Christmas Challenge 2011



  • SW (9/18)- 166

    Week 1 (9/25)- 165.2
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 152
    NWG (non weight goal)- Fit into my wedding dress! AND to walk/run a 5k five days a week!

    Right on track. :D
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I'm joining late, but I really want in on this one! Great job on week one everybody!

    SW (9/18)- 167

    Week 1 (9/25)- 164
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 135
    NWG (non weight goal)- To be able to do 25 push-ups...real ones!
  • salvarado08
    salvarado08 Posts: 20 Member
    Had a great loss this week, but I think most of that is water weight since I'm just starting out. Hope everyone has a great week and remember, you're all fabulous!!!

    P.S. I couldn't edit my old post, so I had to quote it. Any reason why? I also added myself to the spreadsheet :)
    This is great! If I can still join, I would love to. I actually just began using MFP on Sunday, but am already hooked!

    SW (9/22)- 193

    Week 1 (9/25)- 189.2
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 165
    NWG: Workout AT LEAST 2 times a week.
  • SW (9/18)- 235.6

    Week 1 (9/25)-235.6
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 205
    NWG (non weight Goal) to be able to do 100 pushups consec..
  • HWinCS
    HWinCS Posts: 271 Member
    Count me in.

    SW (9/18)- 210.5

    Week 1 (9/25)-
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 182
    NWG (non weight goal)-Looking and feeling awesome at christmas.

    Added name to spreadsheet.
  • Curry0724
    Curry0724 Posts: 51 Member
    SW (9/18)- 163

    Week 1 (9/25)- 160.9
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 140
    NWG (non weight goal)- For all my tight pants to just fit normal again!

    I know 14 weeks is a long time and as such the replies can get long and you may lose track of all you other posts so I suggest creating one post and just quoting it each week so you don't have to re-do the layout each week. Feel free to add me as a friend and let's help keep each other motivated and stay on track. Together we can do this! So, whose with me?
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    Can I start in a little late?
    My name is Joline
    SW (9/21--last time I weighed myself) 193.7

    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-
    My goal by then is 179 lbs (I want to be out of the 190's and 180's)
    NWG is to have completely quit drinking soda and to be able to do my yoga poses all for the required amount of time
  • shesgotaplan
    shesgotaplan Posts: 29 Member
    I'm joining late, too but I really want to do a Christmas Challenge and this is perfect. I have added myself to the spreadsheet.

    SW (9/18)- 199

    Week 1 (9/25)- 196.0
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 176
    NWG (non weight goal) - To be able run 5k
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    well i think i saved myself on the spread sheet
  • gomezdowns
    gomezdowns Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in! I want to look smashing for New Years!

    SW (9/18)- 156.6

    Week 1 (9/25)- 154.8 Bought my first pair of skinny jeans today (2 sizes down)
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 120
    NWG (non weight goal)- To dance in high heels and look irresistible! :heart:
  • I'm joining late also, but would love to join if possible! Please!!

    SW (9/25)- 255

    Week 1 (9/25)- 255.0
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 199
    NWG (non weight goal) - To Be Able To Run!
  • I added myself! Congrats on the losses! **Weight Loss Dust** to all!
  • gomezdowns
    gomezdowns Posts: 18 Member
    GREAT LOSS!!!!
  • ajr050969
    ajr050969 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm In! I'll weight in on Mondays.


    Christmas goal: 149 LBS
    Non-weight goal: To tuck in my shirt and not feel fat! :laugh:
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    AWESOME ladies and gents!!! So, what is everyone going to treat themselves with if they reach their goal? Doesn't have to be food!! Me I am going to get myself a new tattoo lol what about you all??
  • a new wardrobe!!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Added myself to the spreadsheet, I think it worked...

    SW: 153

    Week 1 (9/25)- 151 (didn't get a chance to weigh myself this morning so I'm using yesterday's weight)
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 140
    NWG (non weight goal)- Complete 30 day shred and c25k. Start p90x.
  • Cseemo
    Cseemo Posts: 13 Member
    I am in!

    SW (9/18)- 251.5

    Week 1 (9/25)- 244
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 209
    NWG (non weight goal)- I want to fit into a Large sweater and wear 36 inch pants to dinner without having to suck in my gut!
  • Brandzilla
    Brandzilla Posts: 51 Member
    I'm in too!
    SW: 171.5

    Week 1 (9/25)- 171.5 I joined today so same as start weight. : )
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 160
    NWG (non weight goal)- Fit into my size 10 jeans I'm holding on to that I wore last time I was 160. They are cute.
  • Jumping in!
    Didn't weigh myself today so I used my last know weight, I will update tomorrow...

    SW (9/18)- 220

    Week 1 (9/25)- 220
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 189
    NWG (non weight goal)- To be able to wear all of the clothes in my closet that are too tight, don't fit, etc...