Looking for a support system

stephk19 Posts: 16 Member
edited June 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone. I'm 35 and from the UK. I have a 15 month old little girl and feel a bit lost and daunted when it comes to my weight loss. I'd really like to have a few people on MFP, but I'm hoping I can find a sort of check in partner with.

I feel like I would respond well to having someone to send a sort of status report to to keep me motivated to stay on track with my calories and getting me to exercise. I realise this might be too intensive of an ask for a lot of people, but I thought I would ask, as someone may be feeling the same as me?

I weigh probably somewhere between 240-250lbs (I was 238 a few weeks ago), and I would in an ideal world like to to around 170-180.

If anyone would like to be part of a little support circle, even if it's not to be a check in partner, please let me know. I also have an apple watch if anyone wanted to add on there too.

Thanks for taking the time to read everyone.


  • Sammi_x_
    Sammi_x_ Posts: 52 Member

    Hey Steph! You have made the first real move which is the most important! A start. Cant go wrong from there :).

    I am on a mission to lose 70lbs myself! So currently weigh 103kg. Well I was 106kg so I have lost half a stone, Which is great because I have only just started.

    Hopefully we can connect. I have added you
  • stephk19
    stephk19 Posts: 16 Member
    @Sammi_x_ half a stone is such a great start! I'm currently trying to stop myself from putting off calorie counting 'because I haven't done this weeks shop yet', or 'I need a few days to plan'.

    I'm just going to do it! and I can take it one day at a time
  • Sammi_x_
    Sammi_x_ Posts: 52 Member
    @stephk19 Than you. It has helped me just by losing that at first. Really makes me feel I can do it this time as i have tried to cut back but hasnt worked until now.

    Maybe dont plan it? What I do is go food shopping and have a nice casual stroll so I can look at things properly and compare and such. Maybe that wont be so stressful?
  • jenquigley
    jenquigley Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I have been using MFP off and on for a few years. I have been doing well this past couple of weeks motivating myself to workout, but I would like to get better with logging my meals in MFP. My goal is to lose 35 to 40 pounds. Please feel free to add me if your interested.
  • stephk19
    stephk19 Posts: 16 Member
    @Sammi_x_ I'm terrible if I don't plan. It's one of my biggest self destruct points - If I don't have a plan for what I'm going to eat that day, I turn into a monster and just eat EVERYTHING! I really need to learn self control haha.

    @jenquigley - I've sent you a friend request...I'm trying to build a little group of people that are active on here :smile:
  • jessy_Nachos
    jessy_Nachos Posts: 2 Member
    Hi @stephk19! I've also just recently joined the community. My goal is ~50-60 pounds, along with creating a more active lifestyle and eating more healthy, fresh foods.

    My focus now is menu planning and sticking to it - I'm the type of person who all too easily gives in to cravings, especially on a long or difficult day.

    I'd love to have a check-in partner, and even someone to share recipes with. And, honestly, having someone who is expecting a status update from me will help with consistency.

    I'm a generally positive person so I'm happy to cheer you on as you continue your journey.
  • stephk19
    stephk19 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi @jessy_Nachos that sounds great! I've send you a friend request :smile:
  • mrv_92
    mrv_92 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi!! I would love to have an accountability partner. I've used this app on and off for years and have been successful in the past, but now that I'm starting my thirties and hope to become a mom one day, I'm trying to get healthier. My current goal is to lose 30 lbs because I'm somewhat short. Not only that, my last blood work was a wake up call and I want to eat healthier as well. Please feel free to send me a friend request and we can help keep each other accountable! (I'm in the US so time zones are different)
  • _Grafter
    _Grafter Posts: 14 Member
    More than happy to be friends on here and cheer you on, feel free to drop me a fr if you want a bald fat man on your timeline 😊
  • annwolber
    annwolber Posts: 4 Member
    @mrv_92 I sent you a friend request! I’m in the same boat as you and would love to be your daily accountability partner!
  • kelseyrobinson922
    kelseyrobinson922 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I'd love to be in your circle - accountability is everything, and I need it too!
  • c0c0nutHead
    c0c0nutHead Posts: 20 Member
    I'd love to be accountability friends too! I have 40 I'd like to lose. I had weighed 220 at one point, then down to 140, now back up to 190. Really struggle with doing this alone.
  • Sugarnspice1922
    Sugarnspice1922 Posts: 144 Member
  • SarahIsabel26
    SarahIsabel26 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Steph, I hope you don't mind but I've added you, I'm 36, I have 2 children aged 6 and 10. I started at 244 lbs so a similar starting point to you. My goal at the moment is 168lbs. I've lost 7lbs so far in the last 3 weeks.
    I have been on MFP on and off for a number of years but have never been on the forums before!
    I hope as we have similar starting points and goals we can support each other.

    Take Care
    Sarah x
  • haleybug89
    haleybug89 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Steph.

    I hope you don't mind that I added you. Sounds like you and I are in a similar boat.
    I am 33 from the US (Louisiana) with a 3 year old and a 6 month old. I have been using MFP on and off for the past few years. But I am making it habit to use it every day now. I started around 265lbs and now I am in the lower 230's. My goal weight is about 180lbs. I too have an apple watch and just started adding exercise a few times a week (when the kids allow).

  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    Steph, if you have a tendency to binge, I would warn against eating too few calories on a a daily basis. I've lost more weight eating 1900 calories a day than I did eating 1600 a day, simply because I almost never feel tempted to dive into junk foods or "eat everything in sight". If you share and close your diary every day, your friends should be able to see it in their news feeds and comment on it. Same for posting your exercise.