

  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,887 Member
    @Danceswithdogz (I dance with my cats and they hate it) Regarding weighing every day. For me, the value of daily is learning patterns and cause and effect on the scale. I am no longer shocked my uptick after a high volume (still in my system) or high carb (I retain fluids) day. Knowing this can be helpful. If one weighs more randomly and steps on the scale after one such day, there is no data to have told you that days reading is likely high. Anyhow, weighing patterns are up to the individual and should be whatever supports that person best.

    @39Flavours I surprisingly loved Schitts creek!

    @anabirgite I want to try and make the cottage cheese ice cream that I frequently see

    Took a walk/run break to remove excuses. Just got in from 6 miles!

    @jelleigh I have been hearing things about not aggravating cortisol as well. A recent one was a podcast on “belly fat” and it talked about types of exercise. So many things to thin about

    @fitby44 One of my favorite dining out tricks to not feel deprived is two appetizers. One used as appetizer and one as my entrée. I’m a foodie so it makes me happy. :P

    @tiabirdie56 @Quiltingjaine @Musicsax Hubby is the cramp person. His are had when they hit. I don’t know how, but Hyland's Naturals Leg Cramp Tablets stop them quickly. Will tell Hub’s about the liposomal magnesium.

    Caught up through page 8. Going to go make breakfast.
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,080 Member
    @SModa61 Do you happen to remember the name of the podcast about belly fat? I’m curious about the exercise part
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,080 Member
    @clprieur I’m sorry you had such a hard day at work, but thank you for sharing your coping strategies — helpful for many of us I’m sure. I actually implemented some of them yesterday after reading your post, as I was stressed when DH came home with a bloodied hand from our big, playful, completely non-aggressive but short-on-impulse-control adolescent pup.

    @tiabirdie56 I just ordered some liposomal magnesium. The stuff I’ve been taking no longer seems to do the trick for leg cramps, so I’ll try this. Thanks for the info!

  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 700 Member
    5'1", female, 52 years old.
    SW: 190.0 CW: 190.0
    R228 (my 1st)
    RGW: 187.0
    FGW: 160
    UGW: 120

    R228 Goals:
    1. Track food daily
    2. Strength training 3X
    3. Steps: 80,000
    4. Floors: 80
    5. Zone Minutes: 450
    6. Water: 82oz Daily

    Day, Weight, Comment

    7/1 - 189.6
    7/2 - 189.4
    7/3 - 190.4
    7/4 - 191.6
    7/5 - 190.4
    7/6 - 189.8, not the best day. Started out really good, but then the pull of my chair and cheese pleasures got to me. Thinking that maybe I should throw out my chair or at least make it so that I can't just sit easily. I tracked my food this morning, which is better then not tracking but I need to get in the habit of tracking as the day goes. I was just under for my calorie count, barely and in truth because I didn’t track as I ate I probably under represented what I ate. My water intake is still very low, need to work on that. 5,961 steps (38,560 left), 2 Floors (56 left), 36 Zone Minutes (207 left). Farley and I did not get out for a walk last night it was simply too hot for him. I think that I am going to have to start taking him in the morning.
    7/7 - 190.0
    7/8 -
    7/9 -
    7/10 -
    Previous Day's Comments
    7/1 - 189.6 - tracked food, Strength training - rest day, 8,488 steps (71,512 left), 9 Floors done ( 71 left), 59 Zone Minutes ( 391 left). 56oz water, under goal. Over all it was a good day. Got out for a 45 minute walk/run with Fraley.
    7/2 - 189.4 - bad day. Didn't track, didn't wear Fitbit most of the day 1,894 steps (69,618 left) 1 Floor (70 left), 5 Zone Minutes (386 left). Water not tracked. Smoke and bad air quality was back.. Spent the day baking donuts and watching TV, not great.
    7/3 - 190.4- good day, didn’t track my food that well . Strength training completed, 6,902 steps (62,716 left), 5 Floors (65 left), 31 Zone Minutes (355 left).
    7/4 - 191.6 - overall good day. Didn’t track food or water I really need to get this on lock. Rest day from strength training, muscles are sore from the other day. 9,443 steps (53,273 left), 3 floors ( 62 left), 31 Zone minutes (324 left). I listened to 2 episodes of the coaches cup podcast. Took Farley for a walk last evening, we didn’t go as far the other day but we got out and he had fun
    7/5 - 190.4 - average day, it got a little hot in the afternoon and the smoke was really bad again from the fires. I finished tracking my food this morning. I was over for my calorie count. My water was little low, still need to work on that. 8,752 steps (44,521 left), 4 floors (58 left), 81 Zone Minutes (243 left). Farley and I didn't get out for our walk due to the air quality. I did a new strength training workout. Found it on YouTube Senior Fitness Seated Dumbbell Workout For Beginners | 20 Min, it is part of a workout series Senior Fitness with Meredith. I think that I am going to continue to use this one. [ /Spoiler]
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,887 Member
    @tiabirdie56 I saw your update. Thanks for the info. Have you ever tried or considered just taking one softgel, which I assume would then be 1100 mg? I have been considering starting supplements. Magnesium being one, so I will be checking this out. Thx (haha, this got asked and answered on the next page)

