Christmas Challenge 2011



  • Very pleased with my first week results. I love knowing I have to post this each Sunday. I need this accountability!

    SW (9/18)- 165.8

    Week 1 (9/25)- 162.8
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 150
    NWG (non weight goal)- '1. Fit back into my skinny jeans by Halloween
    2. Surprise my daughter with how I look when she comes home from college @ Thanksgiving
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    I just weighed in at 182.2 from 183.2 to start. I wanted 2 lbs but I am glad I at least saw a 1 lb drop! I kinda hate my scale because when I first stepped on it it said 181. I always do it again to check because I just don't trust it, so I stepped back on & it gave me 182.2. I liked the first # better but I always go with the highest! Does anyone else find their scale changing like that? It's a weight watchers scale that I've had for about 5 years...

    Mine does that all the time. I usually weigh twice also but if they are not the same then I weigh a third time and take the highest (why do we let those darn scales do that to us lol)

    Okay, at least I'm not the only one with a scale that messes with your mind! It's so frustrating! I do the same with weighing 3 times & taking the highest. I weighed 183 at the gym yesterday with my workout clothes AND shoes on, & last week at the gym I was like 187 with all that on, so I know I have to be losing something. It's just frustrating not knowing exactly how much :) I will try not to stress over the # & just keep going!
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Good morning, this is a good way to start Sunday mornings! Happy to have lost weight (I was at my start weight for the past week so it finally changed). Good luck to everyone!!

    SW (9/24)- 179.7

    Week 1 (9/25)- 177.7
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 161
    NWG (non weight goal)- get rid of any clothes that are too big and replace as needed with smaller sizes!
  • grimmmylene
    grimmmylene Posts: 2 Member
    Sun 09/18/11 06:42 PMHi everyone, I am in, too! I need motivation galore. This is my first time doing anything like this. I have just recently joined MFP.

    My HW- 300lbs

    My CW- 251

    Sept. 18th- 251

    Sept. 25- 241.5 :happy:

    Oct. 2 -

    Oct. 9 -

    Oct 16 -

    Oct 23 -

    Oct 30 -

    Nov. 6 -

    Nov. 13 -

    Nov 20-

    Nov 27-

    Dec. 4 -

    Dec 11-

    Dec 18-

    Dec 25 -

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    NWGoal - to be able to rollerblade/iceskate

    I believe this is possible due to alot of walking, and loss of extra fluid, from drinking more water, of 10 lbs.. Alot of walking, as I got rid of my car, now have to walk/bike/bus it anywhere and everywhere, til I reach my goal, even then, I am not sure I want to go back to having auto, I can always rent one, if I need to go to far..

    Was having a bit of confusion, when I first signed up for, I put in my CW of 248lbs. Did not log in for a while after that, gained a few lbs., put that in on my CW here on group's page, but, did not register it in, on my home page. So, now my ticker is off by a few pounds. I realise why I did not add my CW at time of ticker's creation ( I was embarassed at the weight gain:embarassed: ) So now my ticker is off, but, maybe I can fix it, to it's correct point. This is what I get for not being all the way honest with myself from beginning.. I have forfeited my claim to a few pounds of loss. :frown:

    I just fixed it! Yay!!!!!! :happy:
  • Good Morning! Lost a little this week--knowing I had to weigh in this morning definitely kept me aware of my choices last night when I was out with friends.

    I fell a bit short of my NWG and only fit in two exercise periods, but I did hit the 90 minute mark. I'll plan better this week!

    SW (9/18)- 182

    Week 1 (9/25)- 179.6
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 160
    NWG (non weight goal)- exercise 3x weekly for 30 minutes
  • CindyC72
    CindyC72 Posts: 20 Member
    I just weighed in at 182.2 from 183.2 to start. I wanted 2 lbs but I am glad I at least saw a 1 lb drop! I kinda hate my scale because when I first stepped on it it said 181. I always do it again to check because I just don't trust it, so I stepped back on & it gave me 182.2. I liked the first # better but I always go with the highest! Does anyone else find their scale changing like that? It's a weight watchers scale that I've had for about 5 years...

