
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member
    @quiltingjaine and @musicsax, My experience with it is wonderful! so far.

    ~I now experience deeper, more restful, uninterrupted sleep. I have always been a very light sleeper and as I have gotten older, I sleep only about 4 hours nightly.
    ~No leg or foot cramps and none of those cramps that start in your ankle and creep up your leg.
    ~A lot less nerve tingling, especially when I take B12 and Alpha lipoic acid with it
    ~No constipation!
    ~A lot less stress- I can truthfully say that I did not get the cortisol surge when my husbands blood sugar sent him to the hospital. I feel like I have control over the cortisol, which I don't, the magnesium just allows me to have a much calmer physical reaction.
    I have always taken a magnesium supplement but this liposomal magnesium is a game changer for me. The brand I am taking is Juvetirpo. It is a combination of magnesium threonate, citrate and glycinate. 2200mg in 2 softgels. 2200mg seems quite a bit high to me though, so I don't take it every day. I take it every other day and if I forget to take it, its because I am not experiencing any symptoms.

    Magnesium Types and their benefits

    What is liposomal?
    What does liposomal mean?

    LIPOSOMAL TECHNOLOGY: What it is and how it affects supplements

    @tiabirdie Can you take 1 softgel daily at 1100mg? I am going to Amazon to find it. Is that where you ordered it?
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member
    Round 228

    7/06 #124.2- I am telling myself slow is good, losing weight slowly means I actually losing fat and not just water fluctuations...Putting great effort into weighing my food, created this medley for lunch: TJ cauliflower gnocchi, chicken sausage, asparagus, and colorful tomato medley, fried it up, and then poured in separate bowl to measure, so I can divide into 3 servings. I have been working on my just dirty the dish complex, one more dish to clean is not a big deal- My wonderful mother was the most fabulous cook, but she was messy, dirty so many dishes every night. I was the awful daughter who did the dishes and just complained... She has had several strokes the last year and can no longer talk and only can eat soft foods, my heart breaks for her quality of life. But I am rejoicing in the lessons she taught me, so just dirty the dish and measure! A thank you to God for my mother! - on a different note, did a 5 minute resting squat, 10 minutes total. 1 hour pickleball, physically sore, but mentally sorer- frustrated in 2 months could lose so much of my game, sure it will calm back but with working so hard need to accept will not reach that level of play again.

    @Anabirgite God bless your mother. It warms my heart to read of your gratefulness!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member
    clprieur wrote: Β»
    Christine from Burlington, Ontario, Canada 😊
    My 17th Round
    Age: 53

    7/6 I had a super upsetting mtg with my boss yesterday and I felt the urge to drink afterwards (which I have not felt in a long time) and when that passed then I felt the urge to eat/binge. I was able to let both urges pass, thankfully. I started crying near the end of the mtg and had to turn off my mic and type my last few comments in the chat. I was crying too hard to speak. Then I couldn’t stop crying so I decided to log off work for the balance of the day. (I had a bunch of other mtgs scheduled and did not think I could be present and effective for those.) I was able to ask hubby for some time alone and I decided to feel my stupid feelings. I was able to label my feelings (β€œI feel sad and angry and unsupported”) and also identify where I was feeling that in my body (β€œI feel that in my stomach and my chest is really tight”). Then I reminded myself that feelings are temporary and will pass. And I remembered that if I could not calm down, I had an ice pack in the freezer to put on my eyes, if necessary, which was good to remember but I ended up not needing it. I’m glad I was able to remember some coping strategies even though I was very upset. Today I am thinking β€œI am just having a rough patch with my career. This is very common and happens to a lot of people. All I can do is make a plan to move forward. This will pass and things will get better.” It is unusual for me to not be thinking β€œI am a failure and I am stupid and I can’t do anything right and why bother and I should just quit” etc. although I did feel the β€œI should just quit” feeling right after the upsetting meeting. When I did think that, I was able to remind myself to not make any decisions when I am feeling so upset and think about it again later. I had previously booked today and tomorrow off to prepare for my kayak/picnic day on Saturday, so I have until Monday to calm down about it and hopefully return with a better attitude on Monday.

    @clprieur Thanks for sharing your coping mechanisms and the specific way you feel and address your feelings. It will be helpful to me and to many others, I'm sure. I'm glad you got through those feelings. You are right. Certainly the intensity of the feelings will pass allowing more clarity. I am glad you have a few extra days to sort your feelings out. Prayers and good vibes to you dear girl!

  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    edited July 2023
    @quiltingjaine, you're welcome.

    @deepwoodslady, One capsule probably would be effective. Yes, I bought it from Amazon. Juvetirpo liposomal magnesium

  • BringIt2023
    BringIt2023 Posts: 72 Member
    @clprieur - I second what deepwoodslady articulated so wonderfully above. Thanks for sharing here, thanks for stating your coping mechanisms. I am so very sorry you had such an upsetting meeting with your boss. Sending you a huge hug!!