    @jakette3 see you soon. Keep in mind, people have found and joined the group midround. It’s whatever supports you best!

    @fmfdfa2020 I am TERRIBLE about water. If I drink one glass a day, it is amazing. I need to change this.
    \@clprieur are there other career options for you? Sorry your job is such a stressor

    @SheilaBoneham So glad things are going well with your cataract surgery! As for the podcast, turns out it was a youtube. This is the one that had been auto-suggested for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQgYcF9O3TQ at roughly 24 minutes, exercise is the topic.

    @espinosacitlali6077 Welcome!

    @_jeffreyD_ Amazing on the chess. Will keep that in mind for DGS someday. He is 3.5 now. How old did you start tic tac toe?
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,887 Member
    @SheilaBoneham This just streamed next, by same host. Aspects conflicted some, but still listening.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ7yzFjZOFU
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,232 Member
    @quiltingjaine, you're welcome.

    @deepwoodslady, One capsule probably would be effective. Yes, I bought it from Amazon. Juvetirpo liposomal magnesium

    @tiabirdie56 Thanks so much for the info. I'm ordering today for metabolic syndrome which I've been officially diagnosed with by my endocrinologist. Also for toe cramps that get pretty severe.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,041 Member
    @SheilaBoneham, I hope the magnesium works as well for you as it has for me. Nighttime cramps are horrible. I'm happy to know that your cataract surgery went well.

    @SModa61, Honestly, when I first received the supplement, I was just anxious to see how well it worked. After taking it for a week, I considered the potency. I probably will reduce to taking one a day soon to see if I get the same results.

    @deepwoodslady, have you ever considered using a leg massager for your fluid retention? 2 yrs ago, I had noticed that one of my husbands ankles kept swelling badly. I bought an air compression massager for him and used it every night. It really helped to move that fluid.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,956 Member
    @SModa61 Yes, Hyland’s Leg Cramps!! I have the PM version by the bed and the others in the kitchen. Some people think homeopathic “meds” are bunk but these really do work.
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,887 Member
    @SModa61 Yes, Hyland’s Leg Cramps!! I have the PM version by the bed and the others in the kitchen. Some people think homeopathic “meds” are bunk but these really do work.

    I had no idea there was a PM version!
    MOUNTAINMERMAIDCO Posts: 655 Member


    SW RND 228
    7/1 162.6 STEPS 9065
    7/2 161.2 STEPS 12123
    7/3 160.8 STEPS 14321 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🤷‍♀️
    7/4 163 STEPS 8775
    7/5 162.6 STEPS 10897
    7/6 162.2 STEPS 10643 🍹🍹🐷🐷🐷🤬
    7/7 163.8