What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,656 Member
    Another easy-pace bike ride, just under 24 miles at 10.3 mph moving average, pretty much Z1/Z2 except briefly on a couple of hills.

    I don't usually bike (non-stationary, anyway) on consecutive days like I did yesterday and today, but gotta do something outdoors on a windy day with otherwise decent weather. Yard work would be more virtuous, but bike is more fun. ;)
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Another easy-pace bike ride, just under 24 miles at 10.3 mph moving average, pretty much Z1/Z2 except briefly on a couple of hills.

    I don't usually bike (non-stationary, anyway) on consecutive days like I did yesterday and today, but gotta do something outdoors on a windy day with otherwise decent weather. Yard work would be more virtuous, but bike is more fun. ;)

  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Can I join this thread? Returned to the gym consistently about 4 months ago, had last week off and decided to mix up my routine when I went back on Wednesday. Was a little achey which was to be expected, Thursday I did boxing class and am really feeling the ache today so just did some yin yoga and walking today.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,538 Member
    Lower body hypertrophy day in the weight room, featuring sets of fifteen reps on squat. Followed up by an hour+ of pushing a heavily laden grocery cart around, shopping today instead of Saturday because I'm covering for a coworker attending a family funeral in Hawaii, which means instead of having a 3-day holiday weekend, I'll be in the office each day.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Just a basic zone 2 run today. 50 minutes following a 4:1 run/walk keeping the HR low.

    This weekend will be my "high volume" weekend before the race in two weeks. We'll do a longish ride tomorrow, then a long swim/long run on Sunday. Long is a relative term, since no crazy mileage is needed for an Olympic distance event.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,656 Member
    Rowed 2 seat (engine room) in the quad, 7779 meters (a bit farther than usual) because we circled back to get the double that was out with us back in sight (safety thing because water still cool, and they launched after us, were slow to catch up). On the way back down stream, we did some power 10s, so some interval work.

    I'm reasonably happy with how the power pieces feel, after Winter, and especially after a Winter where I limited machine rowing because of shoulder issues. So far, the shoulder's not only OK with rowing, but I've had only slight and rare twinges when we lift the boat overhead, roll it into or out of the water, etc. I guess the physical therapy did its work.

    I'm sure the extra biking helped with leg conditioning, and of course legs are where the highest fraction of rowing power comes from. I've also felt pretty good on the bike - within my limitations as a cyclist - i.e., like I'm starting the season with a bit more endurance and maybe even a bit more speed than when starting last season.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 377 Member
    Ran 10 min, walked 10 min. with the dog this morning. This afternoon, my dad helped me put in a garden out back--we planted tomatoes, cucumbers for pickling, purple hull peas, some bell pepper plants, corn, two rows of Blue Lake green beans, and some crook neck and straight neck yellow squash. He's 77, I'm 47--and he totally out-worked me.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,656 Member
    Ran 10 min, walked 10 min. with the dog this morning. This afternoon, my dad helped me put in a garden out back--we planted tomatoes, cucumbers for pickling, purple hull peas, some bell pepper plants, corn, two rows of Blue Lake green beans, and some crook neck and straight neck yellow squash. He's 77, I'm 47--and he totally out-worked me.

    I totally can relate! At about that same age differential - well, a little bigger, since I was born when he was 38 - I planted evergreen seedlings with my dad one time. He'd been doing a whole multi-acre field in stages, I think his solo pace was something like 1000 in a couple of hours or so. My husband and I helped with one set of them, could not keep up. Dad was 70+ at the time for sure. That generation knew how to work!
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    An hour of boxing/circuits at the gym today. Instructor said my technique and footwork is improving which is good as I've barely been since January due to tennis elbow! Very hot and tiring though.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,656 Member
    edited May 2023
    Rowed 3 seat in the quad today, went the usual distance, just under 7k, with some power 10s for interval work. (Fewer 10s than recently, because we were rowing on the water with a freakin' bass tournament!)

    We were supposed to vet a new club member who learned to row at another club, is now joining ours. If she's safe to row, she gets a boathouse key. She sat 2 seat, right in front of me, so mostly my job to check her out, report back to the club board's president. (She was good to go.)