Metformin Support Group



  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,737 Member
    cyn_love wrote: »
    @sollyn23l2 You're right. I don't expect to lose 100 lbs and be able to fuel my body with fast food like the old days without consequence. But I do think that PCOS creates more of a fast track to regain than someone without PCOS.

    Absolutely, it can definitely make it more of a challenge.
  • Kristen525c
    Kristen525c Posts: 387 Member
    @sollyn23l2 I didn't mean go back to the old ways. I just meant be less strict and structured. Many people can do that successfully. With PCOS, if I even blink twice at a cookie, I gain a pound. Do you have PCOS? Insulin resistance? Diabetes?

    @cyn_love that's a start! Do what feels best for you. You can always make adjustments, up or down, as you go. I have found that reducing carbs helps me a lot. Definitely something I try to be mindful of. I typically try to stay under 150 or so. That's about what they had me doing when I had gestational diabetes.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,737 Member
    @sollyn23l2 I didn't mean go back to the old ways. I just meant be less strict and structured. Many people can do that successfully. With PCOS, if I even blink twice at a cookie, I gain a pound. Do you have PCOS? Insulin resistance? Diabetes?

    @cyn_love that's a start! Do what feels best for you. You can always make adjustments, up or down, as you go. I have found that reducing carbs helps me a lot. Definitely something I try to be mindful of. I typically try to stay under 150 or so. That's about what they had me doing when I had gestational diabetes.

    That's what I'm saying. Being "less strict and structured" results in going back to old ways. It's human nature. You have to maintain the structure if you want to maintain the loss. Difficult, for sure.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,737 Member
    sollyn23l2 wrote: »
    @sollyn23l2 I didn't mean go back to the old ways. I just meant be less strict and structured. Many people can do that successfully. With PCOS, if I even blink twice at a cookie, I gain a pound. Do you have PCOS? Insulin resistance? Diabetes?

    @cyn_love that's a start! Do what feels best for you. You can always make adjustments, up or down, as you go. I have found that reducing carbs helps me a lot. Definitely something I try to be mindful of. I typically try to stay under 150 or so. That's about what they had me doing when I had gestational diabetes.

    That's what I'm saying. Being "less strict and structured" results in going back to old ways. It's human nature. You have to maintain the structure if you want to maintain the loss. Difficult, for sure.

    And I have conplete ovarian failure and no thyroid (I had it radiated) so yeah, we all have our issues.
  • cyn_love
    cyn_love Posts: 94 Member
    @sollyn23l2 We definitely do. It's well known that PCOS effects weight in several ways (cravings, insulin resistance, etc.) I'm sure your conditions effect you as well, but I'm not as familiar with it.
  • Kristen525c
    Kristen525c Posts: 387 Member
    Lots of people can be LESS "strict and structured" and still maintain their weight loss. I don't understand why you're arguing that point? Do you really believe that the average person maintaining without PCOS has the same difficulty as someone maintaining with PCOS? You're comparing apples to oranges. Maintaining is difficult for everyone. It is ESPECIALLY difficult with PCOS because our bodies are ACTIVELY fighting against us. The average person's body isn't doing that. If you just want to acknowledge that maintaining is hard in general, sure, yes, it very much is. But this is a metformin group where many people with PCOS will come to discuss that and I would prefer if we were allowed to have our opinions of our own experiences without them being downplayed.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,737 Member
    Lots of people can be LESS "strict and structured" and still maintain their weight loss. I don't understand why you're arguing that point? Do you really believe that the average person maintaining without PCOS has the same difficulty as someone maintaining with PCOS? You're comparing apples to oranges. Maintaining is difficult for everyone. It is ESPECIALLY difficult with PCOS because our bodies are ACTIVELY fighting against us. The average person's body isn't doing that. If you just want to acknowledge that maintaining is hard in general, sure, yes, it very much is. But this is a metformin group where many people with PCOS will come to discuss that and I would prefer if we were allowed to have our opinions of our own experiences without them being downplayed.

    Nobody's downplaying it. You do you. I was agreeing with you that yes, it's difficult. This is an open forum, not a private one. Like I said, yes, it's difficult, there's no denying that.
  • I'll do it with ya!

    I've fallen off with taking mine (prediabetes) and need accountability to take mine!

    Im currently just one 1 pill (I forget the dosage) with the last meal of the day
  • cyn_love
    cyn_love Posts: 94 Member
    @nanareirayasu Woohoo! Welcome! that's all I'm doing right now too.

    Day 3 update: Still no symptoms!!!!!!! I have a long 14 hour drive tomorrow. I just know I'm gong to be stopping every opportunity to ruin some nice gas station attendant's day. 500 mg PM x2 days completed!
  • Kristen525c
    Kristen525c Posts: 387 Member
    sollyn23l2 wrote: »
    Nobody's downplaying it. You do you. I was agreeing with you that yes, it's difficult. This is an open forum, not a private one. Like I said, yes, it's difficult, there's no denying that.