    My scale does that too. It gets me all excited at first but then I step on it again and see that my weight is higher the second time. I usually weigh myself a few times and use the highest number or the number that comes up more than once. This morning at first it said I had lost 4 pounds! Yeah, I wish :/
  • MatthewFlury
    MatthewFlury Posts: 4 Member
    SW (9/18)- 247.2

    Week 1 (9/25)- 243.0
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight: 215 (or less)
    NWG (non-weight goal): Be able to consistently jog 3 miles non-stop (can only do 1 at the moment)
  • SW (9/18)- 124

    Week 1 (9/25)- 123
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 115
    NWG (non weight Goal) My goal is to fit in THE jeans!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    SW (9/18)-249.8

    Week 1 (9/25)-246
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 230
    NWG (non weight goal)- To stick to the south beach diet, I am currently going on Phase 2

  • junebug1010
    junebug1010 Posts: 27 Member
    Since the Macy's in the Mall has already decided it was necessary to put up Christmas Trees and decorations (GRRRRR!),
    Count me in!

    Week 1 (9/25)-
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight-180 lb
    NWG (non weight goal)-To be able to run a 5K

    Anyone who joins can feel free to add me!!
  • Happy Sunday Y'all

    13 days into 'operation hellthy' and 7lbs to the good so far - exercising like a mad man, and have been quite discplined with the diet - i did have a piece (or three) of cadbury's chocolate but no soda's, potato chips or the like.... long may it continue... thanks to everyone for the kind wishes and support.

    SW (9/18)- 257.4

    Week 1 (9/25)- 253.2
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight - to get below 220lbs before I fly back to Wales on xmas eve.
    NWG (non weight goal) - get comfortably into clothes again - not to be classed as 'obese'
  • Alycra
    Alycra Posts: 88 Member
    SW (9/18)- 188.0

    Week 1 (9/25)- 185.0
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight-170
    NWG (non weight goal)- 2 size smaller jeans!
  • So I gained a pound, which is discouraging. But it is really making me look back at the week and see where I could make improvements. For example three days this week I didn't finish logging. And Friday night was just BAD all around. I'm gonna keep working at it though! Hopping to see a loss next week and get back on track.

    SW (9/18)- 144.8

    Week 1 (9/25)- 145.9
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 130
    NWG (non weight goal)- be able to do three pull ups.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Happy Weigh In Day :wink: ,

    I can't seem to find the edit button :blushing: so I'll just copy & past my post/progress. I'm finally off my plateau and down 4.7 lbs. I'm loving MFP :love: and this challenge is definitely keeping me motivated. WooHoo . . . . . . . .

    SW (9/18)- 317 lbs

    Week 1 (9/25)- 312.7
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 288 lbs
    NWG (non weight goal)- Walk 2 miles 3 days a week on the treadmill

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    HEY GUYS!!!

  • Have updated on the spreadsheet, so won't relist my original post but 1.6 lb lost this week which I'm very happy about. Definitely more motivated as it got towards Sunday and I realised everyone would know how I'd done!

    Here's to another good week for us all :)
  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    I'm in ! very excited

    SW (9/18) 235

    week 1 (9/25) 233

    week 2 (10/2)

    week 3 (10/9)

    week 4 (10/16)

    week 5 ( 10/23)

    week 6 (10/30)

    week 7 ( 11/6)

    week 8 (11/13)

    week 9 (11/20)

    week 10 (11/27)

    week 11 (12/4)

    week 12 (12/11)

    week 13 (12/18)

    week 14 (12/25)

    NGW feel better about myself
  • I also added my loss to the spreadsheet....

    SW (9/18)- 243.4

    Week 1 (9/25)- 241.4
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 190 by the end of this challenge
    NWG (non weight goal)- My NWG is to be able to run (not walk) at least 1 full mile.
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Can i please join?!

    SW (9/18)-

    Week 1 (9/25)- 141
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 125
    NWG (non weight goal)- have to think about it :)
  • debclif
    debclif Posts: 74 Member
    13 WEEKS and 13 lbs to GO! Great job everyone!

    SW (9/18)- 183

    Week 1 (9/25)- 182
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 169
    NWG (non weight goal)- To fit into my skinny jeans with comfort. (size 12)