Welcome New Members!



  • ThisIsMegs53
    ThisIsMegs53 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi all, looking for like minded friends, I’m on a mission to loose 20lbs. Currently dealing with a little stall in form of a sprained ankle, but I won’t let it stop me.

    Come say hello, let’s chat, motivate each other and reach our goals!
  • spoonpop
    spoonpop Posts: 1 Member
    Heyo! I’m Spoon - I just did Noom for a year & wanted to join my friends across the globe here to encourage each other to get fit as we get old! 😜
  • goodtroubleonwheels
    goodtroubleonwheels Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined a few days ago. A friend of mine has had good results with the app and suggested I give it a try.
  • logiegirl250
    logiegirl250 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi just new, would love to make new friends
  • deanpaul76
    deanpaul76 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Dean, 46 from Kent, England. Looking for ideas and motivation. Feel free to add me. 😊
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Hello from Texas!
    I am technically not new but it has been YEARS since I’ve been here.
    I am a 68 woman with diabetes and a strong aversion to exercise!
    Would love to connect with a supportive group who is not afraid to kick my butt when I need it. I agree to do the same but I will also celebrate your successes and maybe even make you smile!
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Hi I’m Wendy
  • wicked78k
    wicked78k Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I’m Kristine…. Just joined recently, app is nice. It’s given me insight to what I’m not getting enough of and vice versa. I recently suddenly put on almost 30lbs when I quit smoking and am having a really hard time getting rid of it. Tried on my own but I didn’t seem to eat enough so when I would exercise I didn’t have enough energy…. So here I am. ☺️
  • ikalujny
    ikalujny Posts: 66 Member
    Alive Inside.


    25kg to go...
  • RadicalClavicle4444
    RadicalClavicle4444 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone I’m not actually new to this I’m just restarting and recommitting. I’ve done this a million times but I’ve never stuck with it. I’ve literally never been a normal weight so I don’t have anything to miss? I’m just trying to know what it feels like to be healthy and confident. Would love some new friends and support.
  • efflorescing
    efflorescing Posts: 2 Member
    Hiii. I'm Ashley. 35. Texan.
    (Old) new member. Losing the last few pesky pounds. 151 down and 19 to go.
  • HealthyFuture2023
    HealthyFuture2023 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m back after a long hiatus. I found this app and the support on here super helpful my first time. Looking for supportive friends! Feel free to add me
  • Niteman3d
    Niteman3d Posts: 163 Member
    Hiii. I'm Ashley. 35. Texan.
    (Old) new member. Losing the last few pesky pounds. 151 down and 19 to go.

    More than a few and more than pesky... way to go! 👍😊

  • deepsouthgirl
    deepsouthgirl Posts: 1 Member
    Hi- I'm N. and I am 54. Have recently finished 5 years of cancer meds, and attributed that to most of my weight gain. But it's been a few months being done and and my weight is the same. So it's time to set better priorities on what I eat, how much, and doing more exercise. What I was doing before isn't working so it's time to do differently! Looking forward to being inspired by other people's victories, and having some of my own!
  • laurenamundson
    laurenamundson Posts: 3 Member
    I lost 30 pounds doing weight watchers over the past 15 months or so, but I have been stuck trying to lose the last 5-8 pounds. I decided to work based on calories to push though the last few pounds.
  • sureshchidrewar
    sureshchidrewar Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone, just joined. Looking forward for all your support
  • emilygray2059
    emilygray2059 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m 4.5 months postpartum with baby #4 and started my weight loss journey about 3 months ago. Already down 30 lbs! Look forward to connecting to some motivational people :)
  • meldrach5
    meldrach5 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Melda, nice to e-meet everyone.

    I have been struggling on and off with my weights since little, and gained 5+ kilos or 11+ pounds in just few short months. I have lost 2 kilos / 4.4 pounds in the last 2 weeks by watching my macros. Keeping my macros on track has done wonders for me so far. I am eating a lot, and so far maintaining a good energy level throughout the day, while the weights have been effortlessly dropping off.

    I just posted about this in Health and Weight Loss section (Keeping my Macros on track has done wonder for me! 2 kilos, 2 weeks, eating a lot!). I need to warn you that it is a long(er) reading though. Hope that it can be beneficial for you.

    Let's stay strong! We can do this!

  • ja20102004
    ja20102004 Posts: 349 Member
    Hi I am not really new new. But I am 38, live in Minnesota, have 4 kids, and an amazing yet lazy man. I am trying to break my goals up alittle by alittle. My first goal is 35 pounds. I have been lower my sugar intake and uping my protein.
  • alexwwilson
    alexwwilson Posts: 4 Member
    looking for other fitness addicts to try get rid of those last few problem pounds. I want to eat healthy... Train hard, but enjoy life at the same time.... I can't stick to diets, and enjoy chest days too much. Looking for motivation and to help others motivate themselves with tips whilst eating (every little helps) and training routines / tips to help balance out a 'non strict diet' lifestyle. Let's go.