~174.6}
    {Mar 3~Round 69 - gain .4 lb~175}
    {Mar 13~Round 70 - lost 3.2 lb~171.8}
    (Lowest weight 171.2~March 17, 2019)▪RETROSPECT▪This is the point when I looked too bony to myself. I purposely wanted to gain back 10lbs. I'd lost 89lbs in a little over a year, but I thought it was too fast, even though it didn't seem fast during the process!

    {Mar23~Round 71 - gain .4 lb ~172.2}
    {Apr 2~Round 72 - gain 2.6 lbs~ 174.6}
    {Apr12~Round 73 - gain 3.6 lbs~178.2}
    {Apr 22~Round 74 - lost 2.8 lbs~175.4}
    {May 2~Round 75 - gain 1.8 lbs 177.2}
    {May 12~Round 76 - lost 3.2 lbs~ 174}
    {May 22~Round 77 - gain 4 lbs~ 178}
    {Jun 1~Round 78 - lost 2 lbs~176}
    {Jun 11~Round 79 - lost .2lbs 175.8}
    {Jun 21~ Round 80 - gain .2 lbs~ 176}
    {Jul 1~Round 81 - gain 1.4 lbs -177.4}
    {Jul 11~Round 82 -gain .8 lbs -178.2}
    (*Round 82 • LIFE STRESS ROUND* gains begin)

    {Jul 21~Round 83 - gain 2.8 lbs-181}
    {Jul 31~Round 84 -loss 1 lbs - 182}
    {Aug 10~Round 85-gain 1.6 lbs-183.6}
    {Aug 20~Round 86 - gain .6 lbs - 183}
    {Aug 30~Round 87- gain .6 lbs -183.6}7 1.2 lbs -184}
    {Sep 29~Round 90 - lost .8 lbs -183.2}
    {Oct 9~Round 91 - gain .4lbs~183.6}
    {Oct 19~Round 92-lost 1.8 lbs 181.4}
    {Oct 28~Round 93 -gain 1.6 lbs~183}
    {Nov 8~Round 94 -lost .4lbs~182.6}
    {Nov 18~Round 95 - gain 1 lbs~183.6}
    {Nov 27~Round 96 -lost lbs~183.4}
    {Dec 8~Round 97 - gain 1.8 lbs -185.6}
    {Dec 18~Round 98 - 185.6}
    {Dec 25~Round 99 -185.6}

    {Round 136 - 215 EW}Dec 31 2020(1/01)
    {Round 137-209.8 EW}Jan 11 2021
    {Round 138- 209.5 EW}Jan 21 2021
    {Round 139-  DNW EW}Jan 31 2021
    {Round 140-   EW}Feb 10 2021
    {Round 141-  211 EW}Feb 20 2021
    {Round 142-  215  EW}Mar 2 2021
    {Round 143-  215  EW}Mar 12 2021
    {Round 144-  215  EW}Mar 22 2021
    {Round 145-  214.3 EW}April 2 2021
    {Round 146-  DNW EW}April 11 2021
    {Round 147 - 216 EW}April 21 2021
    {Round 148 - 216.3 EW}May 01 2021
    {Round 149 - DNW EW}May 11 2021
    {Round 150 - 216.7 EW}May 21 2021
    {Round 151 - DNW EW}May 31 2021
    {Round 152 - 216.2 EW}June 10 2021
    Round 153 - 215.6 EW}June 20 2021
    Round 154 - 216 EW}June 30 2021⬅
    Round 155 - 212.6 EW}July 10 2021
    Round 156 - 209.4 EW}July 20 2021
    Round 157 - 208.8 EW}July 30 2021
    (???? is diet break)
    Round 158 - 206.6 EW}Aug 9 2021
    Round 159 - 204.6 EW}Aug 19 2021
    ????Round 160 - 202.6 EW}Aug 29 2021
    Round 161 - 200 EW}Sep 8 2021
    Round 162 -196.8 EW}Sep 18 2021
    Round 163 - 198 EW}Sep 28 2021
    Round 164 - 197.6 EW}Oct 8 2021
    Round 165 - 195.2 EW}Oct 18 2021
    Round 166 - 197.6 EW}Oct 28 2021
    Round 167 - 197.4 EW}Nov 7 2021
    Round 168 - 198 EW}Nov 17 2021
    ~illness spanning next 4 rounds~
    Round 169 - DNW EW}Nov 27 2021
    Round 170 - 188.2 EW}Dec 7 2021
    Round 171 - 189 EW}Dec 17 2021
    Round 172 - 191 EW}Dec 27 2021
    Round 173 - 193.6 EW}Jan 6 2022
    Round 174 - 194 EW}Jan 16 2022
    Round 175 - 196 EW}Jan 26 2022
    Round 176 - 197.8 EW}Feb 5 2022
    Round 177 - 199 EW}Feb 15 2022
    Round 178 - 199 EW}Feb 25 2022
    Round 179- 205 EW}Mar 7 2022
    •March 15, 2002- 202.5lbs
    Round 180- 203 EW}Mar 17 2022
    Round 210- 210.4 EW}Jan 11 2023
    Round 211- 211.7 EW} Jan 21 2023
    Round 212- 212.5 EW} Jan 31 2023
    Round 213- 215 EW} Feb 10 2023
    Round 214- 212 EW} Feb 20 2023
    Round 215- 211.8 EW} Mar 2 2023
    Round 216- 212.6 EW} Mar 12 2023
    Round 217- 209.3EW} Mar 22 2023
    Round 218- 208 EW} Apr 1 2023
    Round 219- 206.8 EW} Apr 11 2023
    Round 220- 202.9 EW} Apr 21 2023
    Round 221- 203.7 EW} May 1 2023
    Round 222- 203 EW} May 11 2023
    Round 223- 202 EW} May 21 2023
    Round 224- EW} May 31 2023
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,551 Member
    @musicsax bz2ew40u6ea5.png

    I couldn’t log in to do the post or to ask someone to do it. I appreciate you doing it.

    I’m so happy to see my MFP family continues to grow! I’m home, I’m exhausted and seriously need to get with the program!

    So good to read this, was getting a little worried about you, was struggling to remember how long you were cruising for! Hope you had a marvellous time and made lots of happy memories, welcome back x.