    You basically said "nah it's just like that for everyone." That's downplaying it, friend. Maybe we have a different understanding of "agreement." But cool beans, you do you, peace be with you and also with you, etc. In the future, please consider how your statement may impact your audience before clicking that "post reply" button since, ya know, this is meant to be a SUPPORT group.

    TLDR - read the room before responding ;)

    In all sincerity, I hope that metformin does not have any major side effects on you and that your journey, whatever your intent, is pleasant and the least amount of difficult necessary.

  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    edited June 2023
    @kristenchapman525 Sometimes being fixated on an issue can exacerbate another. I find it really helpful and hopeful knowing that, although difficult, PCOS doesn’t have to determine your weight or weight loss goals.

    This is an interesting read from pubmed and IMO can be incredibly motivating. If I feel like I’m doing an impossible task I question whether to do it at all and this is basically saying the opposite. I hope this research is encouraging.

    Quick excerpt-

    No statistically significant differences in weight or weight loss following the intervention were found between women with and without PCOS in five studies, with the remaining studies not comparing the difference in weight or weight loss between these groups.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    edited June 2023
    Quick side story

    My dog was overly licking over the course of a couple of days so I got her checked for a UTI, bladder infection, etc. After an hour or so the vet came back and said, I’m sorry to say but there’s no signs of anything wrong. Believe me, I kept looking because I didn’t want to waste your time and money.

    I said, oh thank god! I was elated, definitely a dog mom here. She was so surprised at my reaction that I wasn’t mad or annoyed.

    I said, no this is the best case scenario! Why would wasting my time and money trump my dogs heath? Besides, now I don’t have to get her medication and have a follow up appointment.

    You know what she said? You’d be surprised how many owners are mad I didn’t find anything!

    Sometimes I get the feeling that people deal with weight loss the same way. We innocently want to find a reason to justify our choices more than we want the goal.
  • cyn_love
    cyn_love Posts: 94 Member
    @ddsb1111 interesting. I’ll have to give it a read. I’ve been teaching my summer school students about self fulfilling prophecies. It’s definitely easy to turn this into one of them so we aren’t as successful with our weight loss. Good point.
  • Kristen525c
    Kristen525c Posts: 387 Member
    I totally agree. I have just spent half my life having people, including doctors, not believe me when I’ve talked about my struggles. They assume I’m making excuses for poor choices. I get extremely defensive when I feel like someone is attempting to invalidate my personal experiences. And while I most definitely agree that I’ve been guilty of wanting to justify choices, I’ve also 100% experienced doing everything “right” and STILL gaining weight (and not being believed) So forgive me if I’ve come across as harsh due to medical related trauma. I know my body and I know how difficult it is for me to keep weight off, even when I’m making good choices. I will try not to focus on that though because it has been so discouraging in the past and led to a “why bother” mindset. I appreciate you bringing that up in a kind way.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    edited June 2023
    @cyn_love You sound like an amazing and inspiring teacher, and I’m fairly certain giving them a belief in themselves will be something they carry throughout their lives. Sometimes your belief is all you have.

    @kristenchapman525 I know exactly what you mean but for different reasons. Before you know it you don’t know who to trust, who your friends really are, or who is sabotaging your efforts. At the end of the day there’s an incredible amount of support here and knowledge so please lean on this community and don’t give up. I personally want to see you succeed and know you can if you give yourself grace, have patience, and be persistent. This adventure is not easy at all but it’s so worth it.
  • cyn_love
    cyn_love Posts: 94 Member
    edited June 2023
    @ddsb1111 Thank you so much.

    Day 7 update: Today will be my last day of 500mg with only dinner. Tomorrow I start it in the morning as well. I had a day or two of some GI symptoms, but nothing crazy. Might've just been food related. So far so good!

    Also, I got my HbgA1c results...... 6.1 yeesh!
  • Kristen525c
    Kristen525c Posts: 387 Member
    cyn_love wrote: »
    @ddsb1111 Thank you so much.

    Day 7 update: Today will be my last day of 500mg with only dinner. Tomorrow I start it in the morning as well. I had a day or two of some GI symptoms, but nothing crazy. Might've just been food related. So far so good!

    Also, I got my HbgA1c results...... 6.1 yeesh!

    I will ask you 14 times a day if you remembered your meds :D As for the A1C, that's still in the prediabetes range. As hard as you're working, you'll bring that down.
  • Dellagirl5316
    Dellagirl5316 Posts: 24 Member
    I need iron anyway because I run low on iron levels. but I think it does help with metformin as well. Could always try for a couple weeks and see if you feel a difference
  • cyn_love
    cyn_love Posts: 94 Member
    Day 15 update:
    I up my dose again today. 500mg AM and 1000 mg PM. So far I'm doing well! No crazy GI issues yet.
  • PeachHibiscus
    PeachHibiscus Posts: 163 Member
    I had my first 3 month A1C test yesterday since being diagnosed T2D. It was 7.0 in March and 6.3 last March. Yesterday's result was 5.6. My doctor is happy with that and isn't going to increase the Metformin dosage at this time so I'll be sticking with 500 mg 2X a day.